16. Chapter 16

Meredith's objective was to just get her scrubs on and get her assignment for the day. While she was attempting to do the first goal and dump all her things in her locker. She noticed a shadow behind her and it was a tall and blond one.

"So married to big time neurosurgeon Derek Shepherd, how'd a young intern manage that?" Izzy snarked to her while George hit her arm in a "shut up" way. Izzy glanced back at George and made no attempt to back down. "What George, we have a right to know."

That line made Meredith's right eyebrow arch in confusion, thinking to herself these people thought they had a right to know her marriage and personal business? The others all looked on, very interested in the answer themselves.

After tying her pants on she slowly turned to face her congregation.

"My husband, my marriage and my personal life is mine and you don't have a right to know."

Cristina scoffed and jumped in. "I don't care who you're doing but when you get special treatment and all the good surgeries from it then I care."

Alex muttered with a smile "I bet he got special treatment when they got home."

Meredith's eyebrow arched again at these people, she had one surgery, one patient and it was because she figured it out. Now this one was making cracks about her sex life with her husband? She chose to just ignore that remark.

"Dr. Shepherd is not favoring me. I figured out what was wrong with the patient and got the surgery from it. If it had been you who figured it out, I would have been in the gallery watching while you performed the surgery."

"Right cause he would have let me an intern on my first day assist?"

"If he thought you deserved it, then I guess. I'm not him, I can't say what he would have done in different circumstances."

"You're using him to get ahead and it's not going to work" Izzy said triumphantly. "You probably just married him when you found out he was your attending, drunk Vegas wedding" she prodded.

This was getting ridiculous now Meredith thought as she fought not to laugh at her. This girl was off her marbles. Meredith mentally calmed herself down by going over last night in her head. Just curled up in Derek's arms in his sweatshirt on their land watching the sunset over the lake.

"You want to know, then okay." Meredith responded very calmly towards Izzy giving her a glare that said she was pissed though and meant business.

"Derek Shepherd is my husband. He has been my husband for 7 years." At the 7 years mention Izzy's eyes got wide in shock and she slouched back a little bit, as did Cristina.

Meredith continued on with her declaration. "We met, fell in love, got married in church in front of hundreds of our family and friends, and he does not favor me. My personal life is my personal life and here right now this is work. I am Dr. Shepherd at work and so is he. If you cannot handle the fact I've been married 7 years to an attending, then that is not my problem. It is yours and I suggest you learn to deal with it because it's not going to change."

They looked on at her at her sudden growth in backbone, George still looked like a wounded puppy. Alex still didn't really care, Izzy and Cristina though looked a little shocked that she had fought back and not run off crying to Derek to get them in trouble.

This really was a high school mentality with these other interns she thought.

Before this could continue Bailey barged in with orders ready to be heard. She walked in and looked around and knew what was going on. But she stood back as the teacher and didn't get involved. She continued on with her ordering.

"Yang, Pit."

"Karev, Ortho."

"Shepherd, Cardio."

"O'Malley, Chief of Surgery needs an extra hand."

"Stevens, Neuro."

At the word Neuro after Izzy's name, Meredith's own eyes narrowed while Izzy's lit up like on Christmas morning. Meredith did not like that look at all when she knew it meant that her husband was the present in Izzy's mind. She knew she had nothing to worry about but it still made her jealous that Izzy looked at her husband like he was available when he is clearly not and has not been for a long time and Izzy now knew it.

After they had all cleared out of the locker room heading towards their destinations. Izzy practically running in excitement. Meredith couldn't help but feel sorry for Derek, poor Derek was going to be stuck with Barbie Izzy batting her eyes at him all day. He was so not going to be in a good mood come time to go home, she laughed silently to herself.

Bailey held onto Meredith's arm as she was the last to depart he intern locker room door.

"You okay Shepherd?" she asked.

"Fine. It went fine, I got my point out" She trailed off looking towards the hall Izzy ran down."I'm sure your husband can handle her." Bailey responded in a freaky mind reading way.

"Oh he can, I just feel sorry for him," Meredith giggled before adding. "He's going to be a pain to live with tonight after a not so fun day."

"Husbands always are a pain after a bad day, Shep." She let out as Dr. Bailey walked towards her destination and Meredith went to the elevators to go up to the cardiothoracic floor.
