121. Chapter 121

Derek and Meredith separated for the day after dropping their stuff in his office and changing into their scrubs. Meredith took off to join her intern group while Derek stuck around in his office with his big cup of Starbucks that contained caffeine keeping him company with his paper work.

Derek did not think that filling out forms and signing off on charts was going to help him wake up, so he pushed the pile aside deciding to come back to it later after what ever it was Meredith had ordered him had kicked in. All he had heard when Meredith stepped up to order for him was a mumbled string of words and "extra shots." He preferred just regular coffee and not the special drinks Meredith and all his sisters would buy when they went out, however Meredith had said he needed more today to keep him up from the week they have had and he obliged her.

Although he knew she was silently gloating over the bad sleep since their soft king size mattress has been her dream and calling her name since she saw them unload it off the truck. He had seen her eyes light up when their bedroom set was being brought in, it meant more to her than the family room or kitchen table. She had spent hours slaving over magazines and furniture websites looking for the perfect bedroom set for them until she found it. It was big, 4 posts, carved dark wood, she had said it fit their house in the wilderness on their land and it fit them for who they are now. It wasn't something over the top and ornate like you'd expect to find in any of his sisters houses in New York.

A smile graced his face thinking of it when she first came to him with her decision. He had loved it when she first showed him and he loved how happy it made her to know he loved it.

He's jolted out of his remembering by his pager and office phone going off right after the other. Grabbing the pager first, he saw the 911 trauma pit message pop up and acknowledge the message. He stood grabbing his lab coat his office phone quickly.

"Dr. Shepherd." Derek answered rapidly.

"Shep..." Marks booming voice answered back happily."Mark, just got a 911 page..." Derek said trying to cut him off to have what ever he wanted to talk about later.

"I'll make it fast. How much Yankee gear you buy already, I'm headed to the store now..."

"What?" Derek asked confused.

"Yankee gear, for Shep Jr. Come on you had to have bought some already."

"Not much out here and Mere has this thing about buying boy stuff for the baby when we don't know what it is yet."

"I don't care what it is. I'm still dressing it up in all the Yankee gear I can fit in one of Addison's dozen suitcases." He huffed out annoyed at the amount of bags Addison had while Derek laughed.

"Ok, buy everything you can, but at least one thing has to be pink."

"Gotcha, pink to appease the mama. See ya Shep." Mark abruptly said hanging up without Derek getting the chance to say anything else. While Derek just shook his head glancing at the phone before grabbing his coffee cop and taking off to the pit.

"What do we have?" Derek asked in a rushed breath arriving in the exam room he was paged to to see half a dozen people crowding around.

"Chandra Jenkins, 4 year old unconscious after 3 story fall from balcony." Meredith voice broke through the crowd shakily addressing his question. He could tell from the sound of her voice that this case was affecting her more than normal based on their own child growing inside of her. While taking the chart from her hands, he quietly whispered in her ear while rubbing his free hand up and down her back to sooth her not caring about their audience. "Are you going to be ok, I can get Karev…." Was all he got out before she shook her head no. "No, I'll be fine. I want to help her."

"Ok," he sighed ordering Meredith to take her up for tests, lingering his hand on her back to make sure she was calmed.

He knew a case like this would come eventually, one that would make them both realize their children could get hurt. He couldn't keep them all from her just help her remember that their baby is ok and they'd do everything they could to keep him and all their other children they eventually had safe and loved.

Meredith moved the gurney along with Alex to take Chandra up to the scanning examination room and Derek decided he wanted to stick close to his wife for this case and was going to come along, grabbing his cup once again and following behind Meredith. Which confused both interns.

"Dr. Shepherd? Is there something else?" Meredith asked confused.

"No, me and my coffee will come with you." He told her a small smile gracing his face at his wife's scrunched up confused look that he found so adorable.

"Come with us? To transport the patient?" she said again in a confused tone while Alex just said nothing and chose not to question it.


"Der…I'm fine." She said quietly so Alex wouldn't hear.

"I know, but I'm coming with you anyways." He winked as they all continued down the hall towards the elevator bay.