64. Chapter 64

Chapter 64

When Rick and Kate reached the loft after leaving the precinct, they arrived just in time to sufficiently hug a daughter before JD came to pick her up for their date. They even hugged a laughing JD after Alexis explained her need to escape.

After the teasing hug, Castle backed away and expressed his appreciation to JD for trying to get Alexis's mind away from their last case.

JD assured him, "I've seen how you and Mrs. Castle take care of each other, and I'm just trying to do the same for Alexis. She's already said she doesn't intend to settle for anything less than what the two of you have; so if I want a chance, I need to learn to give her that."

The conversation between the two men had been quiet, limited to the two of them as Alexis talked to Kate and Martha in the kitchen. She gave them their schedule for the date before they left, knowing her parents would worry more than usual for a little longer.

Castle shook JD's hand and said with a teasing smile, "You're a good man, JD. If it does work out for the two of you, I think you might pass inspection. Just try not to hurt her."

He nodded. "Yes, Sir."

Then Alexis joined them, looking suspicious. "Dad, what have you been up to?"

"It's all good," JD answered for him.

"See?" Castle charged, looking appropriately self-righteous for his daughter's benefit. "Misjudged again."

"Sorry, Dad," she apologized, then gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before she and JD left.

Young person hugging accomplished, Rick and Kate turned their attention to an unsuspecting Martha. Kate was first while Rick poured wine for the three of them. "Their entire families, Martha," she said as she hugged her mother-in-law. "The only vaguely good part of this is that those families didn't have to suffer the loss of the others. I married your son, but I can't imagine not having you and Alexis. I love all of you so much."

Martha held her close and assured her, "I'm not going anywhere, Darling; and I can't tell you what it means to me to hear that. Have you seen your father?"

"I called him on the way home," she said as she moved away.

"He must be so proud of you. I certainly am."

Castle handed Kate her wine. Then he pulled his mother close to him in a one-armed hug around her shoulders and kissed her temple before giving her her own glass. "You know I feel the same way no matter how I sound sometimes, right?" he asked with his arm still around her.

"I know," she responded, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Good," he answered with his teasing smirk. "'Cause you may not hear it again for a while."

"I know," she told him again, this time with a swift little backhanded swat to his chest.

Kate smiled as he pulled Martha a bit closer and gave her one more kiss.

"I'm glad this case is over, Martha said, leaning her head back against her son after the little reprimand. "It's taken a toll on both of you. You need a break."

"We have one," Rick told her. "Kate has to work tomorrow and Friday, and then we have a long weekend."

Martha moved away from Rick and looked at the couple. "You were going to leave with Alexis on Sunday anyway," she said to Rick. "You and Kate should take a day or two for yourselves. Alexis and I can go up on Sunday afternoon, and Kate and I can drive back on Monday night."

"Kate?" he asked, looking hopefully in her direction.

"Only if Alexis is okay with that."

Martha huffed a little laugh. "She might enjoy having a day or two with nobody squeezing the breath out of her as soon as the front door opens."

"We'll talk to her in the morning," Rick agreed. "The beach sounds great to me." In a total change of subject, he asked, "Kate, are you hungry?"

"No. I just need to sleep."

"Me, too. After giving his mother one more kiss on her cheek, he put his hand on Kate's back and guided her toward their room. "'Night, Mother," he said over his shoulder."

"Goodnight, Darlings."

"Shower or straight to bed?" Rick asked as they entered their room.

"Sleep," Kate answered, "No matter how good an idea a shower would be."

"Good choice. I'm ready to collapse."

They managed enough energy to brush their teeth and splash water on their faces before leaving their clothes in a few untidy heaps on the floor, practically falling into their bed and quickly into the arms of Morpheus. Later during the night, they woke and engaged in the life-affirming activity they hadn't had the energy for when they first came home.


Friday morning found both teams at the precinct finishing paperwork.

Karpowski was already there when Beckett and Castle arrived. "I came in early to double check everything we've done. I've told the guys we want all the i's dotted and all the t's crossed on this one. We don't want any of these people to get off on a technicality because of something we missed. And I know we have that meeting with the ADA today. You need to have everything ready for him. Most of what you need is here. I'll get the last little bit to you in about half an hour."

"Thanks, Karpowski. I appreciate that."

Karpowski went back to her desk with a little wave over her shoulder in response.

"So now we need to do your report?" Castle asked. "The boys shouldn't have a lot left to do. You have the lion's share of it now, right? Checking everything and putting it together in one report to merge all of it?"

"Yeah, but I need to be thorough and careful, too. Karpowski's right. No room for even tiny mistakes on this one. All those kids...for no reason." She shook herself a little as if trying to shake the thought away.

"Let me know when you're ready to dictate, and I'll type. Meanwhile I'm good for a coffee refill if you're interested."

"I think I sucked the travel mug dry on the way in. Definitely interested."

Castle left for the break room and was returning with two cups of coffee as Esposito left the elevator.

"One of those for me?" Esposito teased.

"Nope. Getting her caffeinated for you," Castle answered with a smile. "You do want her caffeinated, right?"

Ryan exited the stairwell just in time to hear that and Esposito's laugh. "You're a good man, Castle."

"I heard all that," Beckett said as they returned, her eyes still scanning Karpowski's report.

"Ears like a bat," Castle stage whispered as he set her coffee on the desk next to his wife and sat down.

The boys chortled at the two of them before they went for their own coffee and settled in to complete their work.

Beckett went through Karpowski's folder, familiarizing herself with it and making notes of anything she might want to reference when talking to the ADA. Then she made notes for her final report for the captain.

"Send me a copy of what you have so far," she told the boys. "I can work with that while you finish the rest."

Beckett worked, and Ryan and Esposito worked. Karpowski brought her minimally amended final report and the last of her team's notes. Beckett continued to note things that belonged in her own final report, and eventually Beckett dictated and Castle typed. Then they both edited here and there and proofed it one last time. After organizing all the paperwork in the file according to protocol, and to be as easily accessible as possible. Beckett took it to Captain Gates. Gates accepted the substantial file, went to get coffee, and immediately began to look for anything she might have missed earlier in the investigation.

Later, Gates called Beckett to her office. "This is everything the ADA could ask for, Lieutenant. We'll meet him in the conference room this afternoon at two-thirty. Unless something else is required after the meeting, you'll all be dismissed then. You've earned it. I'll admit that, having seen a few incidents where you...or you and Mr. Castle broke protocol, your new rank left me with small concerns. You handled this case well, though. It was high profile, and tested your mettle very early in the game; but you worked it carefully and as by the book as I could ask. I've already emailed the ADA a copy of your final report so he can be prepared. The meeting with him this afternoon should go well."

"I hope it does," Beckett answered.

A small smile appeared on the captain's face, and she said mischievously, "Too bad there isn't a female ADA available right now. We've done so well this far."

Beckett couldn't hold back a grin. "Yes, Sir. It is," she answered. There might have been a slight estrogen fog hanging in Gate's office as Beckett returned to her desk, still smiling. Pointing to the break room, she called Karpowski without even sitting down.

"What's the smile about?" Castle asked, unable to not want to be a part of whatever put the playful twinkle in his wife's eyes.

"I'll tell you later," she promised. "I need to talk to Roslyn for a minute."

The two women had the break room to themselves, but Beckett kept the captain's last comment to a near whisper anyway. There was a burst of laughter from Karpowski before they both left with coffee and smiles.

Castle caught the captain watching and smiling very much as his wife had. Curiosity was killing him when Beckett handed him a coffee made exactly the way he liked it…probably a consolation prize for not sharing the joke, he thought. Beckett did take him to lunch before the meeting with the ADA and explained, and his response was much the same as Karpowski's. And his continually growing appreciation of the real person inside the captain's outer image increased.

The meeting with the Assistant District Attorney went quite well, but he asked fewer questions than they had expected. When that was mentioned, he said that everything was laid out clearly enough that it wasn't necessary. He voiced a couple of small concerns, but neither of them had anything to do with proper conduct of the police work.

"Thank you, Captain," the ADA said as he left. "Lieutenant, Detective…very clean, concise presentation. If I have other questions, I'll be in touch."

The other members of the teams involved in the case anxiously waited to see the ADA's demeanor as he exited the conference room. When they heard his parting remarks, Castle quickly searched for something on his phone. After showing it to the other men, who smiled in agreement, he made his way to the room where the three women were gathering their copies of the file, stepped inside, and pressed "play" on his phone. The theme from the old Wonder Woman television show played into the room and smiles appeared from all three women. Gates, in a move that seemed completely out of character, raised both hands and high-fived the other two women before leaving the room and walking into the hall in her normal, dignified manner.

The faces of the other men on the teams made it obvious that they knew what Castle had done…and approved. Their only indication of acknowledgment of Gates's appreciation was a dignified nod in their direction and the word, "Gentlemen." But it was accompanied with a little smile that reached her eyes.

Almost back at her office, Gates turned and said, "You're all dismissed. Go home. Karpowski, you and your team can start enjoying your extended weekend." Then she went and sat down at her desk as if none of the previous hour and a half had happened.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not waiting around for anything else to keep us here," Esposito stated, as he reached to turn off his computer. "This week was intense."

"Me, either. I'm taking Jenny out for dinner tonight to make up for all the attention she didn't get the rest of this week.

Karpowski's team voiced similar opinions, and all of them were leaving the precinct in a matter of minutes. Beckett's team worked the next day, which was easier knowing they had Monday off.

As they all prepared to leave that afternoon, Ryan said, "Jenny and I are getting out of town for the weekend. A bed and breakfast we've been to before. It's in a nice, quiet little town upstate."

"Lanie has the weekend off, too. We're staying here and playing the weekend by ear," Esposito said.

"The beach for us," Castle answered. "See you Tuesday."

The boys were already in the elevator as Beckett reached to get her purse from the desk drawer. Castle waved the other two detectives on without them, and he and Beckett took their time and breathed a collective sigh of relief at reaching the end of a long, stressful week.


The loft was quiet as the couple returned to pick up their bags, but Alexis came down the stairs to meet them when the front door closed.

"Are you sure you're okay with our leaving now?" Kate asked her. "You and your dad were supposed to have time to yourselves."

Not until Sunday," Alexis answered. "And I like having you with us, Kate. I've never felt like you were taking my dad away from me…except maybe right at first…before I really knew you."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I'm sure I'll be more fun after a couple of days to decompress," Castle promised.

"I love you both," Alexis told them. "Go decompress. I'm trying hard not to know what that means." Castle pulled her into a big hug and kissed the top of her head, then Kate took her turn. "See you Sunday," Alexis told them.

"Love you," both Kate and Castle said together as they left, and Alexis went back upstairs smiling.


After the week they'd just had, even the trip out of the city in Friday evening rush hour traffic seemed relaxing to the couple. They were driving the SUV, which Castle had stocked with soft drinks, water, and snacks before they left home. They started the trip by sitting quietly and holding hands as they inched through the heavy traffic. Eventually, Castle lifted Kate's hand to kiss it and said, 'It's nice to have you to myself."

"Not the best place, but I agree," she answered and pulled his hand to her lips for a kiss. "I'll be glad when we're out of the city."

From there conversation ebbed and flowed until they finally reached the beach house. It was already dark when they pulled up in front of the house; but by unspoken agreement, they dropped their bags at the door and made their way straight through the house and down to the beach, kicking off their shoes on the back porch. The moon gave them enough light to find their way; and the breeze, the smell of the ocean, and the feel of the sand welcomed them back to the sense of peace they always found there. Something they sorely needed right then. They stood at the edge of the water, arms around one another, and absorbed the tranquility of the place for a while before walking back to the house and taking their bags to their room.

"Shower in the morning?" Kate asked, dropping her small bag next to the dresser.

"Works for me, Castle answered from where they had both quickly collapsed flat on their backs, legs still dangling to the floor.

Looking toward her husband, she said softly, "I don't tell you often enough how much better my life is with you in it."

He turned his head toward hers and kissed her forehead. "Same here."

"It has nothing to do with money or beach houses…just you."

That earned her enough movement from her tired husband to have him lift himself on one elbow and lean forward to give her a kiss full on the lips. "Knowing that means the world to me," he answered. "Before you, I had a series of relationships where I felt like I was someone to claim and show off at social events. I'm sure that, without the money, they would never have happened at all. Sometimes I think I could lose everything and it wouldn't matter to you. "

"Only sometimes? It should be always, Rick. Whatever happens, we'll work it out. The perks are nice, but you're what I want."

"Come on. Let's get ready for bed. You can cuddle up to me and make me feel even more special." That was followed with his smirky smile, and he kissed her again, making her feel pretty special, too.

A few minutes later, clothes were on the floor, and they were snuggled close under the covers. And a few goodnight kisses were the only thing left between the two of them and sleep.

Castle woke alone the next morning. Kate's side of the bed still held a hint of her warmth, though; so he knew she hadn't been gone long. He got up, made a quick trip to the bathroom, pulled on some pajama pants, and went downstairs.

"'Morning," his wife said without even turning around. "I was going to bring you coffee. It's ready."

He wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her shoulder near the curve of her neck, and she leaned her head to the side to give him easy access.

"Mmm… If you want your coffee, you might have to stop that."

"We can always make more coffee," he answered before turning her toward him for a more thorough good morning kiss.

She joined the spirit of the kiss, but when he pulled back, she reached for his coffee. "It's still hot. Want to drink it out on the porch?"

He accepted his mug, took a sip, and answered, "Sure." Then he realized she was wearing a long, flowing, gauzy print "something" he'd never seen before. "Pretty," he said. "I like it."

"Alexis and I found it while we were shopping the last time we were both here. I had forgotten about it." She ran one finger down the center of his bare chest and said, "I like what you're wearing, too, and planted a kiss where her finger had started its path. Then she picked up her coffee, and they went and sat on the rattan loveseat on the porch, leaning toward each other, shoulders touching.

They leisurely sipped coffee and enjoyed the peace and quiet for a while before Castle put his arm around Kate's shoulders and kissed her head when she leaned it against him.

"Do you realize that, if we start trying in the fall, by this time next year we could be sitting out here holding our baby? A brand new little life that we created because we love each other."

She sat up to look at him and asked, "You're sure you still want to start all over again when you just got the first one in college?"

"Only with you. But yes, I'm sure. Are you having second thoughts?"

"No. Just making sure you aren't." She paused and snuggled against him again. "It surprises me that I'm so sure, because it also scares me to death. But, yes. I want our baby."

"You'd be back on desk duty," he pointed out.

"This time it would be worth it."

"If you ever decide you want to just stay home and be a mom, you always have that option, you know. Or you could take extended maternity leave. Whatever you want, Kate. It's your choice."

"You wouldn't mind if I kept working, though?"

"As long as the job puts you in less danger. I want our child to have both parents. I want to do this with you."

"The next move in rank is captain. In my experience, 'the higher the rank, the less the danger' seems to be the norm."

"I can be a stay-at-home dad again if I need to. And I wouldn't mind. But I'd miss working with you."

"I'd miss you, too. You don't know how much of a difference you make in my day. I'm sure I'm an awful grouch when you're off on book tours. I've heard Ryan and Esposito whisper to each other, 'When is Castle getting back?' Undoubtedly because of my ill humor while you're gone."

Castle looked pleased at that admission. "We'll work it out when we need to."

"Okay," she answered with a sound of trust that they could. Then she turned her face to his for a long, lingering kiss. "Let's get dressed and go to breakfast at Bernie's. I don't want to cook this morning."

"Me, either. We can have breakfast and wander around for a while."

"So…do I get to claim you and show you off?" she asked mischievously.

"Oh, I see now. All this time I've only been arm candy?"

"Never, Rick. Always more than that." There was a flirtatious pause before she added, "But you do make fine arm candy."

"How about we show each other off this morning…and both know it's more than that?"

She grinned at him happily and answered, "Good plan. Shower first, Mr. Castle?"

"Mrs. Castle, I thought you'd never ask."

After a playful and extremely satisfying shower, they dressed, visited with Bernie and his wife during a late breakfast, then took in some of the tourist shops just for fun. Both of them laughed at a ridiculous crab made of sea shells, sporting glass jeweled eyes…as well T-shirts with terrible puns and other odds and ends. They window shopped and browsed through an art gallery; and then they saw a shop that sold baby furniture, and Castle dragged her in. They told the saleswoman they were just looking out of curiosity, but Kate was paying close attention to everything Castle pointed out. Then they went home, holding hands and feeling very close and loving.

As he pulled the car up in front of the house, Castle said, "I think some practice should happen tonight."

She leaned over and placed her hand lovingly on his cheek to pull his face toward her and kiss him, and answered, "We have tomorrow morning, too."

They walked back to the house, arms around each other, and spent the rest of the day talking, relaxing, imagining plans that included a baby Castle, and concentrating only on each other.