33. Chapter 33

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He was about to grab the next stack when his door burst open and his very giddy looking wife jumped in. "Guess what? Guess what?" She squealed sounding like a child on a sugar rush. She was practically bouncing up and down as she came into his office and was leaning against his desk looking at him.

She looked so cute and innocent. Although he knew she was far far from innocent, before his mind could go too far down the gutter into porny thoughts. He stood up and walked around the desk to face her, he leaned back on the desk and pulled her forward into his arms trying to steady her before smirking and saying what she has been waiting for.

"What?" he asked with a smirky smile.

"I just may have gotten you a visit from your brother." She said with pride.

"What? Mark? How?" he asked in shock that after 3 months of Meredith and Derek living and adapting to Seattle that Mark would come and visit now. He was a bit on the angry side when Derek chose to leave New York to come out here with Meredith. Derek thought it would be awhile before Mark sucked it up to come out here.

"Well.." she started off shyly. "There's this patient in plastics that needs a bone reconstructive surgery and just so happens Mark is the only one who can do it."

"So he's not coming for me, but for a patient. If he comes at all because he may just avoid coming here forever." Derek said with a sigh. Meredith wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his face down to meet hers. Placing a soft kiss on his pouty lips before trying to reason with him.

"I know he was a bit mad about us moving, but he's been fine all the times you spoke to him on the phone. He was just sad that his best friend was going to be all the way across the country and he lashed out so it wouldn't show how much he was going to miss you."

"You've been speaking to Kathleen haven't you? You're sounding too shrink like." Meredith laughed before swaying her hips, "may be" she said coyly.

"If he comes think of all the things you guys could do, fishing, pool, drinking beers. You could take him to Joes. It would be great for you to spend some time with him and not just with me."

"I love spending time with you." He softly admitted while pulling her even closer to his body so her head laid on his shoulder, one of Derek's hands was wrapped in her hair the other wrapped around her waist.

"I know, and I love spending time with you too. But in New York you had Mark an office door away at work, who you could go and grab a sandwich with or a beer at night with. Addison and Mark used to show up with take out and we'd just eat and watch movies at home. Now we're here stuck with people like Dr. Burke and stupid interns and it's just you and me alone and don't think I haven't noticed you being a bit homesick, mister." She rambled on.

"I may be am, just a little." He shyly admitted, while twirling a lock of her hair around his finger.

"I am too", she whispered "back East, we had your mom, your sisters, the kids, the brother-in-laws. A different kiddie birthday party every weekend or a family cook out, or trips to beach. I miss that. So may be Mark coming is a good thing, may be Addi could come and we could have some New York times here in Seattle?"

"I miss him, I hope he comes." He finally admitted to her in a whisper. Meredith ran her fingers through his curls trying to comfort him.

"I do too, sweetie. I hope for you, he comes."