Chapter 34: What Have I Become?

Velador pretended to be versed in vampire politics after I recapitulated what transpired by simply stating, “Then it sounds like we have an ally in the east.”

“For now,” I mumbled, knowing full well that this Ardoril could be dead before the next moonrise.

“Does the wound hurt?” he asked me and pointed while we rode alongside each other.

“I’ll manage,” I replied, once again omitting some details that I’ll have to replenish the blood loss quite soon.

“I think we should return in a couple weeks and see if any of the Gravenbury citizens would like to relocate to Mirewood,” Melyiana suggested from behind us.

“Good idea,” Velador replied, turning his head to project his voice.

“Plus, we can spy on how our steward is coping with the new stresses of the job,” I added.

Velador nodded in agreement.

*About two days later…*