63. Date Night

Disclaimer: I really, really wish I did. Owning Grey's is far better than being a college student.

Thanks to those that review. It means so much to me. :)

Derek could tell Mark Sloan was up to something when he stood waiting for him at the coffee cart, two cups of hot coffee in his hands, presumably one for each of them. When Mark spotted Derek approaching him, he grinned and held out the styrofoam cup. "Morning," he greeted.

"What's going on?" Derek asked, not buying into Mark's charms even for a second. He'd known Mark since kindergarten; there was little he could hide from him.

"You and Mer need night off," Mark stated simply, sucking in a breath after taking a sip of the steaming beverage.

Derek rolled his eyes. "Alright, I'll buy it. What are you up to?"

"Come by my apartment tonight..." he began, resulting in a curious stare from Derek.

"Why would Meredith and I just stop by your apartment tonight?" Derek asked.

Mark pushed the button for the elevator and looked to him. "Because I need you to. Can't you just help out a friend?"

"Oh God, what did you do?" Derek asked, exasperated.

"Nothing," Mark said defensively. When Derek's unbelieving stare continued to wear him down, Mark had no choice but to sigh in defeat. "Alright, fine. I met this girl; she lives down the hall from me. And I was hoping you and Mer might wanna come over, hang out..."

"Meredith and I really aren't into foursomes," Derek smirked as the two men stepped onto the elevator.

Mark jabbed the button for the fourth floor with his thumb. "Shut up."

"Fine," he conceded, chuckling. "But I need more info."

"Her name is Bridget. She's a kindergarten teacher. I met her three months ago and we've been out a few times. Satisfied?" Mark asked.

Derek nodded in approval. Three months was a long time in the Sloan Chronicles, so he couldn't help but be a little impressed. And the kindergarten teacher thing helped too. "I didn't know you were seeing anybody. Congrats," he said with a smile.

Mark shrugged it off, running a hand through his short hair. "Yeah well, we're exclusive...ish. And she's not married, so...bonus points, right?" he asked jokingly, thankful that the two of them had moved beyond what had happened in the past.

"Mhm, that's always a plus," Derek managed to laugh.

"Anyway, I thought I'd invite her over...dinner, drinks. Might be fun," he shrugged.

"Okay, but why do Mer and I have to come?" he asked confusedly as the two of them stepped off the elevator.

"Because. You're good wingmen. I can count on you two to put in a good word for me," Mark explained, and Derek swore he actually heard some sincerity in his friend's voice.

Derek smiled after sipping his coffee-bribe. "You really like this girl," he said knowingly.

"I do," he confessed. "So come on. Please?"

He laughed at his friend's apparent desperation. "Mark Sloan...begging?"

"Shut up," he shot back. He paused for a moment before he started speaking again. "Alright, yes, I'm begging."

"Fine," Derek finally agreed. "But I have to check with Meredith. I don't think she has any plans, but I'm not positive."

"Thanks, man. I owe you one." Mark patted Derek on the shoulder as they turned to walk in opposite directions down the hall.

Derek downed another sip of his coffee then shook his head. "More like a hundred. But one is a good start..."


At lunchtime, Derek met up with Meredith in his office, where they spent a few days a week eating lunch together. They still enjoyed spending time with their friends, but once in a while, getting away from the busy cafeteria and escaping to their own private space was a nice way unwind. When he opened the door, he found her lying on the couch, socked feet propped up on the arm of it, with a chart resting on her bent knees.

"Hey," Derek greeted. He walked over to her and leaned down to kiss her.

Meredith sighed contentedly against his lips, happy to finally get some quiet time with him. "Hey." She dropped her chart down on the floor. Doctoring could go on hold for an hour; right now was about enjoying alone time with her husband. "What'd you get me?"

"Chicken salad and a side of chips," Derek answered, handing Meredith her food items from the tray. "And a bottle of water, just like you asked for," he winked.

"Thank you," she said cheekily, giving him a small smile.

"So..." he said, deciding to dive right in. "What do you say to going over to Mark's tonight?"

Meredith eyed him with a curious expression. "Huh?"

"He...met someone," Derek explained, dropping down onto the cushion next to her, letting her socked feet rest comfortably on his lap as she still lay somewhat reclined on the sofa. "And he wants us to go over for dinner...I'm guessing he's using the 'I'm best friends with a happily married couple' angle to win her over. Anyway, I didn't want to say yes or no before I asked you."

Meredith sipped her water while she thought it over. Dinner at Mark's could go one of two ways: entertaining or slightly disastrous. She wasn't sure which one to put her money on. "Does she work here?"

"No, she lives across the hall or something. Kindergarten teacher...Bridget. They've been dating for a few months," Derek said as he ate a spoonful of Ramen noodles, sharing all the information he had.

"Wow," Meredith replied. Apparently, the new and improved side of Mark impressed her as well. "Well, I was planning on going home, taking my clothes off, and having marathon sex with you all night long. But...I guess we can go to Mark's..." she sighed dramatically.

Derek groaned, dropping his head on the back of the couch. "Damn him."

She bit into a chip and laughed. "That doesn't mean we can't have sex when we get home."

"Still. He's cutting into valuable sex time. Maybe I should just tell him no," Derek said with a smirk.

"No, don't," Meredith said, however regretfully. "It's...he wants us to go. It's important to him. If it's unbearable, we'll just make up some excuse to leave."

"Okay," Derek agreed, running his hand over her leg. "Are you sure though? If you don't feel like it, I can just go."

Meredith smiled at her husband. "And spend my Friday night without you? That's no fun," she giggled. "No, it's fine. And we get free dinner and drinks out of it, so I'm in."

"Hmm, good point."


Derek watched amusedly as Meredith stood in front of her open closet doors, wearing nothing but her bra and panties, hands on her hips. "What're you doing?" he asked as he emerged from their bathroom, rolling some deodorant under his arms.

"I don't know what to wear," she sighed. She reached into her closet and tugged on the arm of one of her sweaters, then scrunched her nose.

"Wear anything you want," Derek said simply before smirking at her. "Better yet, take off what you're wearing now."

Meredith giggled, spinning around to face him. "And what good would that do?"

"Well, you'd be naked. And then we could have sex..."

"We don't have time for sex right now," she pointed out. "Later on, all the sex we want. Right now, we need to hurry up."

Derek sighed, grabbing his blue button down shirt off the bed. "Fine..."

Meredith just rolled her eyes and laughed. When it came to sex, her husband really was insatiable. Not that she minded--she was just as enthusiastic. "How's this?" she asked. She pulled a navy blue scoop neck sweater from her closet to show him, holding it up against her body.

"Yeah, that's good," he nodded. "Just dress comfy. Mark's the one that has to impress her, not us," Derek chuckled.

She pulled the sweater over her head, nodding in approval when she looked herself over in the mirror. "So, kindergarten teacher?" she asked as she hopped into a pair of jeans, ones that hugged her body perfectly, and therefore Derek's favorite.

"Usually it's a nurse. Or the coffee cart lady, so this is a nice change," he said humorously. "Never know...she could be the one."

"I just hope she's keeping him away from their innocent five year old minds," Meredith giggled.

"Yeah that wouldn't be good," Derek said in humorous agreement.

"Does he want us to bring anything?" Meredith asked, applying her usual light makeup and letting her soft curls rest lightly on her shoulders.

Derek thought about it for a second and shook his head. "He didn't say to, but I guess we can bring a bottle of wine or something."

"Okay," Meredith nodded. She slipped on a pair of flats then walked over to her husband. He looked cute in his blue shirt, one that brightened his eyes, and of course the hair. Even with bed head, Meredith always loved his hair. "You look very handsome," she said softly, tucking her hands into the back pockets of his jeans.

He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Well, you look beautiful. I need to be up to par," he smiled.

Meredith smiled, resting her head against his chest. He always knew just what to say to her.


"Have you ever been here before?" Meredith asked as they took the elevator up to Mark's apartment on the fifth floor.

Derek nodded, letting her step off before him once the doors opened. "Once when I was helping him move in. I haven't seen it fully furnished. You know, the Playboys on the coffee table and take-out decorating the counters," he joked.

"Be nice," Meredith giggled. "He's growing up. It's kind of...sweet," she said, unable to find a better word.

"I guess," Derek shrugged. "Or he just wants to get in her pants."

Meredith gently nudged him with her hip as they reached his apartment. By the third knock, Mark was already at the door. He greeted them with a smile, also looking as suave as Derek. Clean shaven, dressy shirt, clearly pulling out the big guns. "Hey, you two," he grinned. "Thanks for coming."

"Looks nice in here," Derek complimented. He set the bottle of wine down on Mark's countertop then assisted Meredith in removing her coat, which Mark placed neatly on the coat rack.

"And you thought I was incapable of such a thing," Mark teased Derek. "So look, I know Friday night is your sex night, but I really do appreciate you two showing up. It means a lot," he said.

Meredith looked from Mark to Derek with wide eyes. "How does he know it's our sex night?"

"I just assumed. Day off tomorrow, and the fact that you two do it like bunnies. It's charming," Mark grinned, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"So..." Meredith began, wanting nothing more than to change the subject. Just because Mark was correct in his assumption didn't mean that she wanted to elaborate on it. "Where is this Bridget you're so fond of?"

"She should be here soon. Her niece was in a school play tonight, so she's running a little late," Mark explained. "Either of you want a drink?"

"Does Mom know about her?" Derek asked, cracking the seal on the wine bottle and tossing the plastic into the trash. "Or my sisters?"

Mark rolled his eyes. "No. And I'd prefer to keep it that way for a while. They'd be on the next flight out here with the polygraph."

"I'm sure she's great, Mark," Meredith said supportively. Mark had always been supportive of her and Derek, and she wanted to return the favor. "So do you think she could be the one?"

"I dunno," Mark sighed. "I don't even know if I have 'a one.'"

"Everybody has 'a one,'" Meredith said, squeezing her husband's hand. Not even she was so sure of this until she met Derek. He'd turned her into a gooey optimist when it came to love, she had to admit.

A knock came from the door and Mark glanced over at it, letting out a deep breath. "Hope so..."

After he opened the door, a petite woman with curly brown hair and a slightly freckled complexion walked through. She bit her lip nervously and smiled. Meredith couldn't help but feel amused by the whole situation, as if she and Derek were in any way threatening or going to interrogate her like protective parents. Bridget gave a small wave.

"Hi, I'm Bridget," she said softly.

"Meredith," Meredith greeted, shaking the woman's hand, then shook Derek's after he, too, introduced himself.

"Hi," Bridget returned politely as Mark took her coat and added it to the growing collection on the coat rack. "Mark told me a lot about you guys."

"Uh oh," Derek joked. The four of them walked out into the living room and took their seats, each couple on their own couch.

Bridget laughed. "Nothing bad, I promise. He told me you two got married last summer. That's great," she said interestedly.

"Yep, we did." Meredith agreed, being warm and receptive of the woman. If Bridget was feeling even half the butterflies Meredith had when she met Derek's family, she wanted to give her all the reassurance she could. "It'll be a year in July."

Derek wrapped his arm around Meredith's waist and smiled. "And we've loved every second," he added, kissing his wife's temple.

"I was the best man," Mark informed Bridget, grinning proudly. "Did a kickass job, too."

"Oh, I'm sure you did," Bridget teased, rolling her eyes at him.

Meredith smiled inwardly at their playfulness. They reminded her a little of herself and Derek. Not awkward with each other, and not afraid to joke around. And by the way Derek covertly nudged her hip with his led her to know that he felt the same way. "So, kindergarten? Must be fun, huh?" Derek asked.

"It is," she nodded enthusiastically. "Lots of energy but it's worth it. I love the kids; they make me laugh all day and they're so sweet. Mark is probably getting sick and tired of me talking about them all the time," Bridget laughed.

"She teaches over at Brightwater, the private school. Only top notch kids get in there, the ones destined for Harvard," Mark teased. "So most likely, your future offspring," he addressed Meredith and Derek before he went into the kitchen to check on whatever he had in the oven. "I'll be right back."

Derek chuckled amusedly along with his wife. "It's going to be a few years before we have to decide that, but we'll definitely keep it on the short list."

"You two planning on a big family?" Bridget asked before gasping. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that; none of my business. It's just--Mark told me how he spent a lot of time with your family growing up..." she said nervously.

Meredith waved it off casually. "Oh, we don't care. We get that question all the time. Derek's mom is probably getting impatient with us," she giggled. "We want two, maybe three. Any more than that would push us over the edge, I think."

"Well from what Mark tells me, if anyone can handle it, it's you two," Bridget complimented, taking a sip from her wine glass.

"What has he been telling you?" Derek asked with a slight laugh.

"He just talks about how close you two are, how much you love each other. I think he looks up to you guys, aspires to that, you know?" Bridget said, smiling softly.

Meredith took a sip of her own wine and mirrored Bridget's smile. "You really like him."

She let out a breath, glancing into the small kitchenette to make sure Mark was out of earshot. "Yeah, I do. And he's...told me about his past. The good, the bad. And I think he expected me to run, but I didn't. There's something about him. He's sweet and he cares about me. He's a good man."

Derek nodded, pursing his lips in a small smile. If Mark really did have 'a one' it could very well be the woman sitting across from him. And from the happy look on his wife's face next to him, Derek could tell Meredith felt the same way. "We're so happy for you," Meredith said graciously. "Really, we've never seen Mark this way. You're good for him."

"Steaks should be done soon," Mark announced upon re-entering the living room. He took his former seat next to Bridget on the couch and wrapped his arm around her.

"You cook now?" Meredith asked, giggling.

Mark took a sip of his beer and shrugged. "I've been a bachelor all my life. Had to learn sometime..." he pointed out, then smirked. "You're one to talk, the girl who nearly burnt the hospital down while she toasted a bagel in the lounge."

"Okay, that was once. And only because I got distracted," Meredith said defensively, much to Derek's amusement as he recalled the smoking toaster and ashy bagel he'd rescued from it when Meredith had paged him in a frenzy. That was a fun day at work.


The rest of the evening passed in this manner--friendly, easy flowing conversation and good food. It almost felt like Bridget had always been around, the way she fit in with them and wasn't afraid to make jokes or be carefree. By the time Meredith and Derek left, they had decided that spending their night off at Mark's wasn't nearly as horrible as they'd first imagined it would be. Weirdly enough, it was actually enjoyable.

"We should do that again one time," Meredith said. She kicked off her flats and tossed them into her closet, then shimmied out of her jeans. The night was still young enough for sex, and she knew she wouldn't be going to sleep without having a few screaming orgasms first.

Derek dropped his shirt into the laundry basket and nodded. "Yeah, we should," he agreed. "Maybe we could have everybody over sometime, maybe in the spring. Barbecue or something," he suggested.

"We never did have a house-warming party. We kinda suck, huh?" she giggled, letting her sweater fall on top of his shirt in the basket.

"We can chalk it up to being busy with work," Derek laughed. He scooped her up into his arms and gently dropped her down onto their bed, eager to reclaim their sex night that had been put on hold for a few hours this evening.

Meredith tangled her fingers through his hair, smiling when she felt his lips kissing her just above the lace of her bra. "Okay."

"Right now though..."

"Sex," Meredith finished for him. She let herself relax back on the pillows while Derek trailed kisses all along her body. When he reached those super sensitive spots above her panty line, she giggled, her skin erupting into chills. "Derek."

"Hmm..." he chuckled as he eased her panties down her legs and dropped them to the floor. "God, you're beautiful," he whispered, making his way back up her body to kiss her again.

Meredith lifted up onto her elbows and unhooked her bra, tossing it over the side of the mattress. "You need to get naked too," she reminded him.

Derek hopped up off the bed, quickly removed his jeans and boxers, then rejoined her on the bed. "Both naked now," he grinned.

"Much better." Meredith bit her lip and ran her fingers through his hair, eager to make up for lost time, even if it had only been a few hours wait.

"Condom," he said, reaching over into the nightstand drawer and grabbing the first one he found.

Meredith ran her fingers over the length of him before putting it on. Without letting go, she guided him into her, arching her back in bliss when they were finally joined. "Oh God, Derek," she breathed. "I love you so much."

"I love you," he echoed, leaning down and kissing her with everything he had.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled up at her husband, whom she loved more than she'd ever thought it was possible to love another human being. The way he kissed her and made love to her. And afterward, the way he held her in his arms. Meredith laid comfortably snuggled into him, letting herself give in to the happy post-sex fog looming in the air around them. "Do you think everybody has 'a one?'" she asked him.

Derek pulled her on top of him and wrapped his arms around her back, her body pressed against his. When he looked into Meredith's eyes, there was no trace of doubt in his mind. "Yeah," he whispered. "I do."

Meredith smiled. "Me too."

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