Four Pillars: Uprising

Letting the feeling of adrenaline coursing through his veins gradually die down, the man took in a deep breath before grabbing the shortsword the orc wielded earlier. Due to the size difference between him and the orc, the shortsword looked more like a broadsword when he wielded it.

Nevertheless, that did not stop the man from putting all of his strength into lifting up the sword before letting gravity do its thing, allowing its blade to cut the orc's throat under its own weight. Because of it, the orc began to shudder for a brief moment, its limbs thrashing out.

Seeing this, the man put in more of his strength into the blade, forcing the blade deeper into the orc's neck as he looked at the sight before him with a cold expression. Eventually, after a few more seconds had passed, the remaining vitality within the orc had disappeared, with the man finally rendering his former 'master' dead.