31. Chapter 31

By the time Meredith had raced up to Plastics, Izzy had been there for 5 minutes which made Meredith look very tardy. Meredith had heard about this Dr. Martin from Mark before she and Derek had moved out here. Mark hated her, although they had only ever worked together on a consult case once. Something in Chicago, Meredith remembered.

Meredith assumed he had hit on her or something and she rebuffed him. Mark never said where the displeasure came from, but just ranted that he didn't like her at all, that she and Derek should double check everything she did. Calling her dumb and thought she got her degree from a cracker jack box.

"Dr. Shepherd, the female. I presume." Dr. Martin asked her as Meredith raced up to the pair standing outside one of the exam rooms. Dr. Martin did what a lot of people have been doing since she arrived at Seattle Grace, she looked Meredith up and down from the brown hair tied back in a messy ponytail, to the rumpled scrubs she threw on, her black under shirt and her old silver and pink Nike Shox she bought 5 years ago at Nike Town in Caesars Palace when she and Derek went away for the weekend to Las Vegas for her 21st birthday. She always thought when people did that, they were wondering why Derek was with her and why he married her. She rebuffed it all though, knowing exactly why.

"Yes, Dr. Martin. Sorry to be late, Dr. Bailey needed me for an extra minute." She explained out of breath.

"Very well, just don't make a habit out of it. I'm not your husband." That comment gave Izzy the first smile, Meredith had probably seen on the girl in days.

"This case is a complex one. 20 year old car accident victim male, requires facial reconstruction. He's stable now, was air-vaced from Mercy West and will require shot gun testing before best course of procedure. Dr. Stevens do the blood work up and labs, Dr. Shepherd do the scans and x-rays."

Meredith now smiled while Izzy scowled. While Izzy was displeased of having to do the work a nurse could have done. While Meredith ended up with the hard work. Izzy seemed to have learned from yesterday and chose to not open her mouth and say what she was thinking.

After all the testing and scans had been completed Izzy and Meredith were waiting now to speak with Dr. Martin about the surgical options the patient had. Izzy ignored Meredith which Meredith just welcomed, because so far this day has been going pretty well and it was probably better off if Izzy just didn't speak.

Dr. Martin approached the two with the chart and results in her hand. "Well, based on these results we have a few different directions we can handle this. Do you know what they are?" she asked.

The results had not been good, the bone structure was fractured with pieces needing to basically put back together like humpty dumpty, as far as Meredith could remember a surgery like this was the patients best shot at a complete recovery and not being disfigured permanently. However, the surgery had never been done at Seattle Grace before or by Dr. Martin. The patient's best shot was with the number one plastic surgeon in the country and he happened to practice in New York.

Before Meredith could speak, Izzy jumped in with an answer. "Removing the bone fragments would give the best quality of life." She stated with glee like she'd won a prize. Meredith hated to do it because it would just ruin her plan of having Izzy ignore her, but she had to jump in to disagree.

"I disagree." Meredith meekly added. Dr. Martin looked at her with surprise as did Izzy. "Dr. Shepherd, the fragments are severed, they need to be removed." Dr. Martin informed her like Meredith was dumb.

"I know that, however I disagree on the form of action of removing them. Giving the best quality of life would be to do a bone structure reconstruction surgery not just a removal." She stated while Dr. Martin's eyes now grew wide. "Dr. Shepherd, what do you know of that surgery? That type of surgery is very serious and never been done here before."

"I know that Dr. Martin, but if we're talking about quality life of the patient here. Then this is what I would like to go on record recommending. He's 20 years old, he's a junior in College. He has his entire life ahead of him. He deserves this chance to save his face and just be normal again. As for what I know about the surgery, I've seen it done before by Dr. Mark Sloan. "

"Ugh of course you have." Izzy muttered with irritation." Let me guess, is he an ex boyfriend or something? Another one of your fan club members?" Izzy mutterly ranted on...

"No, he's my brother-in-law." Meredith replied with a full voice with a nod and smirk.
