168. Chapter 168

Hours later after practically a fashion show through many stores, many thousands of dollars later, tons of laughs, and a big city dinner Meredith wearily trekked back to her in-laws house with Kath and Carly trailing behind her with tons and tons of bags.

"What in the world?" Derek sighed as he saw her exhausted stated and instantly enveloped her in his arms, rubbing her back soothingly before glaring at two of his sisters.

"You were supposed to make sure she took it easy." He glared at them with an icy tone.

"Derek, I'm fine don't be mad at them. I just over did it. I didn't want to stop shopping or spending time with them." Meredith whispered in their defense.

"Being in Seattle without us has made her a light weight, she got back some of her old self today. Carly laughed. "She just needs her full New Yorker self back. The one that could walk miles in Gucci boots in the middle of winter with snow and ice." Carly teased as Meredith laughed and Derek still glared not buying Meredith's defense of the sisters who should have made her take it more easy.

"Calm down Derek, she sat a lot in the changing rooms while the rest of us tried on clothes, she ate a full course dinner and two desserts not to mention all the snacking, and she had in between. She's just been up since early plus the time difference, she's tired. But she's fine." Kathy tried to reason with Derek before he snapped.

"I am, really. I had so much fun. I bought you lots of stuff." Meredith teased in a bribing way, seeing his eyes glisten and his body relaxes at that.

"Oh you did, did you?"

"Figures, he's better when he hears he got stuff." Carly muttered as Kath jabbed her with an elbow. "Is that what you were doing when we all split up? You went on a Derek shopping spree?" Kath laughed. "I was wondering where all those extra bags came from."

"I couldn't not buy him anything, and then I went a little overboard." Meredith shyly admitted.

"Overboard is good, I like overboard." Derek smirked, still a bit worried but able to relax know that he knew she rested a lot and was fully fed.

"Let's go sit." Meredith said gesturing to the girls before asking Derek "Where's mom and dad?"

"Mom's asleep, Dad also is exhausted he had to go in early this morning. Mom did leave you pie in the kitchen though." He smiled at her.

"Pie? From a certain neighbor?" she laughed with her eyes lighting up as she forgot about sitting and thought about running into the kitchen, as Carly groaned at the thought of Meredith eating anymore food.

"Where in the world are you putting this food, you still are small!"

"I'm jealous, Nancy's right on the baby is going to be born and Meredith will be right back to normal size." Kath added.

"I can't watch you eat anymore, I'm gaining weight just looking at you." Carly teased as she shook her head.

"We have to go anyway," Kath added. "I have to still drop this one hope and go see if my house is still standing with leaving all the kids alone for the day. You also need sleep." She told Meredith as she hugged her bye and saw Meredith start to pout of the thought of them leaving.

Derek knowing also Meredith's sadness, added in. "You'll see them tomorrow, remember, what was supposed to be the day you saw them all at the family dinner mom is cooking up."

"Right, I know." Meredith remembered as she yawned.

"Go to sleep, let Derek fetch all the bags since he got so much stuff without having to lift a finger." Carly told Meredith as she hugged her bye. "I'll see you tomorrow! Love you."

"Love you too, "Meredith whispered as she hugged her goodbye and waved as they both left the house.

Turning to Derek, she looked up sheepishly at him. Knowing he was going to give her a little lecture on over doing it and being exhausted He also knew she was expecting it and decided to surprise her instead.

"Come on, let's go to sleep. I know how you were excited to see them and spend a day out with them like you used to. So I'm going to let how you look ready to drop right now slide." He smiled down at her before placing a quick kiss on her lips.

"Really?" Meredith slyly grinned back.

"Really." He agreed before moving his hand to rest on the small of her back to usher her towards the steps with him bracing behind her.

"I think I like New York Derek being back." She giggled as she let him brace all her weight as she climbed the stairs.