
Night of the Living Dead

"Why is there a whole warehouse full of zombies? Better question: how come nobody had noticed? It stinks to high heaven!" I said, holding my nose in a sad attempt to block the smell.

"To answer your first question, Marceline's goal is to become a full-blooded demon and then join the ranks of the Dark Disciples," Noel spoke in my head, so the zombies couldn't hear us.

"As for the second question, a simple magical barrier that hides its presence from anyone but the caster. As long as someone is not looking for whatever the caster wants to be hidden, then the spell will be effective."

That explains how we were able to find the nest. I want to ask about this Dark Disciple business, but I'll have to save that for later. I have to deal with these zombies first. It will be easy, all I have to do is snipe them from way up here and under five minutes have this place cleared out.

Here I go.

I am aiming for the center, where a lot of the zombies are gathered. By shooting a fireball, I am hoping to incinerate a lot of them and have the fire spread to the others. I'll then absorb the flames before it gets too out of control and be home by midnight.

I released the breath I was holding in and fired a giant fireball at the horde of zombies. The fireball explodes upon impact. The shockwave sent me flying into the wall, cracking it with my back.

I hit the ground, hit my face, and broke my nose. Blood comes rushing out of it, my head is spinning and my ears are ringing. I think this will go down as one of the dumbest mistakes I had ever done up until now.

"This isn't the time for you to be sleeping Ken, here comes the dead," Harper said in my head.

I looked up and saw flaming zombies shambling toward me. To make matters worse: the whole building caught on fire. For my very first outing as a superhero, I am already doing a horrible job.

I grabbed a thick chain link close to me and coated it with ice. It has got to be around sixteen feet, which is good to keep the undead away from me. But I don't need it to be this long, so I broke it in half by using my demonic strength. I coated the other one with hellfire.

"Alright, let's get to it!" I said through gritted teeth.

I swung the chain with all my might, cutting at least three zombies in half. I kicked another one into seven of them and froze them solid. Using the heated-up chain, I shattered them like glass. By using my wits, and supernatural abilities, I start to get into a zombie-slaying rhythm.

The problem is that these zombies are not like the ones depicted in the movies. They are smart and strong as hell. One of the zombies even managed to land a hit on me by using a freaking pipe.

My head got busted open and I staggered. These creeps must have sensed my vulnerability and they started to pile up on me. Nails and teeth had started to dig into my flesh, drawing blood. If I don't do something now, I'll be torn to pieces.

"Get off of me!" I erupted into a huge pillar of flames. Burning away any and all zombies in a twenty feet radius into ash.

I quickly absorbed all of the flames that I had produced before they had the chance to spread. There are a couple more left, but they are nothing that I can handle.

I don't know why I was even using fucking chains, I have superpowers. In my mind, I am picturing a giant hammer to smash these fucking zombies. It doesn't take a lot of energy to produce, it just takes some imagination and I can create anything that I can think of.

No, that is a lie. I can't create anything complex like a car or a jet, but simple things like obsolete weaponry.

With my giant hammer, I get to work. I killed about twenty of them before it shattered. But then I created giant boxing gloves flames. This song and dance went on for what felt like hours and when all things were said and done, it was still night outside.

The warehouse has finally fallen silent except for my haggard breath. I am surrounded by zombie blood and guts and the stench of death. I feel like I am going to throw up.

My body reminded me of all of the abuse it had suffered from the fight as pain shot through me. I was able to ignore it due to the adrenaline of the fight, but now I just want to lie down and rest. But I am afraid that I will become one of the members of the living dead.

"Hey girls, what will happen to me since I was bitten by these zombies?"

"Nothing. This isn't a virus, it's magic. You do need to go check yourself into a hospital though. Those wounds you received during the fight look nasty." Harper made a face of disgust.

"I can't go to a hospital, I haven't gotten a Hero License." I protested. " I can go to juvie!"

"Maybe you should've made better decisions then, kid," a mysterious voice rang somewhere in the old warehouse.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Noel demanded.

Loud footsteps echoed in the building, drawing closer to us. I got ready for a fight just in case it was an enemy. I am on the verge of passing out, but I am willing to stay awake.

A young woman had stepped out of the shadows. She appeared to be in her late teens or early twenties. She is wearing all black as if she came from one of those cheesy sci-fi movies from the early noughties, equipped with a leather trench coat.

I'm not one of those dudes who are into fashion, but even I know when something is stupid to wear.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be, Trinity?" I said, trying my best to put on airs.

"Good one tough guy. My name is Cecilia Mars and I am a demon hunter."

Did she say a demon hunter? What the hell is this, some sort of cheesy young adult novel?

"Judging from your attire, I can safely say you are not associated with the angels or White Church?" Noel said crossed arms.

Cecilia scoffed.

"Hell no! I would rather sell my ass in the corner than be affiliated with the Church or those feathered freaks!"

"So what do you want, Trinity?" Harper said.

Cecilia glared at her but answered the question.

"I was here to take out this nest. But when I arrived, you were already taking them out. I didn't feel like stepping on toes. That is until I found out you were just a superhero. I gotta say, not bad for your first fight." She congratulated me with a big smile.

I honestly can't tell if she's mocking me or if she's genuine? Or better yet, why didn't she help me out if she knew I was an amateur? Whatever, I am tired and in pain to care. I have a first aid kit at home, I can have one of the ghost girls patch me up.

"Thanks, I guess. It was nice meeting you, but I better get going." I turned to leave.

"Hold on a minute, kid. You never told me your name?"

"You can just call me Ghost-Man." I tried to sound cool.

"I'm not talking about your lame superhero name, I meant your real name."


"Fine, I'm Ken Waters."

Geez, Ken, why don't you give her your social security number too while you're at it?" Harper said, trying to smack me across the head but her hand phased right through me.

"Here." She tossed me a metal bottle that I barely caught.

"What is it?"

"It is a healing elixir. It will heal your wounds and replenish all of the energy that you lost during the fight. Think of it as a small payment for taking care of the zombie nest for me."

"I would prefer cash honestly."

"Then change occupations, being a superhero doesn't pay well compared to being a hunter. I'll see you around, Ken."

In a single bound, she leaped upwards towards the hole in the ceiling.

"Down the hatch." I opened the bottle and drank the elixir in one gulp.

"Moron! Don't go drinking things you have no idea what it is!" Noel snapped at me.

"Sorry," I said as I threw the now empty bottle.

I can understand why she would be mad, but why would Cecila give me some poison. It doesn't make sense for her to kill me.

That aside, maybe I should give up on being a superhero. From what I am about to get into with the Frost sisters, demons, and magic. I think it makes more sense for me to try and obtain a Hunter's License instead.