Lesser Meltierre Mountain Outpost

As the large teleportation construct in the center of the room activated, a blinding light filled the entirety of the room as Valyr's presence in the room disappeared within seconds. As the light subsided, Julian's gaze remained affixed towards the large teleportation construct, only turning around to leave once the construct had been fully deprived of its energy.

"Guildmaster." However, just as he was about to head back to his room in the guild and call it a day, one of the staff called for his name, prompting him to stop in his tracks as he turned his around and raised his eyebrow. Seeing that they had gained Julian's attention, the staff looked back at the large teleportation construct for a bit before looking back at Julian. "Do you happen to know the identity of the person we teleported?"

"I do." Julian nodded.