72. Chapter 72

Meredith had a lot of time off that day before having to come into work. By the time her cab pulled into the parking lot at the hospital, she was antsy to get back to work and just see Derek. It was stupid that they had more than one car, but yet she had ended up with none this morning. Being forced to call a cab. They needed another car she realized this morning and made a note to discuss it with Derek. Or just tell him they had to buy another car for days like this which were becoming more and more frequent.

She had slept for a few hours after Derek had left, but it was hard to do when he was gone. Alone in their cold bed wasn't comfortable, no matter how exhausted she was from her intern shifts.

She cleaned up around the trailer which considering the size of the trailer did not take long. She did their laundry that had piled up, she made some lunch and just vegged herself away while she had the time to just relax. Sinking down on a yard chair and watching the water just be still with the sun glistening reflecting off the lake to make it sparkle. It was such a beautiful view.

Glancing down at her watch as she walked into the hospital. Meredith realized she was so antsy to come in and not be so alone and bored that she was still an hour early for her shift. She was hoping Derek was in surgery, when she had nothing to do that was her favorite thing in the world. Just watching her husband concentrate doing what he was born to do. Not knowing yet if he was even in surgery, she headed to his office first.

She found it locked and empty, so she dropped off her coat and bag in Derek's office and decided she didn't feel like putting on the scrubs yet. She spent enough of her day in scrubs, she'd hold off taking off her lavender sweater and jeans for the next hour. No putting scrubs on until she must. Grabbing her SGH tag and attaching it to her skinny blue jeans, she decided she'd go check the OR board and see where her husband was keeping himself and look for the Chief as well since he wanted to speak to her about something.

"Hey Meredith what are you doing here so early?" George said to her, jogging a little to catch up to her swift pace towards the OR board.

"I'm here for my shift. I was getting stir crazy," she answered nonchalantly.

"Oh, did you hear about the guest attending?" George asked her trying to keep a conversation with her.

"Dr. Sloan? He left yesterday." She said confused.

"No, there's another one. I heard the nurses talking about it, thought you would know."

"No, sorry I don't." she answered coolly. She didn't like it when people assumed that just because she was Derek Shepherd's wife she'd be the go-to girl for confirming hospital gossip.

"Oh, well that's the big buzz around." George fidgeted while he nervously spoke to her as Meredith came to a halt in front of the OR board scanning it up and down looking for her husband's name. She found it, OR 2 with Alex Karev. She knew she was supposed to go talk to the chief but she just wanted to at least see Derek before starting her real work day even if she couldn't talk to him.

"Thanks for that." She said as she turned towards George before telling him. "I'll see later Dr. O'Malley."

She took off in a slow jog towards the OR and jumping up the stairs to the gallery. Inside wasn't that full, but still too many for her to get a front row seat. She decided to just stand by the wall, glancing down and seeing him instantly. Teaching and talking to Alex while the procedure was going on. Seeing him at his element brought a smile to her face no matter how many times she watched him and it made her ready to start her work day. Like a magnet he sensed she was there and looked up to her as she stared at him. She gave him a little wave and saw him nod his head and knew he was smiling underneath his mask because of the way his eyes sparkled.

After 20 minutes of watching Derek, she realized time has come to go get dressed. She was going to be late. She waved a bye to Derek and nodding to let him know she was going to work. Before departing the gallery. While rushing down the hall enroute back to her husband's office she ran into Cristina, Izzy, and George along with Bailey standing by the nurse's station awaiting their placements for the day. Bailey looked her up and down acknowledging the displeasure of Meredith's lack of scrubs without saying a word.

"You're not dressed Shepherd."

"Sorry, Dr. Bailey I'm on my way right now." Meredith apologized.

"Next time you want to spend your free time stargazing in the gallery before your shift, get dressed first. Go hurry we have someone special joining the hospital today and I want everyone on their best behavior and appropriate."

"Yes, Dr. Bailey."

Meredith turned to make a run down the hall but before her feet could move she saw a figure in black scrubs coming towards her and at first she believed she was hallucinating as her eyes went wide at the person coming down the hall came closer and closer into focus. Coming to a halt right in front of her. Glancing her up and down sizing her up from head to toe as Meredith did the exact same.

"Dr. Shepherd." The person said acknowledging her in cool monotone voice.
