14. She Saved You

Disclaimer: Derek is being ass-y. Rose won't leave. And Ava is a psycho. If I owned the show, none of those things would be true.

Thanks for the reviews! I really appreciate them!

There they were. Meredith and her future mother-in-law sitting at her kitchen table. Without Derek. Meredith looked at the woman and smiled. This should be fun, she thought to herself.

"So Meredith…tell me about yourself", Linda Shepherd said, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh…I um…I work at Seattle Grace. I'm sure Derek told you that already though", Meredith said quietly. "I'm thinking about going to neurosurgery…but not—not because of Derek—I just…I've always had an interest in that field so I think I might. But I haven't decided yet", she rambled.

"That's wonderful dear. I've always found the brain to be fascinating", Linda said kindly.

"Yeah", Meredith agreed, biting her lip. She really had no idea what to say to this woman.

"Meredith, don't be nervous. I just want to get to know you. You're going to be my daughter-in-law—my only daughter-in-law."

Meredith smiled. "Sorry…this is, um…I'm not exactly good with the whole family thing."

"Oh sweetheart, I already consider you my daughter. I want you to feel comfortable talking to me", Linda said with a warm smile.

"I have to tell you…this whole mother thing is new to me", Meredith said nervously. "My mother wasn't exactly…um…mothering."

"I had no idea. I'm sorry, Meredith", she said sadly.

"Oh…no it's fine. It's…I've made peace with my mother…she died a few months ago."

Mrs. Shepherd stood up from her chair and walked around the table.

"Oh", Meredith said quickly as Linda pulled her in for a hug. Surprisingly, Meredith felt comfortable with the woman. There was something so nurturing and warm about her that Meredith loved. It was nice to know that Linda wasn't comparing her to Addison or judging her for her involvement in ending an eleven year marriage. Because that would make for more awkward tension than Meredith could handle.

"I'd love to talk to you about your family…but only if you wouldn't mind", she said gently, taking a seat.

"Oh I…that's…it's a long and sorted story that would result in you taking your son back to New York…far far away from me."

Linda laughed. "Honey, nothing you could say would ever make me disapprove of you. I happen to think you're a lovely woman. My Derek is lucky to have found someone like you", she said with a genuine smile.

Meredith smiled. "I'm lucky to have him. He's just…before he came along, I didn't believe in any of that stuff…love or lifetimes or any of that. But then I met him, and I did. And I know that we, well, with Addison…things got…"

"Oh sweetheart, I know. I don't want you to think I blame you for that. Derek and Addie…they were happy, but somewhere along the line, Derek lost the sparkle. He always looked sad. And then when Derek found—well, you know the rest", Linda sighed. "I've forgiven Addison and Mark. It killed me to know what they put my son through, but I had to let it go. We're human. We make mistakes. And if you think about it, you're all better off for it. Derek and Mark have healed their friendship. And Addie is very happy."

"Oh, so um, you still keep in touch with Addison", Meredith asked. Not that it bothered her, she just wanted to keep up the conversation, hoping it would help break the ice a bit.

"Oh yes…Addie's parents and I have managed to stay close. When they visit New York, they always come to see me. And I talk to Addison on the phone occasionally", Linda explained with a smile. "She was, and in many ways still is, one of my daughters."

"That's um…very big of you", Meredith nodded. "I mean, usually that sort of thing doesn't happen. Not that I don't like Addison. Addison and I were sort of friends when she left. We're on good terms."

"I'm glad to hear that, dear. Life is too short to hold grudges."

Meredith nodded in agreement. "Did Derek tell you…we um, she's coming to the wedding."

"That's wonderful, Meredith. I'm glad that you've managed to be adults about this. I know everything that has happened in the past wasn't easy on you", Linda said sympathetically.

"No…it wasn't", Meredith sighed. "There were times when I thought I'd have to let go…but there was always something telling me not to give up. That one day, it might just be okay."

"I'm glad you didn't give up. My Derek…the sparkle is back. And I have you to thank for that, Meredith. Without you, he wouldn't be the son I know him to be. You saved my boy, Meredith. You gave him a second chance. And for that, I will always be grateful to you", Linda said genuinely, tears coming to her eyes.

Meredith was taken aback by Linda's honesty. Had Meredith known this would go so well, she wouldn't have obsessed and worried about it for weeks. "Oh. Thank you. I um…that means so much to me."

"Okay, enough about Derek. Back to you." Mrs. Shepherd looked at Meredith with kind eyes. "I want to know you, dear. So anything you want to share, I'm all ears", she smiled.

Meredith took a deep breath. "Okay, well, I was born here in Seattle…"

And that's how Meredith spent the rest of her morning. She poured her heart out to Linda Shepherd, a woman she'd only known for a few hours. But in those few hours, Meredith had shared more than she had ever planned to share. Something about Linda comforted Meredith. She knew that she could be open and honest, almost like her own personal confessional. They talked dead mother, dead stepmother, even her poor excuse for a father. The story just kept coming out and Mrs. Shepherd listened to her every word.

By the time Derek came into the kitchen, bored from waiting for close to three hours and wanting lunch, there had been joy and sadness, laughter and tears. Derek was stunned to say the least. Meredith rarely opened herself up to anybody, and here she was, spilling her heart out to her future mother-in-law whom she had only been introduced to a few hours ago.

"Mer", Derek said concernedly. "You okay?"

Meredith smiled. "Yeah. I'm good. We were just talking."

"This girl is something special, Derek."

"I know", Derek smiled, leaning over and kissing the top of Meredith's head. "And I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her."

"Good. Because I don't know what I would do if you were to let her go", Linda joked. "So would you like me to make lunch?"

"I can do it, mom. You're not here to cook for us", Derek told her.

"Nonsense, dear. I would love to make something for the three of us."

"I'll help", Meredith offered.

Derek smirked at her in disbelief. "You're going to help?"

"Shut up", Meredith laughed, smacking him softly. "She doesn't know where anything is, and I could help—try to help."

"I would love your help", Linda said kindly.

"What about me?", Derek joked. "Are you kicking me out again?"

"We're not done talking yet. Why don't you go call Mark to see if we can get together? I want to spend time with my boys while I'm here." Linda kissed her son on the cheek. "Now go into the living room and relax."

"I've been relaxing all day", Derek reminded her jokingly. "Do you have any idea how boring it is without you?"

"Stop whining and listen to your mother", Meredith told him with a smile.

"Bossy", Derek said, kissing her cheek.

"She needs to be bossy if she's dealing with you", Linda joked. She stood up from her chair and walked over to the sink to wash her hands.

"I like the bossing, especially your naked bossing", Derek whispered into Meredith's ear, knowing his mother was far enough away not to hear them.

Meredith blushed. "Go…I love you."

"I love you too", he said, kissing her softly and making his way out of the kitchen once again.

Derek plopped down onto the couch and pulled out his cell phone. After dialing the familiar number, he waited for the answer.


"Hey. Are you busy?"

"Hey man", Mark said. "No. I just finished a surgery. Why? What's up?"

"My mom wants to see you", Derek laughed.

"Okay", Mark smiled. "When did you want to…"

Derek shrugged. "Maybe we could spend the morning with her. I know Meredith already misses work. She could go in for a few hours."

"Sounds good", Mark agreed. "So…how's it going? Any bloodshed?"

"No", Derek laughed. "Actually, they're getting along. I've been kicked out of the kitchen—twice."


"She's helping her with lunch now."

"Meredith, as in Meredith Grey?"

"I know. I'm surprised too." Derek got off the couch and peered into the kitchen, seeing Meredith and his mother laughing as they made sandwiches together. "I thought for sure Mer would have a hard time with this, but it's been good so far."

"That's good isn't it?"

"Yeah", Derek smiled. "It is."

"Damn…911. Gotta go, man. So I call you later about tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure", Derek nodded. "Bye." Derek smiled. It was nice to have Mark back in his life. When Mark first moved to Seattle, he never expected to be friends with him again. As Meredith would say, there was too much water under the thing. But over time, Derek got his brother back. He and Mark had been friends all their lives, and he couldn't imagine going through his life without him. Though neither would admit it to each other, they were thankful for their friendship.


Later that night, Derek and Linda had convinced Meredith to go out to Joe's with Cristina and George. Meredith agreed, knowing Derek would want to spend some time with his mother. And of course, her friends would want details.

"Hey guys", Meredith greeted them. She took a seat on the stool next to Cristina.

"How is she?", George asked.

Meredith smiled. "Actually, I sort of love her."

"What?", Cristina asked in disbelief. "Why?"

"She's just…nice. I talk to her for three hours this morning—and then more when we made lunch together."

George choked on his beer. "You made lunch? And you're bonding with her?"

"Shut up", Meredith said, pretending to be offended.

"Izzie and Alex are going to be sorry they missed this", Cristina said, shaking her head.

"Did I hear you correctly? You and Derek's mom are hitting it off?", Joe asked, refilling George's beer.

"We are", Meredith smiled.

"I'm impressed", Joe nodded. "What'll it be?"

"Just water. Thanks, Joe", Meredith told him.

"Water? Okay, seriously, what the hell happened to you?", Cristina asked.

"I'd rather not go home drunk and wake up with a hangover. That wouldn't be good", Meredith said, shaking her head.

"So what are you and Shepherd's mom talking about?", George asked.

Meredith shrugged. "My life…"

"Damn. Why isn't she here drinking with us?", Cristina joked.

"Why am I friends with either of you?", Meredith joked.

"I'm just shocked...we all thought for sure she'd kick your ass", Cristina shrugged.

"I'm glad everything's good, Mer", George smiled.

"Me too."

"Sure", Meredith rolled her eyes.

"No really. I am. You're lucky to have a mother-in-law that's not Mama Burke-like", Cristina told her. "Be thankful."

"Believe me I am." Meredith took a sip of her water. "She's just…sweet. And easy to talk to…it's sort of strange, the whole supportive mother thing, but I like it."

"Good", George smiled. "So do you miss work?"

"Tomorrow Derek and Mark are taking her out to brunch or something, so I'm going in for a few hours. It sucks sitting at home."

"McSteamy gets along with Mama Shepherd?"

"Yeah. Addison too…oh, by the way, Derek called her and she's coming to the wedding", Meredith said. George and Cristina gave her odd looks.

"What? They were married for eleven years. They're friends", Meredith reasoned. "Stop looking at me like that."

"It's just that the ex-wife doesn't usually come to her ex-husband's wedding", George laughed.

"Don't think of it as weird. Think of it as…mature", Meredith nodded.

"Fine. That's very mature of you, Meredith", Cristina said sarcastically.

"Thank you."

"Why don't we make her a third maid of honor?", Cristina joked.

"Oh that reminds me—Izzie booked a dress fitting."

"What? Why? The wedding isn't until mid-July", Cristina asked.

"That's what I told her. But apparently, people do these things in advance. It's already February", Meredith shrugged.

"This wedding is going to be small, right? Not flocks of Shepherds roaming the land?", Cristina asked.

Meredith laughed. "Nice one—with the Shepherd jokes. And yes, it's going to be a small wedding. His family is big, but we want them there. Derek and I want the people we're close with to come. But it's still going to be a very small ceremony."

"Didn't you say he had fourteen nieces and nephews?", George asked.

"Yeah, but I want them to come. I don't want Aunt Meredith to be some mystery woman they never meet, you know?"

"I'm going to be the supportive maid of honor and go along with everything", Cristina said. "But I'm telling you right now that I'm not wearing some fluffy pink dress in front of a hundred people."

"Mer wouldn't pick pink", George said, shaking his head.

"I thought you knew me better than that, Cristina", Meredith laughed. "No fluffy pink. And it's not going to be a hundred people."

"You know that Izzie is going to want to turn this into Barbie's dream wedding, right?", Cristina asked, taking a sip of her beer.

"Not happening." Meredith shook her head. "And we can pick something nice that you can wear again."

"You mean for all the parties I go to because of all my free time", Cristina laughed.

"Just for that, I'm going to pick something with bows and sequences for you two", Meredith smiled. "Yeah. I'm thinking that would be nice."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh I would", Meredith nodded. "Can't you just picture them, George? Big bows…sleeves…lace…"

"Beautiful", George joked.

"Fine. I appreciate that you're making the dresses practical", Cristina sighed in resignation.

"Thank you", Meredith smiled.

"So what color are you thinking?", George asked.

Meredith shrugged. "I don't know. Yellow maybe?"

"Oh God", Cristina groaned.

"You're going to hate every color, aren't you?"

"Probably, yeah", she admitted.

"This should be a fun trip to the bridal shop", Meredith said rolling her eyes.


"Do you want some pie, mom?", Derek called to his mother, who was sitting in the living room.

"Sure, dear", Linda called back.

Derek entered the living room with two slices of pie. "Did Meredith make this?"

"No", Derek laughed. "Izzie did. Meredith really isn't much of a cook, but she tries."

"It's the effort that counts", Linda laughed. "So…now that we're alone, I just wanted to tell you how much I love that girl. There's just something about her that's…so genuine and lovely. I'm so happy for the two of you."

"Thank you, mom. That…it really means a lot. Meredith was worried about this—really worried."

"I know she was. But I think everything is okay now", Linda assured him. "We talked. She had a lot to say."

"She's hard to get to know. Mer rarely spills her heart to anyone. Sometimes I feel like I know nothing about her. I'm glad she feels comfortable around you", Derek smiled.

"She has quite a story", Linda nodded.

"Yeah", Derek said sadly. "Not a happy one either…"

"But it is now. And that's what matters—that you love her and make her happy. She deserves happiness, Derek."

"I know", Derek nodded. "And I'm going to spend my life making sure she knows how much I love her. This is—she's it for me mom."

"I know, dear. And believe me, Meredith feels the same way. Whenever she mentioned you, she couldn't help but smile. And she told me all about the house you're building. She seems so excited about it."

"It's the perfect house, mom. We can go visit the land if you wanted to. The builders already started working", Derek smiled.

"I'd love to sweetheart. And I also want to see the notorious trailer that Nancy hates so much", she laughed.

"It's a great trailer—the best airstream out there. Even Meredith likes it, and she's not really…an outdoorsy girl", Derek laughed.

"Meredith tells me the wedding is outdoors…"

Derek nodded. "Yeah. The land out by the trailer seems to be the only outdoor place she doesn't mind. It's going to be small. Meredith…she really doesn't have any biological family—well, her stepsisters."

"Lexie and Molly", Linda smiled.

"Wow. She told you everything, didn't she?", Derek laughed.

"I think she did", Linda agreed.

"So it's just going to be the people we work with at the hospital. And of course you, the girls and their families."

"Are you sure, dear? We have a large family, and I know you and Meredith wanted to keep it small…"

"Oh, Meredith wants them to come. She wants all you guys to be there. They're going to be her family too, and she wants to meet them", Derek assured her. He and Meredith had talked about who they wanted at the wedding. Though the size of Derek's family was a little overwhelming, it was important to Meredith that she meet them. After all, they were Derek's loved ones, and were now going to be a part of her life.

"Oh well, okay then. That's great, Derek", Linda said with a smile. "So…when can I expect a grandchild?", she hinted.

Derek laughed. "I don't know how soon we want to have kids. But we definitely want two. With our careers, I think two is a good number for us. Mer…she just…motherhood scares her. Her mother wasn't exactly…and her father—he left when she was five…"

"I know. Meredith told me", Linda nodded.

"She's just afraid that she won't be able to do it, that she'll turn out like her mother."

"Oh I don't see that happening", Linda said sincerely.

Derek smiled. "I know. As soon as she becomes a mom, she's going to fall right into the mommy role", he laughed. "One day when we're ready, we will."

"Having children is a big decision…it'll change your lives forever—for the better, of course", Linda smiled, taking her son's hand. "But it doesn't come without sacrifice."

"I know", Derek nodded in understanding. "But I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Last year I um…after Meredith almost died…I just—I questioned a lot of things. I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to handle everything. Meredith doesn't like to be taken care of, but I couldn't help myself. I had to make sure she was okay and I hovered—all the time I hovered."

"Well, Derek, that's understandable. You love her. It's only natural for you to want to protect her."

"I think that's when things started getting tough. I always wanted to be there for her, but Meredith…she never wanted to talk about it. And whenever I tried to help, she would pull away. Then Richard was supposed to retire, and I was being considered for his position. I thought I would have to choose…choose between Meredith and my career." Derek paused before continuing. "And for a while, I really thought that becoming chief would be easier than trying to have a future with Meredith. We both stopped trying…she kept pulling away and I let her."

Linda just nodded at allowed Derek to continue on. Earlier today, she had gotten some insight from Meredith, but now she wanted to hear Derek's perspective. "Does Meredith know that you were offered the position?"

"Yeah, she did. And she was completely supportive of me. But when Richard gave me the position, Meredith and I…we had already sort of broken up. Even still, I couldn't take it. I realized that I didn't want it. I wanted Meredith. Becoming chief…it just didn't matter anymore", he shrugged.

"You realized that she was more important to you", Linda nodded in understanding. "Do you think you'll ever take the position if it's offered to you again?"

"As of right now, no." Derek shook his head. "I've seen what being chief does to your personal life. Meredith and I…we want our family to come first. And if that means making changes, we'll do it."

"It makes me so proud to hear you say that, dear. Family should always be the main priority. While you both love your careers, nothing compares to the love you feel for your children", Linda said with a smile.

"Being a father is…I've always wanted to have kids, and I can't imagine having them with anyone but Meredith", Derek smiled.

"A few weeks ago, she was working in Peds. We were supposed to meet up for lunch. When she didn't show, I looked around and found her up in the nursery. She was sitting in the rocking chair, holding this baby girl. The mother was recovering after a C-section, and there was no father so Mer…she just sat there, rocking the baby. It was…she just looked so natural holding her. It felt right…seeing her with a baby" Derek smiled at the thought. "She's going to be a great mom. I just wish she had a little more faith in herself."

"Oh Derek, every woman feels that way. Even I did at first. But when I held each of you for the first time, I knew…I knew I could do this", Linda smiled, kissing her son's cheek. "And Meredith is going to make a wonderful mother."

"Thank you mom. I…that means a lot to me", Derek said with a sincere smile.

"I'm glad that you're so happy, sweetheart. And I know Meredith is the reason I have my son back. She saved you, Derek."

"Yeah", Derek said with a smile. "She really did."

So this was originally longer, but I broke it up into two chapters, otherwise it would be over 20 pages on Word. I have half of the next one written, so hopefully I'll have it up soon.

Please review. I'd really appreciate it.

Happy Almost Grey's Day! :)