41. Chapter 41

En route to Derek's office, Meredith had to stop by the nurses' station to grab the charts that Derek and Mark would need later this morning. Bailey had congregated the interns around also for a lecture on visiting attending and being on their best behavior.

Meredith had moved away from the group to grab the charts and still give the premise that she was listening to the lecture. She thought it was crazy that adults of this age needed a mother figure to lecture them on behaving. "High school" she muttered quietly to herself as she looked down to make sure the charts were the right ones.

With her attempting to listen to the lecture on behaving for Mark's arrival and reading quickly over the chart to make sure everything was still good she didn't notice the hush in the group watching her and the looming person behind her invading her personal space.

"So, any hot interns in this place?" Meredith heard the voice lean down and say into her ear and she got the biggest grin on her fast, turning around quickly, she squealed.

"Mark!" She hugged onto him fast like she had not seen him in years as opposed to just months it has been.

"Hey jail bate. You look pale, no sun around these parts?" he asked pulled back to give her a once over with a raised eyebrow.

"Ha ha, and you can't call me that here." She chastised while looking around at all the enquiring eyes and ears, nurses gawking at the handsome doctor in a leather jacket and wearing jeans was. The interns were gawking at Mark, even Bailey looked at him in way she shouldn't be.

"What? Jail bate? But it's your nick name, I've called you it since you were a lee laddie fresh out of high school sneaking into clubs under age." He laughed.

"Mark." She said with a warning tone. While still glancing around hoping nobody had heard what Mark called her and has called her since the first time she met him and Derek. Knowing it was hopeless and knowing everyone had heard.

"You're no fun, where's my partner in crime? I'm sure he won't be lecturing me after just 5 minutes of me being here." He asked turning his head around looking around for Derek as if he'd just appear somewhere around. When he glanced to his left he noticed Bailey and the group staring at him and there was no ways for them look like they weren't.

Mark saw them all and nodded a hello. "You all look like fresh meat, interns, I take it?"

While the rest gawked and chose to stay silent, Bailey was the first to step up and greet the new doctor.

"Dr. Sloan, it's nice to meet you and have you here at Seattle Grace. I'm Dr. Bailey and these, along with the one you were hugging. Jail bate was it? Are my interns." Meredith blushed and looked down at Bailey's mention of her nick name. While the others still just stared at Mark in awe. Cristina was the first to jump forward out of them all.

"Cristina Yang." She bluntly said while sticking her out.

"Ok." Mark warily said back while shaking her hand, then stepping back to face Meredith and get away from facing the interns. "Where's your other half" he asked, needed an out very fast from the scary looking antsy intern.

"In his office, I was just heading there. I can take you." She said grabbing her charts and belongs in her hand and turning to go.

"Good, this place looks like a maze." He said starting to follow her before she halted quickly.

"Wait, Alex, come over here for a minute." Meredith said turning around and waving over the intern to join them. Alex hesitated for a moment kind of scared to meet the man he had looked up to for so long, he slowly walked over but still out of ear shot.

"Um Mer, you know I don't do interns. Well I do, do interns, but not, you know what I mean." Mark said to her as she called the pretty blond guy over to them.

"Shut up Mark, he's the only one who's been semi normal and nice to me, kind of and you're his idol so I thought I'd introduce you."

"No friends in these parts Mer?" Mark asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, would you want to be best buddies with the intern married to the head of Neurosurgery and who was the top of the class?"

"Nah, I'd hate you too. Especially since I know the mommy thing.""See." She laughed. Just as Alex had finally made it over to them. "Mark this is Dr. Alex Karev, Alex, this is Dr. Mark Sloan." Meredith introduced the two. Mark shook Alex's hand and didn't run screaming since he was an intern, instead for Meredith's sake he was nice.

"Nice to meet you Karev.""You too Dr. Sloan, you're the go to plastic surgeon in the country. All your big cases have been legendary in med school."

"Thanks, Mer tells me you're going to specialize in Plastics? When I get a chance later, I'll let you buy me a cappuccino and we can talk plastics." Mark offered as Alex's eyes bugged out at the thought of sharing coffee with Mark Sloan. Meredith was surprised herself at Mark offering to share a beverage with an intern.

"I'd like that." Alex responded trying to act cool but not bluffing Mark who laughed at the response.

"Yeah, find me later after all this work I had to fly over here for is done. Speaking of which lets go find Shep." Mark nodded a good bye to Alex as he started to move towards the elevators.

"Thank you Sheph…Meredith" he corrected himself using her first name. "You didn't have to do that." Alex said to her as she started to go follow Mark.

"It was no problem, glad I could do it." Meredith smiled as she left to show Mark to Derek's office.