39. Chapter 39

"What are we going to do?" Meredith gasped, jumped up from her chair to start pacing around Derek's office. Derek still stayed calmly at his desk, trying to formulate a plan while he was amused at his wife freaking out in front of him.

"Nothing." He swiftly and calmly replied not taking his eyes off her."Nothing? What kind of a solution is that?" She ranted."One that makes sure Addison doesn't kill Mark for the crime or us as accomplises""No time for jokes Derek!" she exclaimed.

"Who's joking? I'm serious. We don't even know for sure, so we're going to pretend we know nothing. This is true, so we're going to pretend we assume nothing."

"What kind of plan is that? You're supposed to be the plan maker while I flip out! That is how we have been forever." She freaked out in a high pitched voice while throwing her hands in the air. Derek found her freaking out and her role in how they made plans amusing as she did.

"And that's my plan, Mark comes, we work, we do surgery, we'll take him out for dinner and drinks later and give him a chance to open up to us then. Other than that, we stay out of it."

"Okay, that plan is okay sounding. If he doesn't want to talk at dinner, we'll get him drunk and then he'll talk." She exclaimed. Derek laughed at the lengths she'd go to, to find out what was going on or had gone on with Mark and Dr. Martin. "Sure, honey that's a good back up plan." He agreed with her portion of the plan while smirking at her.

"That's why we make a good team." He said as she nodded to him while calming her pacing down.

She slowly stopped and got a sad look on her face, shrugging her shoulders up at him she whispered, "I thought Mark and Addi made a good team."

"Come here." Derek whispered over to her, while giving her a look that sent shivers through her body.

"Over there?" she pointed sultry.

"Right here." He said pointing to his lap. Meredith slowly walked over behind the desk and slowly sat down in his lap. Bringing her arms up around his neck and his going around her waist to pull her closer to his body.

"They do, but they make a Mark and Addi team. Just like there's all type of baseball teams like baseball and softball and hardball. Our team is one type and they're on a different one. He's Mark and well he's Mark. "Derek explained not being able to add on to that while placing fallen pieces of her bangs behind her ears.

"I know, but I thought they'd get married and stuff like us."

"May be they will one day, when they're ready. Not everyone was ready like we were, you know Mark saying the "forsaking all others line" may not just come out of his mouth and he will need a lot of time to learn how to say." Derek told her trying to keep a straight face, Meredith just giggled and she knew her husband was right.

"You're right." She gave in.

"I know, I'm always right." He chuckled with a self congratulatory smile on his face.

"Let's hope Mark can knock your ego down some because you've been getting too much praise and butt kissing while out here."

"You've been doing half of it, missy!"

"That's Mrs., your Mrs." she reminded him while poking his chest with her heavy weighted ring finger.

"Oh I know, I won't ever forget it. Not to mention those blinding rings make it impossible." He seductively told her while lifting her hand he was poking her with and intertwining it with his own. Kissing her ring finger like he had a couple days ago in the scrub room.

"Home?" he whispered to her.

"Home." she whispered back.