Returning to One's Roots

"The Shadow Plane…" Murmuring the name of the place Noel had mentioned to him, Valyr thought to himself how it was slightly absurd that evolving a couple skills to a higher grade was the only thing hindering him from gaining access to such a place that not many would have access to. With that, he felt a bit grateful that he had planned on taking the subclass he had wanted to get back then, feeling a bit of excitement and nervousness at the same time as he continued to stare at the dark rift before them.


"Alright. It's stabilized." Letting out a deep sigh of relief, Noel released his hands off of the magic circle as the Abyssal Energy emanating from him gradually disappeared. Seeing as the rift remained where it was, he then took a look at Valyr, who was continuing to look at him all this time.

With that, he then gestured to the young man to head into the rift first, only to stop the latter just as he had taken a step forward.