60. Chapter 60

Meredith grabbed the new results with strange looks from the people she was jogging past. Probably wondering why the crazy young intern married to the attending is running with test results down the hallways.

She herself wondered why, she saw the looks on those board members and Chief Webber. They were there for a purpose and she just hoped it was a good purpose and not a bad purpose. Bad purpose like something that would get her husband and Mark in some sort of trouble. She remembers a patient's family back in NY that had tried to sue Mark. Mark prescribed medication for the patient after releasing him and the patient's mother decided to double the dosage on her own thinking her daughter would get better faster, the girl had to be rushed back to the hospital. The mother blamed and tried to sue Mark saying that he should have told them they couldn't double the dosage.

Which was the most ridiculous argument ever. It was thrown out of court, but with the amount of money Derek and Mark make, they are the easiest targets for malpractice and people trying to swindle them. Which is just bad since they save peoples lives and then people try to steal their money and blame them for things.

By the time she reached back the recovery wing she had worked herself into a worry of all the bad things that could be happening right now and she quickly halted when she came upon Derek and Mark outside the patient's room just standing there, not talking.

Derek was smiling, he was happy and looking towards Mark out of the corners of his eyes. Meredith let out a breath, knowing Derek smiling meant everything was good. Nobody was trying to hurt them, steal from them, ruin their lives, Derek looked happy.

Mark however, looked blank. Meredith turned her head to look at Mark's stare. He was just vacant. Staring off into the window of the room. In some sort of shock. She walked up to them, wrapping her arms around Derek so her head rested on his shoulder.

"Hey" he whispered. Derek wondered as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer into his body. If she was okay, since her very public affection in the hallway was one of the rules she made in her freaking out about them working together.

Right on cue, Meredith looked up at him with a smile on her face and calmed his fears.

"I was just worried and missed you." She blushed. He smiled kissing the top of her head, while Meredith turned to look at Mark who still had yet to budge. No gagging sounds or witty sarcastic comments. He was like he didn't even know she had come over, he was still fastened to the same spot staring.

"What's with him?" She asked Derek in wonder. Derek smirked and let out a quiet laugh.

"He got a job offer." Derek smiled into a full grin.

"A job offer?" Meredith's eyes widened.

"Yes. A job offer."

"Wait? Here? He got a job offer here?" She put the pieces together of Derek's happiness and Mark's apprehension.

"Yes, Chief Webber and the board offered him a very hard to resist offer to come on board as the head of Plastic Surgery."

"But but, Dr. Martin." She stuttered, she was now in shock.

"Would be removed as Department head if they can lock in Mark Sloan." Meredith eyes widened more.


"They gave Mark an offer for her as well." Derek smiled as he watched Meredith's eyes flash with the thought of her best friend coming out here.

"But but he doesn't like rain." She continued to stutter, she didn't want to get her hopes up. She didn't want to be too exited over this in case it fell through.

"No, he doesn't." Derek laughed, "but he likes dollar signs and they offered him a lot of them."

Meredith smiled as she stayed content in her husband's arms, thinking of the opportunity that now lay ahead of all of them. Derek having his brother back, both of them getting back a semblance of the family they left behind. .