227. Chapter 227

AN: So sorry it's been lacking, school and part-time job is stressing and busy now. I'll try and keep up and do one-shots flash forwards in the future like these when I get time, because I don't want to end the story. Hope you like. :)

The months and seasons passed and Devin surely grew, he strived at daycare loving the interaction with his parent's everyday along with his uncle, aunt and honorary grandparents. He started crawling getting into everything in the house. From Derek's TV remotes to attempting to climb the stairs himself to finding his way out to the patio he was an active little boy that they knew would be a handful as he grew.

Derek claimed his activeness wasn't from him and blamed Meredith's on-the-go lifestyle in New York as a child from where Devin got his social loving and needing to be moving always from her.

Meredith enjoyed running after Devin, she found his little sly smile when he'd do something bad, and like take Derek's remote and hide it in a plant so cute. He knew it was wrong, that Derek would freak and he did it anyway for the reaction and to give an 'I don't know' look. He thought he was playing hide and seek, which Derek curses Mark for teaching him to play. Devin was a handful but he was so smart for his age.

Meredith had been excelling and progressing on track at the hospital, she was the top of her intern class. She had been given interns of her own to teach and monitor. She had been given the first solo surgery and she had other hospitals all vying for her to come to their hospitals after she had finished her internship. The only one she was even bothering to consider were the ones in the New York area. Having Devin in New York and growing up with his family and all his little cousins was something they've been thinking about, but Derek was on track for the Chief position which was the reason they moved out to begin with. But they were times when they missed the craziness of the Shepherd family being all around them that made both Derek and Meredith consider going back.

If they did go back, no doubt Addison and Mark would be on their heels to go back also. They were finally house shopping months and months after living in a hotel and while the drunken Vegas marriage plan didn't work. Which Meredith blamed on the fact, she wasn't there to push them along and implement the plan. Meredith was sure once Mark was really cohabitating and putting down roots he'd finally give Addison the ring he had bought in New York a year ago, but was sitting in her and Derek's safe at their house so Addison wouldn't find it.

Meredith wanted them to get to it, Addison had longing looks at Devin and Meredith knew that the time had come for Addison to be ready for a child and one a little smaller than Mark. Since he still acted like one. With them having a baby it would give Devin a little playmate and family member on this coast so he wouldn't have all his family on the East.

Derek had been written up in more journals and gotten a lot more grants for research trials. It was a balance for him doing innovative research and surgeries that could be trailblazing and save people's lives in the future that right now don't have that surgery to save them. He also still had to run his department and call on Meredith to be a silent deputy when it came to his paperwork.

Life was perfect for them right now, they were adapting to the growing change of a baby boy becoming a toddler with his own mind and temperament, while also forging career paths that had them being greats in their field. But nothing changed what mattered most to them which was their family first.