212. Chapter 212

"What is he wearing?" Derek asked noticed Devin's preppy look despite being only two months old. Meredith had dressed him in brown khaki dress pants and small button up collared shirt with the brown and red pattern.

"Baby Burberry." Meredith replied innocently as she placed him in their bedroom bassinette so she could freshen up herself.

"Baby Burberry?" Derek asked in surprise."Let me guess Nancy?"

"Actually no, I bought it for him at Barney's while we were shopping in the city. Isn't he the cutest?"

"Will he ever fit into those clothes again?" Derek laughed at wondering what they'll do with baby couture at the speed at which Devin is growing.

"Probably not, but we'll store them and keep it."

"For the next one?" Derek smirked as he came up behind Meredith where she was standing in front of the mirror brushing her hair.

"I just had this one, but yes if we ever have another boy." She said to him while looking at his reflecting in the mirror. "Burberry plaid never goes out of fashion, it's classic and timeless." She added as Derek rolled his eyes.

"You're going into New York Meredith fashion speak just in time for Ellis to arrive."

"I think it kicks in when she's near." Meredith laughs, "like an accent coming back."

Meredith put the hair brush down and just as she did they heard the doorbell chime and both looked up and at each other. Thinking the same, "she here" Meredith whispered looking back at the bassinette where Devin kicked up and started waving his hands after hearing the bell. "He knows when there's more people coming and he gets ready for guests." Derek laughed as he made the first steps towards leaving the room.

"He likes being the center of attention." Meredith smiled. "You get the door, I'll get the baby."

"Already on it" he said placing a quick kiss on her cheek before running out the room and down the stairs to go get the door before Ellis starts banging on their door.

"Ok, my sweet little boy, it's time to meet your other Grandma" Meredith said to Devin as she picked him up and checked his clothes and diaper to make sure they were all good before heading out of the room and going down the stairs. Seeing her mother stoically standing in the foyer glancing around the grand house in "sizing it up" way.

"Hello Mother." Meredith smiled as she reached the bottom of the steps.

"You're looking well Meredith." She praised as Meredith looked at Derek in surprise then back at her mother. "Thank you." She said cautiously.

"Oh for heaven's sake Meredith, I'm not going to attack. I know how to hold a baby, bring my Grandchild over here to meet me." She told Meredith as Meredith walked closer and placed a quiet Devin in Ellis's arms.