Chapter 15: My Inner Glow

Velador rushed me to somewhere else while my insides burned from the allergen. Already, a haze took control of my senses and a numbness spread throughout my body. Velador barked orders, none of which I heard well enough, and placed me on a table.

I tried to reach for him but I kept missing his arm.

“...fading fast, look at her!”

The village leader stood above me too but he looked translucent and upon an ephemeral plane of existence.

“...are those fangs?”

The classic side effects of silver poisoning gripped me in its talons and nobody knew what to do for me. I couldn’t speak, I could barely orient which way was up despite laying on my back.

“...pull it…”!

A sharp pain stemmed from the epicenter but the arrow remained lodged. I think I screamed. I think I cried, but a fog overwhelmed my awareness.

Velador snapped the shaft of the arrow and tossed it aside.