135. Lilly's First Christmas

Disclaimer: Nope, not mine.

Sorry for the delay! I meant to have this posted yesterday, but there was a bad storm that knocked out my internet, and it was just restored today. Hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

It was Lilly's first Christmas, and the floor under the tree was hidden in a sea of presents. Meredith and Derek worked well into the overnight hours to finish wrapping all of them, and now, it was time for Lilly to do the unwrapping, with much assistance from her parents. Meredith held Lilly in her arm as she descended the stairs, Derek behind them, all still in their pajamas. The baby looked with wide blue eyes, surveying the Christmas village that had once been their home.

"I think Santa was here, Lillybug," Derek smiled as the three walked into the living room.

Charlie trotted around, already sniffing for his own presents that they gave him every year. Meredith laughed, sitting down on the floor. "I think he's just as excited as we are," she said.

"I think so," Derek agreed. He scanned the pile of presents until he found one of Charlie's, then tossed it to him. "There you go, buddy."

Charlie stretched out next to Meredith and happily began tearing off the wrapping paper with his teeth, which he enjoyed as much as the treat inside. "Good boy," Meredith praised. She set Lilly between herself and Derek, kissing the top of her head.

"Santa left you a lot of gifts, peanut. Which one do you want to open first?"

"How about this one?" Derek suggested, reaching for a present wrapped in candy cane paper. He put it in front of Lilly, and she stared at it with interest. He peeled off a large strip, then handed it to her. "Go ahead. You can rip it," he encouraged.

Lilly gently tugged at it and Meredith smiled. "Good girl. Want Mommy to help you?" she asked. She sped up the process and helped Lilly pull off the paper the rest of the way.

Lilly's tiny lips formed an 'o' shape when she saw her present, which her parents took as a sign of approval. "These are rubber duckies for when you eventually outgrow your little tub, and we switch to the sink and the real bathtub. There's ten of them... ballerina, fireman, cowboy, my personal favorite, Dr. Duck. Do you like them, Lilly?" Derek asked.

The baby wiggled her tiny bottom on the floor in excitement, clad in her Santa pajamas, and babbled up at them. "Yeah, and that's just the first one. There's about a hundred more to go," Meredith replied.

"Literally, by the time she opens up the presents everyone else got her, too," Derek pointed out, sliding another present toward Lilly.

Meredith peeled off a piece of the wrapping paper on the next gift to give Lilly a head start. Lilly grabbed at it and managed to tear it off with her tiny hand. "Look at you. You're a pro after two presents," Meredith said. She helped Lilly tear off the paper the rest of the way, freeing the little, stuffed lion from inside.

"Ooh, a lion," Derek said, holding it up. He made a growling sound in his throat, and Lilly giggled loudly, taking it from Derek when he handed it to her.

"That sounded like a S-E-X noise," Meredith accused, her tone playful.

"Hmm, I'm saving the rest for her nap time when we can actually do that," Derek said, leaning over to kiss her.

Meredith smiled against his lips. "Can't wait," she said. "Everyone will be here at 4:00, so as long as we're able to get the house organized, we might even be able to go two rounds."


"Really," Meredith echoed.

"And no one minds making the drive out here? Because we could go to the old house," Derek said, getting another present for Lilly to open. Lilly dropped the lion onto her lap and reached for the strip of paper Derek had already peeled for her.

"No, Izzie actually suggested everyone coming out here. They know we have Lilly now, and want to spend our first Christmas at home with her. Plus, everyone has presents for her, and we'd probably have to make three trips to bring them all back here. Having Christmas at our place just made the most sense," Meredith explained.

"Okay," Derek nodded.

Lilly succeeded in ripping off a large piece of paper on her own, and they both looked at her in surprise. "Jeez, Lil. You've got some strength in those little arms, huh?" Derek said.

"That's my girl," Meredith said proudly as Derek helped her unwrap the gift all the way. "Ooh, Santa got you a baby doll."

Lilly looked at her parents, expecting them to open the box, and Derek chuckled. "Okay, I'll open her for you."

Meredith kissed the top of her head. "It's crazy how we know exactly what she's thinking without her even talking," she said.

"I know. We're very in sync," Derek grinned as he freed the doll from the plastic box, then started to untwist the ties holding her plush body in place. "The doll is made of polyester and cotton. Why do they package it like it's made of glass?"

"It's all about the anticipation," Meredith teased.

Once he was done, he laid the doll in Lilly's lap, and she smiled, hugging it in her arm. "Very good, Lilly. Do you love your doll?" Derek said.

"Remember you picked her out, Lilly?" Meredith said before biting her lip. "You know, then we sent her to Santa, and Santa's elves wrapped her and Santa brought her back to you?"

"Nice save."

"Thank you," she played along.

Derek reached for a fourth gift for Lilly to open, wrapped in penguin paper. "I think she'll be opening gifts until New Year's," he joked, though at this rate, it was a possibility.


Lilly made it through fifteen more presents between breakfast and her morning nap, which included a playmat, teething toys, a bouncer, blocks, stuffed animals, and puzzles. All of the gifts were a hit so far, and she'd barely made a dent in them. While she napped, Derek and Meredith were on clean-up duty, shoveling the mountains of wrapping paper into a trash bag, so the floor would be free of clutter when Lilly started round two of present opening.

"It's only 11:15, and I think we both could use a nap, too," Derek chuckled, dumping the last armful of wrapping paper into the bag Meredith held open.

Meredith glanced at Lilly, who was snoozing away in her swing, lulled to sleep by a full belly and watching the Christmas lights on the tree. "I know. Maybe next year, we'll get a jump start on gift wrapping before Christmas Eve," she laughed. "By the time two AM rolled around, my wrapping skills went from mediocre to embarrassingly crappy."

Derek held up one of the gifts that Lilly had yet to open, one that Meredith had wrapped in gingerbread paper. "Yeah, this is pretty bad," he admitted, surveying the box in his hand.

Meredith wadded up a ball of gift wrap and threw it at him. "Shut up," she smirked.

He set the present back in Lilly's pile, then picked up one of the gifts he'd gotten for Meredith. "How about you and I open some while she's sleeping?" he suggested.

"You sure? I promised you Christmas sex," Meredith reminded him.

Derek patted the spot on the floor next to him. "Fine, just these two for now. I can't hold off any longer."

"Okay," Meredith said, her curiosity piqued. She sat down beside him and eyed the presents sitting in his lap with interest. "Are these sex-related gifts? Is that why you want me to open them now?"

"No, but that would've been a good idea," Derek said, handing her the smaller of the two presents. "They go together, but open this one first."

Meredith took it and carefully tore off the wrapping paper, smiling when she saw what it was. "Derek."

"Do you like it?"

"You got me a scrub cap with little cartoon brains on it," she said excitedly, unfolding it so she could look at it more closely.

"Yeah. I figured you needed to add to your collection for when you become a neuro fellow in July," Derek grinned.

Meredith dropped the scrub cap in her lap, then put her hands on his cheeks to kiss him. "I can't wait to wear it. Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said, lingering a little longer than usual at her behest. "Hmm, want the next one?"

"Mhm," she murmured as she reluctantly pulled away. "Although, I have to say, a neuro scrub cap is pretty damn good."

"I think you'll like this more," Derek said before handing her the next present that was flat and square.

Meredith flipped it from one side to the other, trying to gauge what it was before opening it. "Is it a naked calendar shoot of Seattle Grace's most attractive males? Because I've been campaigning for that for years," she joked.

"Half right," Derek said. "But there's no nudity."

Meredith peeled off the wrapping paper and her eyebrows knitted in confusion. "So it is a calendar..."

"Open it."

"Okay," Meredith said, flipping it open to January. She saw that one day of every week was circled in black marker, and continued through that way until July. Puzzled, she looked up at him. "One day a week from January to July. I... have no idea what that means."

"It means that from now until you finish residency, you and I will be guaranteed one surgery together per week, maybe more if I can pull it off. I'm gonna find you the most interesting, exciting neuro surgeries I can, and you get to be the lead surgeon. You take point, you do the cutting; a hundred percent in charge," Derek said with a smile that reached his eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. You'll get lots of practice for your boards, and be able to add all of the surgeries to your résumé. And I already talked it over with our friends; they wanted to help, so they offered to watch Lilly during the hours we're in surgery. And now that Bridget and Mark have a baby on the way, they're even more eager to get in some quality baby boot camp," he said.


"I know you and I haven't been able to do many surgeries together since Lilly was born, and I know how much we've missed working together, so I wanted to do this for you."

Meredith bit her lip and smiled at him, brushing away the tears that had pooled under her eyes. "This is the coolest Christmas gift anyone's ever given me."

"You work your ass off. You deserve it," Derek said. "I can't wait to be back in the OR with you and see all of that Meredith Grey brilliance firsthand."

"Well, you may have played a small part in that..." Meredith admitted.

"You've been giving me a run for my money since Katie Bryce," Derek said sincerely.

Meredith blushed, looking down at the scrub cap and calendar in her lap. "Thank you," she said softly, leaning in and kissing him again. "I love them both. And I love you."

"I love you, too."

She moaned as she pulled away from the kiss, peeking at a soundly sleeping Lilly in her swing. Satisfied that she'd still be sleeping for a while, Meredith turned the volume on the baby monitor all the way up, so they'd be able to hear it from their bedroom, then took Derek's hand. "Come on."

"What're we doing?" he asked.

"Having porny Christmas sex," Meredith said, gasping when Derek put his arms behind her knees and picked her up. She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and kissed his jawline. "But first, I'm going to do all of your favorite things..." she whispered in his ear.

Derek nearly lost his footing on the stairs at the thought, groaning deep in his throat.

"Was that your lion noise, or a sex noise?" Meredith giggled as he carried her down the hall and into their room.

Derek gently dropped her down on the bed and smiled at her. "Maybe a little of both."


It was just after 4:00, and Lilly was sitting next to Meredith, happily opening another one of her presents. Meredith surveyed the gift pile around the Christmas tree, adding those to the number of presents that would be arriving with their company in just a few minutes.

When the number got close to fifty, Meredith stopped counting and sighed amuesdly, hugging Lilly to her. "You're very lucky you have a playroom for all of this stuff. Otherwise, we would have nowhere to put it."

"The ham is finally finished. I put it on the stove to cool off," Derek said, walking into the living room.

Meredith smiled. "Smells good," she said as he joined them on the floor. "Just in time for another present."

"Ooh, what've we got, Princess? Judging by the twenty pieces of tape, it's one that Mommy wrapped," Derek joked, earning him a nudge in the arm.

"Okay, that's twice you've mocked my gift wrapping skills," Meredith berated him playfully. "Remember how I got naked and did all of your favorite things this morning?"

"I take it back. It's beautiful; puts Martha Stewart to shame," Derek amended.

"Thank you," Meredith said, ripping the remaining paper and tape off Lilly's gift.

"Oh, we picked a good one. Take Care Teddy Bear," Derek said, taking the toy out of the box for her. "You get to be his doctor and fix him up. He comes with a stethoscope to listen to his heart, a thermometer to take his temperature, and a bandage in case he has any boo-boos. He even talks when you squeeze his hands, his feet, and his belly."

Meredith helped Lilly squeeze the teddy's hand, and Lilly broke out into giggles when he announced that it was time for his checkup.

"Do you like him, peanut?" Meredith asked, kissing the top of her head. Lilly spoke some of her happy babble, still clutching her doll that she'd opened earlier that morning. "Yeah, I think Dr. Lilly approves."

"'Dr. Lilly Shepherd, Chief of Surgery.' I can already picture that stitched on her white coat," Derek said proudly.

"Not Chief of Neurosurgery?" Meredith asked.

Derek grinned. "Both. Maybe she'll marry a fancy neurosurgeon, too."

"In that case, you'll need to be very bossy, Lilly. Handsome, charming brain men are tough. You have to keep them in line," Meredith said, looking at Derek and smiling.

"You've always been very good at that," Derek said.

The doorbell rang, and Charlie quickly trotted to the front door. Derek got up off the floor, following him into the foyer. He saw Mark and Bridget on the other side of the glass door. "Merry Christmas," Derek greeted, pushing the door open for them.

"Merry Christmas," Bridget said as she entered with an armful of food, Mark behind her holding an armful of presents.

Meredith walked into the foyer with Lilly, cocking her head when she saw the exorbitant amount of gifts Mark had with him. "I'm gonna kill you, but Merry Christmas," she joked.

Bridget handed Derek the bowls of mashed potatoes and stuffing, and shrugged off her coat. "Blame the hormones. I'm in baby mode. Lilly is the one that has to reap the benefits until ours is born," she said, reaching her arms out to hold her.

Meredith passed Lilly over, then lead the way back into the living room where there was more space. "How are you feeling? Morning sickness kick in yet?"

"Oh, yeah," Bridget answered. "Like clockwork."

"I loved being pregnant, but morning sickness is something I don't miss. It was worse than all of Lilly's kicks to my ribs and headbutts to my cervix," Meredith recalled.

Mark laughed, setting both bags of Lilly's gifts on the floor. "Headbutts to the cervix," he parroted. "That's festive Christmas conversation if I've ever heard it."

"And that's just pregnancy. Labor and childbirth are even more fun," Meredith said. She smiled when she saw her daughter, who was contentedly sucking her thumb as she sat on Bridget's lap. "It's all worth it, though. I forgot about all the pain and the pushing the second I saw Lilly for the first time. All I could think about was how perfect she was, and how much I loved her."

"I can't wait," Bridget said softly, one hand on her stomach and the other hugging Lilly to her.

"And as for morning sickness, try graham crackers and ginger ale. Derek's mom suggested it when Derek and I told her I was pregnant, and it's the only trick that worked for me. Minty chapstick wards off the queasiness, too. Bailey taught me that," Meredith said.

"I'll definitely put that information to good use," Bridget said gratefully. "I guess you know all the insider tricks."

"I'll even give you a list of the best sex positions. Seriously, that's one perk of getting through morning sickness. Once that stage passed, I wanted sex twenty-four-seven," Meredith disclosed.

Derek caught the tail end of Meredith's sentence after walking back into the living room from the kitchen, and he smirked at her. "Aah, the Christmas tradition of doling out sex tips," he teased.

"It makes Christmas all the merrier," Meredith defended, patting the cushion next to her on the couch.

But before Derek could sit, the doorbell rang again, and he walked toward the foyer. "I'll get it," he said.

Izzie and Alex stood on the other side of the door, Cristina and Owen trailing right behind as they came up the pathway. "Hey; thanks for driving over. Merry Christmas," Derek said as he held the door open with his arm.

"Merry Christmas," Alex echoed, setting a bag of presents on the table.

"The house looks beautiful," Izzie said. "I'm going to put this turkey in the kitchen before I drop it."

"Yeah, sure. Thanks for offering to cook it," Derek said.

"Happy to do it!" Izzie called out as she walked toward the kitchen.

"Wow. It looks like Whoville in here," Cristina said, stepping over the threshold into the foyer.

"Thank you?" Derek replied, taking the comment as a compliment.

Owen smiled, handing Derek the stack of pie boxes he was holding. "Merry Christmas. We brought pie. Apple, blueberry, and pumpkin because Meredith told me it's Lilly's favorite."

"It is. Thank you," Derek said.

Cristina held up both wine bottles she was holding and clanged them together. "We also brought booze."

"And presents. I'll go get them from the car," Owen said.

"You guys, too?" Derek asked.

"I was bored one night while I was on call, so I online shopped for three hours. Besides, she's my goddaughter. I'm supposed to spoil her," Cristina said.

They walked into the living room to join the others, and Derek finally sat down next to Meredith, who was keeping a watch on Lilly to make sure she didn't get overwhelmed by all the people. Derek wrapped his arm around her, then pressed a kiss to her temple.

"I think everybody just tripled Lilly's gift total," he said.

"She hasn't even made it through these yet," Alex said, pointing to the present pile still sitting near the tree.

"Derek and I decided it'll probably be Christmas week instead of Christmas day. She was making good progress until five minutes ago when the next shipment arrived," Meredith giggled.

Cristina accepted Lilly onto her lap when Bridget passed her over, and she bounced the baby in her arm. "Is this all of us?" she asked.

"Yeah. Lexie is spending the day with my dad and Molly's family, and George went home to see his mom. And Arizona's parents flew in for the holiday, so she and Callie are with them this year," Meredith answered.

"George gave me his present to give to Lilly. Lexie, too," Izzie added.

"Torres and Robbins gave us Lilly's gift. It's the one wrapped in the snowflake paper," Mark said.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do all of that. Lilly loves you guys even without all the presents," Meredith said, trying to hold back her smile when she noticed Lilly drooling on Cristina's shoulder. She reached for a burp cloth in Lilly's diaper supply caddy next to the couch, and tossed it to her friend. "Here; I think you need this."

"What? Why?" Cristina asked. She craned her neck to look over her shoulder, then scrunched her nose. "Eww."

"She's been teething for a while. We've gotten used to the drool. One of her bottom teeth is probably going to pop up any day now. Right, Princess?" Derek asked his daughter.

Lilly reached her chubby hand toward him, and Derek took her from Cristina, so she could wipe the baby drool from her shoulder. "Dinner's done, so how about we eat? Then Lilly can start on her next round of gift opening."

"Sounds good," Mark agreed, standing up from the couch, while the rest followed suit. He sidestepped a pile of toys on the floor, ones that Lilly had opened earlier that day. "So, which one's her favorite so far?"

"All of them, I think. Especially the baby doll. She's been holding onto her all day. She really loves the singing Elmo, too. Oh, and the light-up playmat," Meredith said, taking Lilly's bib off her high chair table and Velcroing it around her neck while Derek held her.

Lilly wiggled her legs and laughed as Derek tried to put her in the high chair between his own seat and Meredith's, and he smiled at her. "You think this is funny, huh?"

"Come on, wiggle worm," Meredith said, helping Derek slip her legs through, so she was sitting down. "She had a longer nap than usual today because she was tired out from playing all morning, so she's wide awake now."

"Full of energy and ready for food," Derek said as he buckled her.

"A longer nap, both of your happy, sunshiny selves, and your holiday tradition. I'm assuming there was some Christmas sexing today," Cristina guessed.

Owen turned his head toward her, eyes wide. "Cristina."

"What? It's the truth," Cristina said, reaching for her water glass. "Wait, it didn't happen on this table, right?"

Derek glanced up from the turkey he had started carving and sighed. "It's Christmas, Yang," he reminded her.

"We have a bed, Cristina," Meredith said, scooping sweet potatoes onto Lilly's divided infant dish.

"Hasn't stopped you before," Alex laughed as he passed the stuffing bowl to Izzie.

Izzie gave a shrug of agreement. "I love you guys, but it's true," she said with a smile.

"What? When was this?" Mark asked interestedly.

"Mark," Derek scolded.

"Come on, it's all in good humor. You two are known for your sexcapades," Mark upheld.

"The first time we caught them was a few years ago. Iz and I got home from work, and we found them doing it on the kitchen counter. Then they went upstairs and finished while Iz bleached the counter top," Alex said.

Meredith felt her cheeks blush, but she smiled anyway. "Yes, thank you for sharing that."

"Wait, you said that was the first time. What was the second?" Mark prodded.

"Oh, God," Meredith groaned.

"Alex and I went out to lunch one Saturday afternoon. When we got home, there they were, stark naked, having sex on the stairs. In front of a full length glass door... in broad daylight... during Girl Scout season," Izzie recalled.

"Yeah. A minute after they fled upstairs, a Girl Scout actually showed up. This sweet kid in her uniform, with a wagon full of cookies, so she could get her freaking cookie badge," Alex added.

"That's a shame. If you two didn't cause coitus interruptus, she could've learned about the birds and the bees. That would've gotten her a nature badge and her cookie selling badge at the same time," Cristina said, popping the cork on the win bottle she'd brought.

Derek leaned over Lilly and kissed the top of Meredith's head, which she held in her hands. "We need new friends," he said.

"I know," Meredith managed to laugh. She shook off the embarrassment, and proceeded to feed Lilly a bite of sweet potatoes, which the baby eagerly accepted. "Good girl, peanut," she praised. "Anyway, yeah. Derek and I... celebrated today. He got me the best Christmas gift ever, and I had to thank him."

"What did he get you?" Bridget asked.

"One amazing neuro surgery a week from now until when I become an attending. I get to be the lead surgeon on every case," Meredith said, smiling at Derek as he wiped Lilly's chin. "But you guys already knew that, because Derek said you all volunteered to watch Lilly while we're in surgery. And that means the world to me, so thank you."

"I'll watch your kid, but just know that I'm secretly hating you for getting to do solo surgeries, even if it is neuro," Cristina said.

Derek grinned in satisfaction. "That's what you get for mocking us about our sex life," he said, feeding Lilly some mushy green beans from his plate.

"It's an awesome gift. We're happy to help out, especially because it means more Lilly time for the rest of us. You two are always hogging her," Izzie joked.

"I know we do, but we can't help it. She's perfect," Meredith said. "Seriously, look at this face."

"It is a perfect face," Mark agreed.

"This is why holidays require liquor," Cristina said as she topped off her glass of wine.

Meredith smiled, kissing Lilly's rounded cheek as she munched on her green beans. "Still perfect."


Lilly's lay sprawled out on her blanket on the living room floor next to Charlie, sound asleep. A sizable amount of presents remained unopened under the tree, ready to be tackled tomorrow morning for Christmas: Round Two. Meredith and Derek sat in front of the fireplace and watched her little chest rise and fall with every breath she took, soaking in the last few hours of Lilly's first Christmas.

"Snoozing away, surrounded by a city of toys, with a belly full of vegetables, fruit, and pie. I'd say Lilly had a pretty great day," Derek said.

Meredith wrapped her arm around his torso, her head resting on his chest. "I think so," she said. "I did, too. Thank you for all my presents, Derek, especially the surgeries."

Derek smiled, his lips pressed to the top of her head. "Hmm, you're welcome."

"You already took time off so I could finish residency, and now, you're just going to hand me the scalpel and let me save lives," Meredith said, raising her head to look at him. "You know how hot and bothered that makes me, don't you?"

"I kind of figured this afternoon when you..." Derek began before glancing over at Lilly, who made a suckling sound with her thumb in her mouth. "Did my favorite things," he censored.

"And that was just the sneak peek. We haven't checked off every item on that favorite things list yet," Meredith hinted. She kissed his chest and sat up. "But before that, I have your last gift."

"What? You already got me a lot," Derek said.

"Those were just little things. I've been waiting to give you this one all day," Meredith said. She crawled over to the tree and reached her arm under the branches, pulling out a small gift before handing it to him. "Here. I wrapped it in Lilly's Elmo paper to throw you off; then I thought you might give it to her to open by mistake, so I tossed it in the back this morning."

"Good thinking," Derek said, flipping the small box over in his hand. "A watch?" he guessed.

"No. And no guessing. Just open it," Meredith said.

Derek smirked as he peeled off the paper. "So bossy."

"I know."

He finished unwrapping the box and popped off the lid, peeking inside. "Keys?"

"Yeah. I would've wrapped what they belong to, but there's no way it would've fit in the front door, much less under the Christmas tree. Anyway, yeah, I sort of got you a fishing boat," Meredith said, smiling nervously.

Derek looked up from the keys in his hand, blinking as her sentence sank in. "Fishing boat?" he echoed.

"You know that picture you have pinned to the bulletin board in your office, the one of the motor boat? You've been talking about getting it since I met you, but you still haven't, so I did it for you."

Derek smiled at her, shaking his head in surprise. "You really got me a boat?"

"Yeah. It got delivered last week, so it's been sitting in Mark and Bridget's garage. I was so tempted to tell you. But after your surgery present to me this morning, I was so glad that I decided to hold off and give it to you today. Oh, and we're getting an extension built on the dock out at the lake. The builders are coming out in the spring. Now we'll be able to keep the boat anchored to it, and the three of us can have picnics out there or whatever. We can put Lilly's little bikini on her, and she can splash her toes in the water," Meredith said. She watched the grin on his face grow, and rubbed her hand over his arm.

"Mer, this is... thank you," Derek said softly.

Meredith smiled at him, giving a small shrug. "You've been a stay-at-home dad, and you've been picking up extra shifts at the hospital whenever you can, so I figured this summer, you deserve the chance to relax. I really do appreciate everything you've done for me and for Lilly."

"I'd make the same decision over and over again," Derek said honestly.

She put her hands on either side of his face and kissed him. "I know you would."

Derek jingled the keys in his hand, chuckling slightly. "You know, you're very good at giving gifts."

"I think seven months' worth of solo surgeries still trumps anything I could've gotten you," Meredith giggled.

"You got me a boat and a new and improved dock. Plus, you gave birth to Lilly this year. As far as gifts go, she's..." Derek said as he tried to find a word that felt adequate.

"Un-trumpable?" Meredith supplied, both of them looking over at their daughter, who had her doll snuggled in the crook of her arm.

Derek wrapped his arm around Meredith and smiled. "Yeah. Yeah, she really is."