A Turn for the Worse

Unsurprisingly, once the debilitating pain Riekan felt had subsided as he laid on the cold, stone ground of the room, multiple profanities could not help but escape his mouth as he noticed Valyr heading to where he was.

"To think you would resort to such boorish tactics, human!" he exclaimed as he summoned the silver sword that was slightly far away from him back to his hands. "You're no different from the man that locked me here!"

"Is that so?" In response to Riekan's words, Valyr raised his eyebrow in slight intrigue, opening his mouth to reply just as he had arrived in front of the still lying Riekan. After that…



Without any shred of hesitation whatsoever, Valyr unceremoniously kicked the being in that area once more, feeling like he had to do so out of spite after hearing something like that.