170. Chapter 170

Meredith, Derek, Chris and Carolyn all sat down for breakfast and while Meredith ate she chattered away about her day before. Talking about everything from the dressing room comments and trying on dresses to the lunch and dinner, and breakfast, leaving out of course the private details that she heard from the girls. Meredith giggled at all the snarky comments from Sam and Carly and told them all about the weird dresses Nancy tried on. Everyone at the table could see and hear through the excitement in her voice how happy Meredith was to have had that day again with her sisters.

"So what's the plan for today?" Meredith asked with a moan completely and totally finally stuffed after eating at least one of everything Carolyn had made for breakfast. She had devoured everything from pancakes and French toast to toast and eggs to donuts and danishes and she didn't think she could move from the spot she was in for hours.

"I think you're going to stay home and rest today," Carolyn piped in seeing Meredith tired and full state.

"But..."Meredith started to say.

"No buts, those other children of mine kidnapped you yesterday and left you so tired. So they're all coming to you tonight so naps and rest that is what you will do sweetie." Carolyn told her as she picked up some of the dishes taking them into the kitchen leaving Meredith, Derek and Christopher.

"Your mother has spoken. Considering the hoopla and thousand family members that will be here tonight, she's probably right for you to rest today before they all descend." Chris said also standing to take some plates and help his wife clean up the dining room area.

"I guess we're doing nothing today then. May be a movie after a nap? " Meredith smiled as she looked at Derek.

"How come when they say that you put up no fight, but with me you complain and whine?" He teased her as Meredith laughed.

"Because she's mom, and even though I'm a doctor and pregnant and married. I don't put it past her to ground me still." Meredith laughed.

"You're right, she could still ground all of us." Derek said joining in her laughter.

"So nap and movie huh? When last have we done something so boring like that?" Derek asked as he got up to help Meredith out of her seat at the table.

"Hmmm ummmm" I can't remember she replied thinking about it. "Had to have been after we got the house. When we went into your man room. Which I think you've barely used since." She giggled.

"You're probably right, we need to do that more." He told her seriously as they went upstairs towards their room.

"Derek, I'll be as big as a house soon. Sitting on the couch and watching TV is going to be the only thing I'll be able to do. So you better get your Blockbuster card handy." She joked.

"I can't wait." He smiled, kissing the side of her head and resting his hand on her growing stomach, thinking about the day for when she will be that big with their baby almost fully grown inside her.