132. Chapter 132

Fifteen minutes later they had reached their last rounding patient that morning and the one who just happened to be a patient of Derek's. Derek's eyes lit up when he noticed his wife walk in, smiling that smile that made him know she was up to something again and hiding something. She had a new plan to go home, he realized and groaned outloud.

"Something wrong Dr. Shepherd." Dr. Bailey asked him.

"No, not at all Dr. Bailey. Caffeine just hasn't kicked in yet." He said as Meredith stifled a giggle at his choice of words as Bailey rolled her eyes.

"Mr. Emerson, this is Dr. Bailey and her fine bunch of interns. Interns this is Mr. Emerson." They all nodded as George began presenting to the group. Mr. Greg Emerson, was admitted late yesterday after with without warning falling down repeatedly due to a lack of muscle. MRI and CT's both clean only complaint was he couldn't stand on his legs but could still feel them."

"Good Dr. O'Malley" Derek told him before looking back out towards the group. "Doctors? Diagnosis? Treatment?" Derek led off waiting for one of them to give him the right answer as to what was wrong with the patient."

"Anti-inflammatory for the muscle weakness" Izzie said as Derek shook his head no. "That's not a diagnosis and that doesn't fix the problem, just masks it. Anyone else?"

"Dr. O'Malley, you presented. Any thoughts?" Derek asked him putting him on spot as George looked back down at the charts and Derek waited with his patience wearing thing. "A...antibiotics for infection that is causing weakness in muscles?"

"Not bad, but no. Still no diagnosis and doesn't fix the problem. Anyone else?" He asked out looking at them all who now seemed scared to answer and Dr. Bailey whose head was tilted in annoyance of her unprepared interns who seemed clueless.

"Dr. Shepherd?" Derek called on Meredith, looking right at her seriously and silently pleading with his eyes that were softer on her than the others to put him out of his misery right now.

"Antiepileptic meds." She said strongly and confidently.

"Why?" Derek asked her with relief as Bailey's body straightened up to look back at Meredith's response.

"To treat Atonic Seizures. Seizures which are the sudden loss of muscle tone in the muscles that hold the body upright. Occurs without warning causing the patient to fall down unexpectedly." She said looking at the patient as he nodded his head in agreement to that, that is what happened.

"Good job." Derek commended her with a nod of his head before turning to the patient. "Mr. Emerson this is Dr. Shepherd, she'll be treating you this morning." He said earning a look of disapproval from Dr. Bailey which Derek equally stared back again to challenge her to say that anyone else deserved this case.

Derek took the chart from George and depositing it in Meredith's hands. Moving to stand behind her in close proximity, placing his hand on the small of her back that made Mr. Emerson realize that his two doctors standing with intimate proximity had to be married.

"Get started on the lab work and meds, page me if there are any side effects." He told her as she nodded her head and he gently patted her back as he disappeared from the room with all the other doctors and Dr. Bailey in tow.