119. Chapter 119

Meredith bundled up in a heavy sweater, hat, Derek's sweat pants and hiking boots walked along the trail over looking their land seeing the hustle below. Derek was back at the house ordering around the delivery men who had come bearing all the appliances they had ordered. For some reason when the truck pulled up fully stocked of boxes she was shocked at the amount of appliances they had ordered.

Derek took charge of all the paperwork and seeing what was going where. He didn't want her getting hurt from all the heavy moving in and out and in his over protective way suggested she hang out at the trailer until everything was brought in. She tried to nap and that didn't work hearing all the commotion going on. She was too wound up to try and sleep. Their walls were finished, rooms were being completed, she had the painters give her a sage green nursery figuring it could work for either a boy or a girl and in a matter of hours she'd have a big washing machine and a really big stainless steel fridge.

The house was still unfurnished. Furniture deliveries were scheduled later in the week closer to the day they'd finally be able to sleep in their own first home. She barely slept at night these days anticipating that first sleep in her new house.

The trail as Meredith walked left a swoosh of leaves crunching in her wake as she smiled at the thought.

Three weeks had passed, three weeks of morning sickness, of Derek feeding her all types of healthy baby foods he thought the baby should have, but also letting her slide with some junk. She had craved McDonalds for a few days which didn't make him happy but he bought it anyways.

Three weeks of work, of learning more in her internship and clocking more hours to try and still be on equal time with the others so it wouldn't look like she was getting that much special treatment.

Three weeks of avoiding calling her mother to tell she was going to be a grandmother and three weeks since they told Derek's mother and she started knitting hats and little booties for her first grandchild from her only son. She's been calling every other day to check on Meredith and to make sure Derek wasn't feeding her only leaves and oats. She had been so exited it took hours for Derek and Meredith to convince her not to fly down instantly since they still lived in the trailer. They both wanted to see her so badly, but they wanted their home ready for guests first.

His sisters had all started buying clothes although they didn't know the sex yet and shoes already much to Derek's chagrin, he kept joking his unborn baby needed a bigger closet than his own. Addison and Mark would be moving themselves in a week, they had a long term room at The Archfield in town until they found themselves a condo or house. Moving from New York to Seattle was enough culture shock for Addison, Mark didn't want to scare her with the woods in the middle of nowhere and the trailer he joked when Derek had repeated they could stay with us in our new house

The house. She sighed quietly again as she continued walking while staring at it from about. Fall was upon them, cooler weather, crisp air, a hue of orange and red falling leaves, and the preparation for the family holidays that would soon be upon them. Their life in Seattle come along so much and the biggest part, their home would be ready in days, days that Meredith could count on both hands.

"Penny for you thoughts" she heard as she gasped at Derek's hands wrapping around her waist pulling her backwards towards his body as they both now faced their sprawling land and new home below.

"You scared me." She pouted.

"I'm sorry, consider us even. Since I went to the trailer to check on my pregnant napping wife to my surprise when I walked in there was no pregnant napping wife." He said as she giggled.

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to walk to tire me out some. It's so pretty up here with all the leaves."

"It is isn't it?" He sighed taking a breath from his hectic morning to look around.

"Are they done?" she asked excitedly like a child on Christmas morning wanting to open presents.

"No, it's break time."

"Aww are you tired?" she asked as he nodded and she turned in his arms and lifted her hand to run through his wavy hair that was sticking in all directions as he closed his eyes relishing at her soothing motions and touch.

Noticing how quickly he closed his tired eyes she pulled him behind her and cleared a spot of leaves and sat down pulling on his hand to follow. Wrapping his arms around her and leaning on each other for support they both sat their together in the grass, overlooking their dream house from when she was a teenager and he wasn't yet even an intern come true.