Chapter 48: Through You We Prevail

The water flowed south in a peaceful reverie on this late spring morning. Blue skies and few clouds would make it difficult for my vampires to fight but armor and helmets would provide shade where the day did not. It pained me to know that bloodshed was going to rip through the tranquility I’ve garnered admiration for in recent months.

Archers poised on the bridge. Engineers manned the ballista from our allies. A few hundred militia and other footmen awaited combat along the banks of the river. We made latticed walls out of thick branches and blocked the passages under the bridge so boats would be trapped and bottlenecked. To the east, my vampire force of roughly three hundred lurked in the shadows for the perfect time to strike.

The Bahrholst forces were going to be there soon. Refugees and scouts reported it.

“Parathon, have you sent word to my husband’s camp?”