33. 48 Uninterrupted Hours

Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine.

Thanks so much for all of the kind reviews. I really appreciate them.

Because they never got their 48 uninterrupted hours in Sonoma, I decided to give it to them. They deserve some happiness.

It was the beginning of April at Seattle Grace, which meant that along with the arrival of spring, came one month closer to the wedding. It also meant Derek's birthday. To save up vacation time, Meredith and Derek decided to spend Derek's birthday weekend in Sonoma to celebrate.

They had been swamped at work all week, staying overnight more than once, and hadn't been able to pack until the last minute. Now it was nearing ten o'clock at night, and they had just arrived back at the house after going to the trailer so Derek could pick up some clothes and of course, the bag of hair products.

And now, Meredith was rummaging through her drawers looking for clothes to pack, trying not to fall asleep.

"I got your bag", Derek said as he walked into the room with a black travel bag for Meredith's things.

"Thanks", Meredith said through her yawn. She walked over to where he was sitting and tossed everything in, not bothering to make sure it was in there neatly. She grabbed her brush and a small bag of makeup and put them in there as well.

"I think it's kind of funny how I can pack everything I need in five minutes and it takes you an hour", Meredith said with a smirk as she walked over to her panty drawer.

"Aah…mocking me", Derek chuckled.

"I'm just saying…you have a crap load of hair products. You know what I brought? A brush", she giggled, holding up one of her nighties. The kind Derek liked with the tie in the front. "How's this one?"

"Easy access", Derek grinned. "But we're going to be naked the whole time, so I don't even know if you need to pack any of that."

"You can have fun taking it off of me then", Meredith smiled, tossing it to him so he could put it in the bag. "And we're not going to be naked the whole time. Tomorrow is your birthday and I want to make it special."

Derek looked at her and smirked. "I can't think of anything more special than you naked."

"You're an old man now. I don't want to tire you out", Meredith shot back jokingly, picking out some lacy panties and matching bras and adding them to her increasingly full bag.

"Thirty-nine is not old", Derek replied. "And I think you know I'm insatiable when it comes to you. We'll still be having sex in our nineties."

"That's—bad images", Meredith cringed as she walked into the bathroom to retrieve her toiletries.

"Still true", Derek laughed. "Don't forget your bathing suit. We have our very own hot tub on our deck."

"We have our own deck?", Meredith asked in shock. "That wasn't in the brochure…"

"I may have called and requested the suite", Derek said nonchalantly.

Meredith smiled. "This is why I keep you around." She walked back over to her drawer and began digging until she found her black bikini.

"Where'd you get that?", Derek asked. "And can you wear it around the house more often?", he added with a smirk.

Meredith giggled. "I bought it in Hawaii on my honeymoon with Cristina."

"What exactly did the two of you do on that honeymoon?", Derek asked.

Meredith shrugged. "We snorkeled…once. But we spent most of the time on the king size bed eating room service watching the paid cable. The guy who delivered the food thought we were on our lesbian honeymoon. It was actually kind of entertaining."

"Sounds like it", Derek laughed.

"So, what exactly do you do in wine country?", Meredith asked as she straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"We can walk through the vineyards and do some sightseeing. There's a lot of restaurants…"

"And sex", Meredith giggled.

"Lots of sex…all night long", Derek said before kissing her.

"Because it's your birthday…if you behave, I may even let you take advantage of me on the plane", Meredith said with a smile.

"Hmm…Mile High Club…", he grinned. "I've always wanted to be a member."

Meredith zipped up her bag and pushed him back onto the bed so she was lying on top of him. "Me too", she whispered, pressing her lips against his.

"Any chance we can get some birthday sex in tonight?", Derek asked as he rubbed his hands up and down her back.

"It's not your birthday yet", Meredith giggled teasingly.

Derek glanced over at the clock. "An hour and a half. Close enough", he chuckled.

"Fine", Meredith said, kissing him again. "But when I wake up cranky and tired, don't be shocked."

"You're cute when you're cranky anyway", Derek said with a grin as he rolled them over in the bed and proceeded to make love well into the night.


The next morning, they drove to the airport in downtown Seattle for their flight to Sonoma. After they had been through baggage and their tickets had been collected, they were finally able to take their seats on the plane.

Derek noticed Meredith clutching the armrest so hard that her knuckles were turning white. "Hey, you okay?"

"I don't like taking off. After we're in the air, I'm fine", Meredith explained, letting out a deep breath.

"It'll be fine", Derek comforted as he kissed her cheek.

"Do they serve tequila on planes?"

Derek laughed. "Mer, it's seven in the morning."


"Hold my hand", Derek said softly.

Meredith quickly accepted it into her own and squeezed it. "Thank you."

"You're welcome", Derek smiled amusedly. "Love you."

"I love you too", Meredith yawned. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks", Derek grinned.

"Once we're on the ground, I'll be more enthusiastic about it", Meredith said, giggling slightly.

"Okay", Derek laughed. "This is a quick flight. Only an hour or so."

Meredith smiled. "That's good." Just then, the plane began taking off on the runway. Meredith squeezed Derek's hand tightly and closed her eyes.

After they were safely in the air, Derek looked over at her. "Mer", he whispered. "You survived. You can open your eyes now."

"Oh thank God", Meredith sighed.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?", he asked.

Meredith rolled her eyes. "Yeah, it was great."

Derek just chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Meredith yawned. "We can join the Mile High Club on the trip back to Seattle. I'm exhausted from last night." She kicked off her shoes and curled up in her tiny seat, using Derek's shoulder as a pillow.

"You're the one that wanted to go for round two last night", Derek laughed, kissing the top of her head. He lifted up the arm rest so she could get more comfortable, then wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

"I didn't see you putting up much of a fight", Meredith giggled.

Derek smirked. "How could I possibly put up a fight when you're naked and horny?"

"You made me that way", Meredith reminded him.

"Sorry", Derek chuckled.

"I guess I can forgive you", she smiled, taking his left hand and lacing their fingers.

"Thanks", he laughed as he pulled her closer and began rubbing her arm. Apparently the white noise coupled with her sleepiness were enough for her to knock her out. Within minutes, he heard the soft snores coming from her small body.

The flight attendant noticed and walked over to Derek. "Sir, would you like me to get a blanket for your wife?"

Derek smiled warmly at the word wife. Rather than explain otherwise, Derek simply nodded. "That would be great, thanks."

After she returned with the blanket, Derek graciously accepted it and draped it over Meredith to keep her warm. "I love you", he whispered, breathing in the soft scent of her hair before kissing the top of her head.

Before he knew it, the plane was landing at the airport in northern California. Meredith was in such a deep sleep that she didn't even know that plane had landed until Derek woke her up.

"I survived?", she asked tiredly, rubbing her eyes.

Derek laughed. "Yes, you survived."


After they got off the plane, they collected their bags and picked up their rental car. "It smells weird in here", Meredith remarked as they made the short drive to the hotel.

Derek laughed. "I don't smell anything."

"It smells like marshmallows. It's making me gag", she said, scrunching her nose.

"There might be an air freshener stuck under one of the seats or something", Derek replied.

Meredith turned around and put her hand under both her and Derek's seats. "Nope, nothing…"

"I really don't smell a thing", Derek chuckled.



Just as Meredith was going to check the glove compartment, she noticed the hotel coming up on the right hand side. "Holy crap", she gasped.

"What?", Derek asked confusedly.

"The hotel…it's huge", she said, forgetting all about the mystery smell in the car.

Derek changed lanes and got off at the exit for the hotel. "Where did you think we were staying? Motel Six?", he asked with a laugh.

"Ass", she whispered.

"You can't call me that on my birthday", he grinned. "This is our first vacation together, and I wanted to make it special, that's all."

Meredith just smiled and rested her hand on his thigh. "Thank you…even though it's your birthday and all."

"You're welcome", Derek said genuinely as they pulled up to the valet at the Hilton Sonoma Wine Country.

"Wow", Meredith muttered in amazement. Everything about it was beautiful. It was located in the heart of wine country with miles of acres of vineyards surrounding it. After they checked in at the lobby and all of their bags were brought in, they were escorted to their room.

"Oh my God", Meredith gasped as they entered. "This is a hotel room?"

Derek smiled. "Nice, huh?"

"This bed is huge", Meredith whispered, running her fingers over the cover as she walked toward the bathroom. "We need a tub like this."

"We're getting a tub like that", Derek reminded her as he walked up behind her. He snaked his arm around her waist and kissed her neck.

"Think of all the kinds of sex we could have in a tub like this…", Meredith mused.

Derek laughed. "I kind of like the little tub at your house. We're very…creative in there."

"Yeah, but think of all the new positions we could try in here", Meredith giggled. "I'd be all soapy and slippery while you—"

"Stop", Derek chuckled. "Unless you want me to take advantage right now."

Meredith spun around in his arms and kissed him. "It is your birthday…", she said, the naughty glint sparkling in her eyes as she ran her fingers over the front of his jeans.

"Birthday sex", Derek murmured as he pulled her close to kiss her again.

Meredith smiled against his lips. "Birthday sex."


After they were sexed out for at least the next few hours, they both were getting a little hungry and decided it was time to eat something. Derek said they could just order room service, but Meredith insisted they go somewhere for Derek's birthday lunch. They chose a small restaurant a short drive from the hotel, close to one of the vineyards. It was only noon, so the restaurant was fairly empty, with the exception of a few occupied tables scattered about the place. Luckily, the hostess seated them in a cozy little area by the window that they had to themselves.

"This place is definitely…couply", Meredith remarked after the two were seated. "It's almost too cheesy even for you."

"It's nice here", Derek laughed as they began reading over the menu.

"Want them to sing Happy Birthday to you?", Meredith asked with a giggle.

"No", Derek said shaking his head. "My family always used to do that and I hated it."

Meredith laughed softly but remained silent, which Derek took to mean that no one had ever done that for her as a child. "I'm definitely getting them to sing to you on your birthday."

Meredith looked up at him and smiled. "No, you're not."

"No really. I am", Derek nodded.

"Okay", Meredith smirked, rolling her eyes.

"Fine, don't believe me", he laughed.

"We'll be married by my birthday…", Meredith said with wide eyes as though it was the first time she ever really thought about it.

Derek smiled warmly and reached her hand. "Does that freak you out?"

"A little", Meredith admitted. "But freaked out in a good way."

"Me too", Derek said with an honest smile, squeezing her hand gently.

After their meals had been ordered and brought to the table, Meredith found herself eating more of Derek's food than her own. "This steak is really good", Meredith said as she took another forkful.

"You've eaten most of it", he chuckled, not that he minded. He'd happily give her all of it if she wanted it.

Meredith took a sip of her wine. "I have not."

"Okay", Derek smiled. "I'm taking some of your crab cake then."

"Fine." Meredith pushed her plate closer to him and slid his closer to her so they were in the middle of the table. "Family style."

"That works for me", he said taking some crab cake off her plate.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you!", Meredith said excitedly, taking another sip of wine before speaking. "I ordered my dress!"

Derek smiled. "Your wedding dress?"

"Yeah. The other day at work I had some free time while I was on call, and I ordered it. I was debating between two, but then I just knew which one I wanted", Meredith explained with a grin.

"Good", Derek said enthusiastically.

Meredith took a bite of his mashed potatoes, giggling as he smirked at her. "You and Mark ordered the suits right?"

"Yeah. I ordered them. Although I think Mark is more interested in the bachelor party than what he's wearing", Derek laughed.

"No strippers", Meredith warned, pointing her finger at him.

"I would never hire strippers", he said as he shook his head.

"You wouldn't. Mark would."

"Do you really think I'd let him get a stripper?", Derek asked with a laugh.

Meredith rolled her eyes. "He's Mark. He'd do it anyway."

"True", Derek sighed, taking a sip of his own wine. "If a stripper shows up, I'll leave. You have my word."

"You can't come see me", she reminded him. "Bad luck."

"I'll go crash in an on call room", Derek said jokingly.

"On the night before our wedding…", Meredith mused.

"Why not?", Derek asked with a shrug.

"Well, for one, they're disgusting", Meredith giggled.

Derek smirked. "And yet, we have sex on those beds at least two or three times a week."

"That's different", Meredith said, eating some more steak.

"How is that different?", Derek laughed.

Meredith thought for a moment before scrunching her nose. "Fine. It's not."

"I like the on call room sex", Derek said with a grin. "It's a nice way to unwind after surgery."

"I've always been a fan of the trailer sex", Meredith sighed, resting her chin on her fist as she thought about it. "We can be as loud as we want and no one can hear us."

"Maybe we should keep the trailer…with kids down the hall, we're going to need a place where we can have loud, screaming sex", Derek suggested as he stole another forkful of food off Meredith's dish.

Meredith smiled. "Hmm…not a bad idea."

"What are you doing about your house?", Derek asked curiously.

"Izzie already said she'd buy it off of me. I think she likes the house more than I do", she giggled. "It's just that…my mom was born in that house, and my grandmother. It'd be weird to just sell it to strangers", Meredith explained softly.

"Yeah", Derek said with a smile and nod.

"Lots of memories, you know?"

Derek gave her a small smirk. "I have some fond memories of your house…particularly the living room floor."

Meredith blushed slightly, thankful that no one was seated near them. "I'm surprised we made it that far", she giggled.

"I'm pretty sure public sex on the porch is illegal anyway", he laughed, pouring both of them more wine.

They were comfortable enough to talk about the past, despite all they had been through. It had only made them stronger and closer as a couple. Maybe the wine was getting to her, or maybe she was just brave today. Brave enough to ask something she'd been wondering about for a while now. "Why me?"

Derek looked at her with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?"

"There were lots of women in Joe's that night. Why did you pick me?", she asked innocently, genuinely interested.

"Your laugh", Derek said simply.

Meredith smiled slightly but remained silent.

"I don't know what you were laughing at, but you laughed. And I couldn't tear my eyes away from you", he said with a slight shrug. "I just had to come over and talk to you. And you just…you were beautiful—you are beautiful. Your eyes, your smile…the way you could drink shot after shot of tequila without flinching. I knew nothing about you. But still, I fell in love with you right then and there", Derek said with a warm smile, taking her hand and squeezing it gently.

Meredith bit her lip and stared at him. "So my laugh started all of this…us?"

Derek nodded and smiled. "Why do you think I love your laugh so much?"

"You're so getting lucky tonight", she giggled.

"I expected to anyway", he teased, leaning across the small table to kiss her.

"Really?", she asked with a smirk.

"It's my birthday", he replied. "That's like a rule."

Meredith laughed. "I want all this sex on my birthday too."

"I think I can make that happen", he nodded cockily.

"Do you like the gifts I got you?", she asked, smiling slightly. "Besides the sex."

"Are you kidding? You got me the grill I've been talking about for months…and new fishing equipment…"

"With the vest", Meredith added amusingly.

"The vest that you make fun of me for", he laughed. "I'm taking you fishing one of these days—better yet, we're going camping."

"Oh okay…", Meredith agreed sarcastically.

"We are. You just wait", he grinned. "And you got me a new watch", he said, showing off his wrist.

"I would have gotten you a new watch anyway. The minute hand kept breaking on your old one. A brain surgeon should have a working watch", Meredith pointed out, taking a bite of her own meal.

"I appreciate it", he grinned. "Oh, and The Clash's greatest hits CD. I love that."

"I'm surprised they even have such a thing. The Clash only had a few hits, and none of them were great", she mocked jokingly.

Derek took a sip of his water. "So mean…", he sighed, shaking his head amusingly.

"I'm giving you a sex weekend. Doesn't that make up for it?", she asked with a smile.

"I appreciate all the birthday sex. And the gifts. Thank you", he said sincerely.

Meredith smiled. "You're welcome."

"So what did you want to get for dessert?"

"We can share something if you wanted…", Meredith offered.

"No, we can each get something", Derek replied as Meredith laid the menu on the table so both of them could make a selection.

Meredith giggled. "And share?"

"Of course", he smiled. "I'm thinking cheesecake."

"If you get cheesecake, I'll get the sampler. It has some of everything", Meredith said with a smile.

"Sounds good to me", Derek chuckled.


"It just amazes me that someone so tiny can eat like you can—I love it", he laughed.

Meredith smirked at him. "Are you calling me fat?"

"Oh yeah", Derek mocked.

"I like eating. I may even like it more than sex…", she said teasingly.

Derek looked at his watch. "It's only 1:30. We have all to try out that big bed. Maybe you'll change your mind."

"Maybe", Meredith replied, biting her lip. Getting time away from the hustle and bustle of the hospital was a welcomed treat for both of them. Vacations for a surgeon were rare, so they were going to enjoy every minute of it.

After they ordered their desserts, they left the restaurant and decided to take a small walk through the vineyards. It was a breezy, sunny day; quite the change from the drizzly Seattle days they were used to.

"I don't think I've ever seen you wear flip flops before", Derek remarked as they strolled lazily down one of the long rows of grapevines.

Meredith giggled. "I'm always at work, or just lounging around in socks at home. My bare feet rarely make an appearance."

"You have very cute feet", he chuckled, taking her hand in his own.

"Love you", Meredith whispered as she kissed his cheek.

Derek smiled and kissed the top of her head. "I love you too."

"I think I like Sonoma…", she mused. Seattle was home, but she had to admit, Sonoma had a warm feel that she could easily get used to.

"Me too", Derek agreed. "Shame we already built a house in Seattle…", he said jokingly.

"Yeah…", Meredith sighed before looking at him and smirking.

"I don't know…I've come to like the rain", Derek said with a small smile. "There's something…cleansing about it."

Meredith looked up at him and smiled in agreement. "Yeah."

"It's simpler than New York—calmer. I thought I was going to hate Seattle. And now, I wouldn't move for the world."

"It's hard to imagine you in New York, living in a brownstone and wearing suits to work. It's so not…you", Meredith shrugged, tucking some hair behind her ear. "You're the guy who likes to fly fish, and drink a scotch on the porch, and lounge around in bed on Sundays doing crossword puzzles."

"I like this me more", Derek nodded, giving her a small smile.

Meredith squeezed his hand slightly. "Me too."


After they finished their walk through the vineyard, they drove back to the hotel to relax. "You have the key card, right?", Meredith asked.

Derek reached into his pocket and pulled the little plastic card. "Yep." He swiped it through the censor, and heard the lock click open.

"Thank you", Meredith smiled as Derek opened the door for her to enter.

"My pleasure", Derek said with a grin. He followed Meredith over to the king size bed and laid down next to her.

Meredith lay on her side and wrapped her arm around his torso. "It's your birthday. What else did you want to do today?"

"Lay here with you", he said softly, kissing her forehead.

"That's boring", Meredith giggled. "We need to do something fun."

"I believe you promised me birthday sex…", he said as he rolled her on top of him.

"Hmm…I did", Meredith whispered.

Just as Derek leaned down to kiss her, he heard his cell phone start ringing on the nightstand. "Damn", he sighed, kissing her quickly before reaching over to grab it. "It's my mom…her annual birthday call."

Meredith smiled. "Okay." She hopped off the bed and made her way to the bathroom.

"Hey", Derek whispered, holding his hand over the receiver. "Don't go too far."

Meredith giggled. "I have to pee. Just talk to your mom."

"Okay", he smiled before returning to his call with his mother. "Thanks, mom", he replied into the phone.

Meredith took this as her opportunity to slip into her lacy nightie that Derek loved. It seemed as though sex was going to be their only activity, at least for the next few hours, and she at least wanted to get some use out of her lingerie before Derek took it off of her.

Meredith decided that she wanted to torture him a bit, so she walked out of the bathroom with a naughty smile on her face. Derek's breath hitched in his throat when he saw her. The way her long legs seemed to go on forever. The way her honey blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders. The gentle swell of her breasts as she breathed in and out.

She walked back over to the bed and looked at him with a coy smile. She tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth as she spread her legs apart slightly, enough to let him know that she wasn't wearing any panties.

Derek closed his eyes and turned away. He couldn't be thinking about pantyless Meredith while talking on the phone with his mother. That was just wrong. He quickly looked back at her and shook his head amusedly before heading out onto the deck, presumably for some fresh air and to rid himself of his growing erection.

Meredith just giggled and dropped her head back onto the pillows. She loved teasing him. She knew that he'd make her pay for it, and she was fully looking forward to it.

"You. Are an evil woman", Derek smirked as he walked back into the hotel room. He tossed his phone onto the nightstand and crawled on top of her.

"What did I do?", she asked innocently, looking up at him with her sweetest smile.

"You know what you did", he laughed as he began kissing her neck. "Making me think dirty thoughts about you while I'm talking to my mom…evil."

"Hmm…well I'm here now…pantyless and ready for you…", Meredith said with a sigh. The attention Derek was giving her body was already building up the heat inside of her and making her mind all cloudy.

Derek slipped a finger inside her, causing her to let out a small, high pitched moan. "Definitely ready", he groaned. He quickly stripped himself of his clothes before untying the front of her little black nightie. His mouth immediately went to her breasts and collarbone, nipping and sucking on the sensitive spots that he knew all too well.

"Oh God", Meredith moaned.

Derek kissed down her stomach, skipping the place she most wanted to be touched and moving down to her inner thighs, gently kissing and licking her soft skin. "You are so perfect, Meredith", he whispered.

"Derek, please…"

Derek quickly applied a condom and moved back up her body, eagerly pressed his lips to hers, kissing her hungrily. He slowly slid himself inside of her, savoring the feel of being joined with her so intimately. Meredith immediately clenched her muscles around him, making it nearly impossible for him to enter her fully. "Mer", he moaned.

Meredith let out a deep breath and tried to relax around him so he could fill her to the hilt. After he was fully sheathed inside of her, he waited until she was ready before beginning to thrust. "I love you…", he whispered, looking into her green eyes.

Meredith smiled up at him, her gaze so full of trust and love for him. "I love you too."

They moved together in a synchronized rhythm, in and out, until both of them were on edge. Derek knew she was about to climax any second. He could feel it both physically and emotionally. He reached down in between their joined bodies and applied gentle pressure to the tiny bundle of nerves between her legs.

Meredith screamed her release and clung to him as she rode out the powerfully strong waves of her orgasm. "Der…Derek", she chanted, pulsing violently around him.

The feeling of her clenching around him brought Derek right over the edge along with her. He felt himself release and wrapped his arms around her. "Mer…", he groaned. "Oh God…"

After they both came down from their orgasms, they laid in silence trying to catch their breaths. Derek buried his face in her neck. "God I love you so much", he breathed.

Meredith could barely even talk yet let alone move. "I…love you…too", she panted.


"I…yeah", she said, trying to regain her normal breathing.

"I love you", he repeated, kissing her neck.

Meredith giggled through her panting. "You…said that…already."

"I know. I just wanted to say it again", he chuckled.

"Love you too", she said with a small smile as the world stopped spinning and things began to settle down again.

Derek kissed her forehead before gently easing himself from her body. He dropped down next to her and pulled her close to him. Meredith kissed his chest softly before laying her head down. As mind blowing as the sex was, the time spent right after making love was just as important to them. Right now, nothing else mattered. It was just them. Together in this time and space, completely content and in love.

"Good birthday so far?", Meredith asked softly.

Derek lazily ran his fingers through her hair and smiled. "Best birthday ever."

Yay for birthday sex in Sonoma! :D

There's still more Sonoma and birthday celebrating to come. This chapter was just getting way too long. I promise to update whenever I can.

Reviews make my day!