Chapter 4

American and French leaders sat at a round table in a dimly lit room. The tension in the room was enough to cut through. The issue at hand? Russian forces calling for allies to meet at the dome to prepare for war against America.

"We need to send our own people there as soon as possible to show Russian forces we won't conced to their tyranny!" A well decorated general pounded his fist against the table. The room was silent at first, all thought about what the general had said and for the most part he was right.

"We can't just act without reason general." The French leader Nicholas took a drink of water from a small glass before continuing. "If we rush in now with the warriors we currently have we will lose. They have been honing their fighters for some time now."

The general gritted his teeth in defeat. He knew very well that Nicholas was right. There had been rumors that the Russians and Chinese had band together to train their most elite warriors. "Then do you intend for us to sit on our asses and wait for them to come to us!?"

"Of course not, but to rush in without having a proper plan would only humiliate us." Nicholas rubbed his temples. This war had been a long time coming but he didn't expect things to proceed so quickly.

"We need someone that is already highly trained," the American leader John didn't speak directly to anyone but more as an open thought.

"Well, there is someone that just returned to America that could prove to be useful." Everyone looked at the intern that spoke up. He was a small thing but was always well informed in matters pertaining to the military.

"Come forward and address us all." John said waving the boy over. "You said we may have someone to help get us out of this mess?"

"Yes, I believe so." The intern wipped sweat from his forehead. He was visibly nervous in the face of so many powerful men. "He's an assassin from an important organization. He has hundreds of confirmed kills and is a master with a sword. Apparently he is one of the most highly trained individuals the organization had." The intern clutched his clip board hoping that the information he provide would be enough to spare him from the leaders wrath.

"If he is so highly trained then why isn't he with the organization anymore?" The general was skeptical. Although everyone had heard rumors of the young man in this important mysterious organization, they had never seen him in action themselves.

"Rumors have it he retired. Actually, the organization went to great measures to hide why exactly he retired. So we don't have anymore information then that." The general slammed his fist against the table once again.

"You don't have anymore information!? How are we supposed to know he's even worth our time then!?"

"Calm yourself general." Nicholas attempted to interven before the poor intern fainted from fear. "Is there more you aren't telling us?"

"This guy is the real deal." The intern said pushing up his glasses. "He has face the Russian 'bears and won." The room fell silent once again. The Russian bear was one of Russias most prized warriors. The idea that a young assassin, even at the top of his game, defeated him would mean this assassin has immense power and understanding of his skills.

"If that is true then we can't simply ignore such a powerful person." John said.

"Are we really considering recruiting someone we know very little about?" The general was impatient, "we can't risk our entire reputation on one person!"

"General, wasn't it you that wanted to storm into the dome with just what we have now? Not a single fighter we have has went up against the bear of Russia, but this man has." Nicholas attempted to calm the general once more. Everyone knew this was a long shot but it was the only shot they had. "Does this fellow from the organization have a name?"

The intern went through the papers on his clipboard. "Yes, he is know only as the phantom. However, we know someone that could help us get in touch with him. Mikey the cable."

The room fell silent. Everyone knew Mikey 'the cable'.. he was notorious for his quick wit and connections. "Mikey won't tell us anything if the organization has already tried to hide this man's retirement." John rubbed his temples. Dealing with Mikey was no easy feat even for leaders of a great country. Mikey was considered untouchable. "Maybe for the right price he will tell us something?" Nicholas chimed in, "we have to get this man on our side if we want to win this." Everyone nodded in agreement. Mikey would talk for the right price, or at the very least point them in the right direction.

"If we are all in agreement, make the call." Everyone nodded at John's words, even the general who was still skeptical.

"Right away sir." The intern said heading out the door to call Mikey.

A few days later, in the same dimly lit room, Mikey sat amongst three powerful men. He looked around sizing up each of the nervous men. He wasn't exactly sure what they wanted but he knew whatever it was had to be serious to call him out.

"Well, what can I do for you lads?" Mikey leaned forward with his arms crossed over his chest. He noted the three men giving each other nervous glances. "Out with it. I have important things to attend too."

The general gritted his teeth, "You sit among American and French leaders, yet you still show such insolence!"

"Hush general." John left no room for the general to protest any further. "We need information that only you could provide."

"Well I figured as much." Mikey took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. The general became more annoyed but was quite about his emotions. After taking a long drag off of his cigarette Mikey continued, "What information are you looking for?"

"We need information on the phantom." Nicholas said. Mikey took another drag off his cigarette. He wasn't sure if he should tell them anything on Chris. He didn't want to put him in a difficult spot, not after everything Chris did for the organization.

"He's retired. That's all I can say." Mikey stood from his seat and began walking towards the door.

"Wait!" John grabbed Mikeys coat sleeve. "We can offer you millions, all we need is a name. It's of upmost importance that we have him on our side for the impending dome war." Mikey could tell they were desperate. He had dealt with leaders from other countries before but never had they acted this way.

"Let me make a call." Mikey walked out of the room. He was in no position to give away such closely guarded secrets without permission from the higher ups. He didn't want to put Chris in danger but millions of dollars could set the organization up nicely for several years. He pulled out his phone and dialed.

"What is it?" A man from the other side of the call spoke. His rough voice never failed to send chills down Mikey spine.

"They want information on the phantom. How do you want me to proceed?"

The phone was silent for a moment before a harsh chuckle came from the other side.

"I see, well things really are going according to plan. Give them a name only. We shall see how the rest unfolds."

"Yes sir." Mikey knew he couldn't complain, this man was dangerous. He was only known as the king to Mikey, but the whole organization was founded by this one man. Mikey ran his hand through his red hair. 'Sorry kid, I have no choice.'He thought as he headed back to the dimly lit room. As he entered it became clear that all were waiting with anticipation.

"His name is Chris Mase. I expect my payment in full." Mikey placed a card on the table with bank information then walked out. The leaders sat in silence for a moment.

"What now sir?" The general asked feeling the tension in the room.

"We find this Chris Mase. We will recruit him no matter what the cost and win this damned war." All nodded at John's words.