25. Aunt and Uncle

Disclaimer: If I owned Grey's Anatomy, every episode would be two hours long like the season five premiere is going to be. And the second hour would always be dedicated solely to Meredith and Derek.

"Morning, Princess", Derek said softly as he walked into Izzie's room to get Laura from her port-a-crib. He had heard her babbling to herself on the baby monitor on Meredith's nightstand and decided he'd go get her.

"Did you sleep well?", he asked as he picked her up. Laura yawned before giving Derek a small smile. Surprisingly, Laura hadn't made a peep since she fell asleep. That's one thing she and Meredith apparently had in common. Once they were asleep, they were tuned out to the rest of the world.

"Meh?", she asked softly; her little fingers playing with the collar of Derek's tee shirt.

Derek chuckled. "You're a smart little girl, aren't you? Aunt Meredith is sleeping. Why don't we go wake her up?", he said as they made their way back to Meredith's bedroom to find her lying on her back snoring.

"She just sounds scary, but she's not", he joked. He set Laura down on the covers and let her crawl up toward Meredith.

"Meh", Laura said with a smile. She sat her little pajama clad bottom down on Derek's pillow and began gently stroking Meredith's forehead.

"Hmm", Meredith mumbled, still in a sleepy state. Derek sat down on the end of the bed and smiled at the two of them. Laura leaned down and pressed a sloppy kiss to Meredith's cheek.

"Hmm", Meredith sighed. Her eyelids fluttered open and she reached her arm across to Derek's side of the bed to find it empty. She turned her head slightly and found the little green eyed girl staring back at her, a happy smile on her face.

"Oh. Hi there", Meredith giggled through her yawn. She sat up slightly and looked at Derek.

Derek smiled and walked around the bed to come sit down next to Meredith. "She was asking for you, so I decided to let her wake you up", he explained softly.

Meredith laughed and leaned over to kiss him. "She did."

Laura tilted her chin up to look at them. "Kith", she squealed.

Derek looked over to Meredith, who smiled. They leaned down and kissed opposite sides of the baby's cheeks. Laura giggled in delight and clapped her tiny hands together.

"I sort of want to keep her", Meredith giggled, pulling Laura into her lap.

Derek laughed. "I think Molly and Eric would miss her."

"Yeah, probably", Meredith nodded. "She's just so cute."

"She's adorable", Derek grinned, poking Laura's belly to make her laugh. "What do you want to do today, Laur?"

"Duck", Laura said, pointing to her yellow footie pajamas.

"Do you like your ducky jammies?", Derek asked with a smile.

Laura looked up at him and smiled, nodding slightly. She leaned back to rest her head on Meredith's chest.

"Do you want to go to the park for a walk?", he asked enthusiastically.

"Wak?", Laura asked with wide eyes.

"Yep, a walk. Then we could go out for food…", he laughed.

"Foo", Laura giggled as she rested her hand on top of Meredith's.

"You're definitely related to me", Meredith laughed.

Laura pointed to Meredith's ring. "Wing", she said softly, in awe of the shining diamond in the light.

"Isn't it pretty, Laura?", Derek asked.

"Pitty", Laura smiled, showing her little toothy smile.

"Aunt Meredith is very pretty too", Derek grinned.

Meredith laughed. "Aunt Meredith has to pee and brush her teeth."

"Pee", Laura giggled, pointing to her diaper as Meredith handed her off to Derek.

"Did you pee too, Princess?", Derek asked. "Let's change your diaper then."

"Have fun with that", Meredith giggled as she closed the bathroom door.

Derek chuckled. "Your Aunt Meredith is evil."

"I heard that", Meredith called out as Derek went to go get a diaper from the bag in Izzie's room.

"I wanted you to", he called back, the humor evident in his voice.

After changing Laura, he decided to let her crawl around on the bed in her diaper so they could dress her together.

"Hey", Meredith yawned as she emerged from the bathroom.

"Hey", Derek said with a smile. He loved how adorable she looked in the morning when her hair was messy and the sleepiness was still wearing off. "Just so you know, you owe me a dirty diaper. There was…more than just pee", he chuckled.

"Thank you for making sure I knew that", Meredith sighed, rolling her eyes and directing her attention to the ten month old baby. "Want to get dressed, sweet pea?" Laura looked at Meredith and crawled over to her.

"Let's pick out a pretty outfit for you", Derek said with a grin. He took some clothes out of the pink and green tote bag and showed them to her.

"Dess", Laura smiled, pointing to a long sleeve pink dress with big blue flowers, perfect for the beginning of spring time.

"You have very good taste", Meredith giggled, kissing the baby's cheek.

Derek felt his breath hitch in his throat at the simple but loving gesture. Meredith's maternal instincts were shining through since the second Laura arrived, and he had never felt more in love with her. He couldn't even imagine the kind of love she would have for her own child one day.

"We should put her in that little white sweater too, just in case it gets cold. Oh, and are they any white tights in there? That would be adorable", Meredith laughed, playing with Laura's little feet.

"Yeah, there's a pair right here", Derek told her as he pulled them out of the bag.

"You are going to look so cute in your pretty outfit", Meredith cooed to the baby, who crawled into her lap.

"These look tricky", Derek laughed, holding up the tiny white tights. "Do you want me to hold her while you put them on?"

Meredith nodded and handed the baby off to Derek. Meredith easily slid the tights up Laura's legs and around her waist, making sure they weren't too snug against her belly. They then dressed her in her little outfit with ease. Content that they had done a good job, they each took turns helping her walk back and forth across the floor while the other got showered and dressed.

When they were finished, they took her downstairs where the three of them ate breakfast and got ready to go. They knew that being cooped up in the house would be boring, so they decided a day out with the three of them would be fun.

"Are you sure that's in there right?", Meredith asked as Derek strapped Laura in her car seat in the back of his car.

Derek laughed. "For the hundredth time, it's in there right." He handed Laura her little toy before shutting the door of the backseat.

"I just want to make sure", Meredith told him as he shut her car door and walked around to the driver's side.

After he got in and buckled himself in, he turned to the backseat. "Your Aunt Meredith worries too much", he chuckled.

"And Uncle Derek is being an a-s-s", Meredith smirked.

Derek leaned over the console and pressed a kiss to Meredith's lips. "You love me."

"I know I do", Meredith sighed before smiling softly.

"Ready to go to the park, Princess?", he asked as he adjusted the rear view mirror. Laura giggled from the backseat and nodded slightly.

"Let's go then", Derek laughed. They pulled out of the driveway and began their adventure for the day.


After arriving at the small park near downtown Seattle, Meredith got Laura from the car seat while Derek set up the stroller and made sure they had everything they needed in the baby's bag.

They buckled her in the stroller and made sure she was all settled with her toy before they began their little stroll.

Other park-goers would occasionally glance toward them with warm smiles, assuming that they were their own little family.

"I love you", Meredith said softly, giving Derek a quick kiss before resting her head on his shoulder.

"I love you, too", he said with a smile. "Having fun?"

"Yeah." Meredith nodded. "People think she's ours, you know?"

"Yeah I know", Derek laughed. "That's okay. One day we'll be back here doing this with our own."

Meredith giggled softly but remained silent, just enjoying this time with her fiancé. Sometimes, it still felt strange referring to him as her fiancé. He was always just Derek to her. The ring had been on her finger for a while now, and still, every time she looked at it, it took her breath away. She still couldn't believe how much her life had changed over the past few months. She was finally getting what she wanted her whole life, and that fact always made her smile.

They remained in a comfortable silence as they walked through the park, occasionally peeking at Laura to make sure she was okay. The baby was sitting contentedly, a slight smile on her face as she sucked her thumb.

As they walked along, they were confronted by a little girl no more than five years old with tears running down her little red cheeks. She tugged on Meredith's sweater and sniffled.

Meredith looked to Derek confusedly before kneeling down to the little girl's level. "You okay, sweetie?", Meredith asked softly, trying not to frighten her.

The little girl looked at Meredith hesitantly before shaking her head slightly, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her coat.

"Are you lost? Did you lose your mommy?", Meredith asked, keeping her voice kind and sweet to keep the little girl calm.

She started to whimper softly as a few more tears rolled down her stained cheeks. "Mhm", she mumbled in a barely audible voice.

"Okay, well, why don't we wait here until she finds you. I'm sure she'll be back soon", Meredith assured her.

The girl fiddled with the sleeves of her jacket with her little fingers, deciding whether or not to trust the kind stranger in front of her.

Meredith noticed her hesitation. "My name is Meredith. I'm a doctor. And I know that mommy and daddy told you not to talk to strangers, but I promise we'll just sit with you, okay?" She really didn't know what to say to the little girl. She just knew that the little girl would be better off sitting with her and Derek than someone dangerous who could possibly kidnap her.

"Okay", the small child whispered, wiping some tears off her cheeks.

"Okay", Meredith said softly. She pulled a tissue out of her coat pocket and held it out to her. "Here you go, sweetheart… I mean, if you want it."

The little girl looked at her and slowly took the tissue out of Meredith's hand. Meredith smiled and the girl followed her over to an empty bench, Derek by her side. He was amazed by her calm demeanor with the child. If she ever got tired being a surgeon, she could certainly make a living as a kindergarten teacher.

"We can just sit right here. I'm sure Mom will be here soon", Meredith comforted.

"Okay", the child hiccupped.

The girl sat down next to Meredith, then looked at Derek curiously. Meredith noticed and decided to make some conversation, hoping it would help the girl relax. "This is my…Derek. He's my…we're getting married", she said with a smile. Derek took Meredith's hand and squeezed it slightly.

"Hi", Derek greeted, giving her a little wave.

"Hi", she whispered, swaying her little feet back and forth on the bench.

"Tee!", Laura squealed happily from her stroller.

Derek chuckled. "You see the tree, Laur?" He picked her up from the stroller and set her down on his lap.

"This is our niece, Laura. We're babysitting her", Meredith explained with a smile, fixing Laura's little pink shoes.

Laura reached up and touched her fingers to Derek's chin. "Deh. Foo."

"You're already hungry again?", Derek laughed. "Okay then, let's get a snack." He peeled a banana for her and began feeding it to her piece by piece.

"Are um…did you want…are you hungry? I could get you some ice cream or a pretzel or something…", Meredith offered with a warm smile.

"Okay", the girl nodded slightly.

"Okay", Meredith repeated, standing up and walking over to the little cart next to the bench with the girl. They returned with three pretzels, one for each of them.

"Thank you", Derek said as Meredith handed him the pretzel.

"Guh", Laura pointed, referring to the little girl next to Meredith, not noticing the new food item in Derek's hand.

Meredith laughed. "That's right, Laura. This is a big girl, like you'll be one day. This is uh…"

"Amy", the girl said with a soft smile; her tears ceasing thanks to their attempts to keep her calm.

"Amy? That's my sister's name", Derek grinned. "She's going to have a baby."

"I have a new baby brother", Amy said quietly before taking a bite of her pretzel.

"Wow, really?", Meredith asked enthusiastically.

The small child nodded. "He was born a few weeks ago."

"That's so exciting", Meredith smiled. "I bet you're a great big sister."

"I help mommy and daddy sometimes", Amy told them. "But I don't like changing diapers."

Meredith laughed. "I don't like changing diapers either", she said, giving Derek a small smirk.

They spent the next few minutes talking to the little girl, trying to make her happy and at the same time, praying that her mother showed up. Thankfully, she did.

"Oh my God, Amy!", her frazzled mother, pushing a stroller, said when she spotted her on the park bench with what looked like two kind strangers.

Amy looked up with wide eyes. "Mommy!", she called out, running to give her mother a hug.

Her mother walked over to Meredith and Derek. "I am so sorry. She just wandered off. I was fixing my son's sock, and when I look up, she's gone", she explained, tears coming to her eyes.

"Oh it was no problem. She came up to us and we found out that she was lost, so we just decided to sit here with her. There was no way we'd just leave her here", Derek said assuringly.

"We're not creeps or anything, I promise. We're both doctors and it's…we both work with kids sometimes and we tried to just keep her calm", Meredith rambled nervously. She didn't want Amy's mother to think they were evil kidnappers whose plans had been foiled when her mother showed up.

Her mother smiled. "Thank you both so much. I'm so glad she found some good people in the world. I always told her that if she ever got lost, to go into a store and ask an employee, or ask a mommy and daddy with kids to help."

Derek nodded. "You're raising a very smart little girl. And really, it's no problem. We're just glad we were here to help."

"I have to give you something for your trouble", the girl's mother said, reaching for her purse.

"Oh no. We couldn't take anything from you. We just did what we knew is the right thing to do", Meredith said softly, reaching for Derek's free hand; the other still holding Laura.

"Thank you. Thank you both so much. I'm so grateful", she said warmly, putting her hand over her heart.

"You're welcome", Meredith said with a smile and a nod. "Bye, Amy."

"Bye Meredith, bye Derek, bye Laura", Amy smiled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, sweetheart", Derek grinned.

Amy's mother nodded graciously and took her daughter's hand. After they parted ways, Derek looked to Meredith. "I am so proud of you", he beamed.

"What? Why?", she asked, reaching for the baby who held her arms out for her.

"Because you were like…unbelievably calm and sweet to her", Derek complimented, fixing Laura's sweater after Meredith had taken her.

"I really didn't do anything special", Meredith shrugged. "I just did what I knew how to do."

"I don't think I have been any more in love with you than I am right now", Derek grinned, pressing his lips to Meredith's for a soft and tender kiss.

"Hmm", Meredith smiled against his lips. "We're in a public park."

Derek chuckled. "I don't care."

"Love you", Meredith breathed as they pulled apart from the kiss.

"I love you, too", he smiled, tucking some hair behind her ear.

Laura giggled and patted her cheeks with her palms, expecting a kiss. Both of them laughed and kissed her cheeks as they'd been doing every time.

"Is it bad that I'm sort of falling in love with her?", Meredith asked with a smile, rubbing Laura's back gently.

"I am too. Don't worry", he laughed.

"Cristina would mock me forever if she knew that. She thinks babies are toxic", she giggled.

"I'm glad she's going to be one of our godmothers", Derek joked.

"I have a feeling our kids will win her over", Meredith nodded confidently.

Derek looked at her and grinned. "I think so too."

"Is it weird that we're already talking about kids?"

"No, not at all", Derek said softly. "I think it's good to talk about it. We both want them, so it's only normal that we'd talk about it. And having her here is certainly making the idea more exciting", he laughed, caressing Laura's cheek softly.

"Yeah", Meredith agreed, smiling at him. They didn't want to have children until after they were settled into married life for a little while, but even thinking that one day they'd be parents was enough to make her feel lucky to have a man in her life that wanted it all. With her.


After their walk in the park, they decided to go to a little restaurant before heading back to the house. They could tell Laura was getting tired and wanted to make sure she had a nap.

"Your daughter is so well behaved", the waitress complimented as she brought out their food.

"She's our niece actually, but thank you", Derek grinned.

"Wow, really? She looks just like you", she said, referring to Meredith.

Meredith laughed. "Lots of people say that actually."

"They're definitely related", Derek said with a smile, tickling Laura's belly as she sat in the high chair.

"She's lucky to have her aunt and uncle to treat her to lunch", the waitress joked, setting Laura's little plate of macaroni and cheese in front of her.

"She keeps us entertained. It's the least we could do", Derek teased, squeezing Meredith's hand gently from across the table.

The waitress smiled. "She's adorable."

"She's very easy to fall in love with", Meredith giggled.

"I bet she is", she smiled before leaving them to eat their lunch.

"You really wanted chicken fingers and fries?", Derek chuckled.

Meredith bit into a fry. "Yes. Why?"

"No reason. You're just cute", he said, taking a bite of his Caesar salad.

"Ordering chicken fingers and fries makes me cute?", she asked with a smirk.

"Yes. It does", he laughed. "In the best possible way, I promise."

"Okay then", she giggled. "Is that good, Laur?"

Laura nodded and smiled as Derek fed her a small spoonful of her macaroni and cheese. "You're a good eater…almost as good as Aunt Meredith", he said amusedly, glancing up at Meredith.

"I was going to let Uncle Derek get lucky tonight, but after that comment, I don't think that's going to happen", Meredith shot back, a playful glint in her eyes.

"I'll convince you", he said confidently. "I always convince you."

"Hmm…you think so?", Meredith challenged, feeding another spoonful to Laura. She didn't even know why she bothering to fight about it with him. When it came to sex, he always won her over. Not that she minded though. She was just as insatiable as he was.


When they finished eating, they went back to the house so Laura could take a nap. While she napped, Meredith helped Derek make dinner, which helped them occupy their time while the baby slept. Surprisingly, they found themselves bored without her around. They had only been babysitting her for a little over one day, and they already knew they'd miss her when she left.

When she woke up, they ate dinner together, then let her walk around the living room, falling down occasionally and landing on her diaper covered bottom. They even found themselves crawling around chasing after her as she shrieked happily, trying to get away from them before they could catch her and tickle her. Laura seemed to love all of their attention and affection, and they were more than happy to give it. Molly and Eric were definitely raising a bright, happy little girl that Meredith and Derek had already fallen in love with. While both of them were missing the OR and the normal hustle and bustle of the hospital, they found themselves wishing they could have more time with her.

After she was worn out from all the activity, they gave her a bath and a bottle, followed by a little story and put her in her crib when she was just starting to doze off.

Of course Meredith had agreed to sex after the baby fell asleep. Laura was a good sleeper, and they decided if they could manage some quiet sex, it was okay. They reasoned that practicing quiet sex was something they'd eventually have to do anyway with kids down the hall.

"Hmm…I love you", Meredith murmured, her naked body pressed to Derek's as they lay on their sides wrapped in an embrace.

Derek ran his hands up and down her bare back, sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin of her neck. "Love you too."

"I like playing house with you", she whispered, stroking her fingers up and down his erect shaft.

"You too", Derek groaned appreciatively as she rolled on top of him.

Meredith pressed her lips to his and kissed him. "Do you want to be inside of me?", she whispered into his ear.

Derek sighed. "Please."

"Okay", she whispered, lacing the fingers of both her hands with his before lowering herself down onto his erection. "Oh my…Der", she panted, slowly taking him into her body inch by inch.

"Meredith", he moaned, her tightness enveloping him, molding to him perfectly.

"Oh God", she whimpered as he filled her to the hilt, forcing her to acclimate to his size.

Derek looked up at her. "You okay?"

Meredith simply nodded and bit her lip, squeezing her muscles tightly around him, urging him to move.

"I. Love. You", he said as he began thrusting in and out of her.

"I love you, too." She moaned in pleasure as he brushed his tongue across her lips. She granted him entry and their tongues clashed and dueled as Derek continued to thrust in and out of her welcoming body.

As they found their rhythm, Meredith found herself moaning uncontrollably, tilting her head back in pleasure. "Quiet", Derek reminded her in a whisper, lavishing attention on her breasts with his mouth.

"Quiet", Meredith repeated. They continued their synchronized rhythm until both were on edge, waiting for the moment when the waves of pleasure would come crashing down on them.

"Der", she panted, feeling her walls close in around him as she rode out her strong orgasm.

The feeling of her clamping down sent Derek over the top and he released inside of her. "Mer…Meredith", he breathed, pressing his lips against hers.

Meredith collapsed onto his chest, breathing heavily as she came down from her climax. "We…we're…good at quiet", she panted, trying to catch her breath.

Derek ran his fingers through her hair. "Yeah…we are."

"I love you. I love you so much", she breathed, gently easing herself off of him. She snuggled into his side and he wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you too, Meredith", he smiled, kissing her forehead.

"I think we'll be able to pull off quiet sex with kids in the next room", Meredith said, still slightly out of breath.

"But we should probably still practice a lot…just to make sure we get really good at it", he joked.

Meredith lifted her head and kissed his cheek. "Practice makes perfect…", she giggled softly.

"I thought you didn't believe in perfect", he teased, pulling the covers up over both of them as they prepared for sleep.

"I don't. But this is pretty close", she sighed contentedly as she began drifting off to sleep, thinking of how perfect life was in this very moment.

Yay for sex. ;)

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