

To him the stateliest spake in answer;

the warriors' leader his word-hoard unlocked: --

"We are by kin of the clan of Geats,

and Hygelac's own hearth-fellows we.

To folk afar was my father known,

noble atheling, Ecgtheow named.

Full of winters, he fared away

aged from earth; he is honored still

through width of the world by wise men all.

To thy lord and liege in loyal mood

we hasten hither, to Healfdene's son,

people-protector: be pleased to advise us!

To that mighty-one come we on mickle errand,

to the lord of the Danes; nor deem I right

that aught be hidden. We hear -- thou knowest

if sooth it is -- the saying of men,

that amid the Scyldings a scathing monster,

dark ill-doer, in dusky nights

shows terrific his rage unmatched,

hatred and murder. To Hrothgar I

in greatness of soul would succor bring,

so the Wise-and-Brave {4a} may worst his foes, --

if ever the end of ills is fated,

of cruel contest, if cure shall follow,

and the boiling care-waves cooler grow;

else ever afterward anguish-days

he shall suffer in sorrow while stands in place

high on its hill that house unpeered!"

Astride his steed, the strand-ward answered,

clansman unquailing: "The keen-souled thane

must be skilled to sever and sunder duly

words and works, if he well intends.

I gather, this band is graciously bent

to the Scyldings' master. March, then, bearing

weapons and weeds the way I show you.

I will bid my men your boat meanwhile

to guard for fear lest foemen come, --

your new-tarred ship by shore of ocean

faithfully watching till once again

it waft o'er the waters those well-loved thanes,

-- winding-neck'd wood, -- to Weders' bounds,

heroes such as the hest of fate

shall succor and save from the shock of war."

They bent them to march, -- the boat lay still,

fettered by cable and fast at anchor,

broad-bosomed ship. -- Then shone the boars

over the cheek-guard; chased with gold,

keen and gleaming, guard it kept

o'er the man of war, as marched along

heroes in haste, till the hall they saw,

broad of gable and bright with gold:

that was the fairest, 'mid folk of earth,

of houses 'neath heaven, where Hrothgar lived,

and the gleam of it lightened o'er lands afar.

The sturdy shieldsman showed that bright

burg-of-the-boldest; bade them go

straightway thither; his steed then turned,

hardy hero, and hailed them thus: --

"'Tis time that I fare from you. Father Almighty

in grace and mercy guard you well,

safe in your seekings. Seaward I go,

'gainst hostile warriors hold my watch."