Chapter 32: Only Violence Awaits

The vampire horde behind me lingered uncomfortably close and for the moment they did not attack, but the horsemen remained ready for battle. Velador said, “I think that’s close enough, Yyrdra!”

“These people need the care of my tribe!” I shouted.

“These aren’t people anymore!” a knight commented.

“Just a few nights ago they paid taxes to your duke,” I shouted and caused a ripple through the mass of shamblers behind me.

“We’re in the east, yes?” Melyiana asked.

“Of Avenadyn? Yes,” Velador replied.

“There’s another tribe further east, right Yyrdra?”

I thought for a moment while Melyiana remained untrusting of both parties. “I think so. The Barrownor tribe.”

“What about them? My father has long hated them,” Velador stated and dismounted.

“I think they’re close. We can take the initiates there,” Melyiana suggested and kept looking between Velador and I for an answer.

He walked closer to me but kept a noticeable distance. He asked, “How close?”