21. Chapter 21

"Stop" Meredith giggled while trying to tie back up her scrub pants. She and Derek had discussed what they needed to in his office, he had dressed back into his scrubs and now she was trying to finish however he was making it very difficult for her by constantly kissing her neck making her weak in the knees.

"No" he murmured against her skin. "I think we need more discussing, lots' more" he added seductively.

"Work Der, We've discussed enough for being at work, we'll discuss more at home. But I have to find Dr. Burke." She said just as his pager went off. Derek sighed glanced down and it, and silencing it before looking back at Mer who at the distraction had finished dressing without him noticing.

"Sneaky," he laughed before he kissing her quick and soft on the lips. "You were saved by the pager." He whispered in her ear before pulling away and walking towards the door. He glanced back at her making sure she was fully dressed before opening it and turned around again staring at his beautiful wife before walking out the door.

"You'll make up for this later Dr. Shepherd, we are not finished with this matter.I think we need to make sure we have this discussion after every surgery I have"

"I bet you do" she giggled. "And I do look forward to it Dr. Shepherd." She winked back as he walked down the hall laughing.

Meredith fixed herself and went up to cardio to give Dr. Burke all her charts and see what was next on her list of things to do today. She only assumed that bed pans were next.

"I see you have finished all the post-up charts. Quite surprising since you spent hours watching a surgery for a specialty you were not assigned to for today." Dr. Burke said to her while glancing down at the charts and not looking at her.

"I did not know the venue of where I did the charts mattered, sir." She replied sweet and nicely, she was not going to give into his attitude. She knew Doctors like Burke. She met many growing up who was just like him, cold and calculating. Always wanting to win, always being jealous of the doctor that was better than him and got more attention. Derek was that doctor, he swooped into Seattle Grace. Stealing all the thunder, getting all this praise, getting all this attention. Dr. Burke can't take his jealousy out on Derek, but she was the next best thing. The intern for the day who just happened to be the thorn in Burke's side's wife.

"You think these charts were done to the best of your ability while you were in the gallery star gazing at your husband?"

"I know they were done to the best of my ability. I also know that the Chief of Surgery will attest to how concentrated I was on them since he was sitting to my left during the entire time I was in the gallery." She replied coolly. At the mention of the Chief sitting next to her Dr. Burke finally raised his head, he looked at her with a curious glance as well as a shocked one at the Chief spending his day watching Derek. "If you have any doubts on my focus while working on these charts while we both watched my husband, I'm sure he wouldn't mind you taking it up with him." She added.

To say Dr. Burke was shocked at her throwing down the gauntlet was an understatement. Her statement left zinger after zinger directed towards him. Letting him know that the Chief was on her side, letting him know that the Chief was watching yet another of Shepherd's surgeries, she was challenging him to go to the Chief and complain about her.

"That won't be necessary, Dr. Shepherd. I have a surgery scheduled now, I won't be needing an intern so go find your resident to get re-assigned." He huffed before stalking away with body language that just screamed anger and get out of my way.

"Yes sir." Meredith smiled and said to his retreating back, knowing very well he never heard her.