Hunt vs. Webber

Ivy is in the elevator on her phone when Mark steps in. They haven't talked a whole bunch since Ivy scolded him about Lexie, but from whats she heard from Derek and Callie, he isn't handling it well.

"I'm lonely," Mark says, lowly.

Ivy snorts, "Who are you missing: Little Sloan, Lexie, or the drug reps and nurses?"

"So you've talked to Derek and Callie."

"Yes, Mark, its okay to be lonely for a while. Use the time to figure out what you want," Ivy suggests.

Mark grumbles, "I wanted Lexie. I wanted Sloan and the baby. But do I get them? No."

Ivy swiftly head slaps him, "Stop. This little pity party you have going on, its not gonna help."

"What do you suggest I do then," he asks.

The elevator reaches Ivy's floor, "I don't know. That's for you to decide. If you need help, I'm on Hunts service so come find me."

Ivy waves goodbye and heads to the locker room. Once she is all ready, she heads to the E.R. to find Hunt and then head to a patients room.

"Oncologys kept you busy- two rounds of chemo, brachytherapy, two rounds of external radiation," Hunt lists.

The patient, Audrey, tries to sit up a little straighter, "Not to mention coenzymes, shark cartilage, milk thistle. I'm open to, you know, pretty much anything."

"Except surgery," Audreys husband says.

She responds, "Thats because surgery not gonna work."

Her husband looks to Owen and Ivy, "We'd like to hear all the options."

"Well, you're scans will be back any moment, and I'll have a look-" Hunt starts.

"- Let me tell you what you'll see. My tumors the size of a football," Audrey says.


She continues, not listening to her husband, "Its wrapped around my organs. And if you try to cut it out, it'll kill me. That's what you'll see."

Hunt nods and turns to Ivy, who steps forward, "Well, we will look at the scans and see if there is some way that we can help, even if it doesn't involve surgery. If you need us or have any questions, I will be around to check up."

Owen and Ivy walk out of Audreys room and go up to the desk where Webber and Cristina are.

"Uh, Hunt. These are your scans. I was just looking around. Uh, thats quite a tumor," Webber remarks.

Cristina and Ivy share a look, "Huge. Theres probably nothing to be done."

Cristina picks up the scans but Ivy snatches them, giving her a small smile, "Hmm. You mind if I take a stab at it? Well, it sounds strange to you, I'm sure, but, uh, I only have a few years left in the game, and there may not be so many big tumors left for me."

Owen nods, "You're welcome to it."

"What are you doing?" Cristina whispers to him, pretty loudly.

"Thanks, Hunt. You're a good egg," Webber says.

Cristina puts herself in Owens sight line, shaking her head, "What are you doing?"

Webber looks down at her as Ivy laughs, "I'm sure you've got work to do, Dr. Yang."


Webber looks expectantly at Owen, "Chart."

He hands it over as Cristina and Ivy groan, "What are you doing?"

They crowd around him, "What?"

"This is a monster case and he just stole it from you with some crap about mortality and old men? Hes playing you. What are you doing?!" Cristina spells out for him.

Owen looks to Ivy for her opinion, "If there's one thing residents are good at, its knowing when a surgery was just stolen."

"All right, all right. Um," he runs to find Webber.

Cristina and Ivy share a look, "Nice."


Ivy had just finished checking on some patients and was bringing them to Hunt when she overhead Webber, "You just did, Ginger."

Ivy had to beg herself not to laugh and stood next to Owen on the opposite side of Cristina, "And you're right. I've been resecting tumors since you were in diapers. In my experience, they demand something a little more elegant than by the seat of your pants."

Derek and Meredith show up just as Owen says, "This is my patient."

"Good morning. Why are we arguing?" Derek interrupts.

Ivy answers for everyone, "Um, Dr. Hunt has a patient with tumor that has proven troubling when Dr. Webber skillfully asked Dr. Hunt to take a crack at it and Dr. Hunt is now also staking claim to it."

Cristina just shows them the scan, "Wow, big."

"Work on it together," Derek tells Webber and Owen as he looks at the scans.

Cristina butts in, "Well, the Harper Avery is an individual award."

Derek understands, "Ah, I see where this is going."

Ivy raises her eyebrows and nod as Hunt explains his thought process, "A case like this needs an aggressive approach that-"

"Sloppy. It requires a methodical analysis-"

"Some would say outmoded."


"Derek, do something," Ivy harshly whispers to her brother.

He does so quickly, "All right. Theres nothing wrong with a little friendly. Professional competition. Come up with plans, present them to me. I will choose. Dr. Yang, Dr. Grey, and Dr. Shepherd will assist."

As he walks away, Meredith and Cristina cheer while Ivy glares at her brother.

Cristina calls, "I'm with Webber. What? Hes got it in the bag."

Owen looks at Cristina offended and then turns to Ivy, "What about you, Dr. Shepherd?"

"Um, I'm going to check on patients and that kind of stuff, seeing as you will be busy figuring out this tumor, bye," Ivy quickly speed walks to the nurses station to grab any chart then run to the patients room.


Ivy is standing in Audreys room with Webber and Hunt as they explain what is going on, "So, yes, there is a surgical option. We're just-"

"-Uh, we're still figuring out the best approach." Webber finishes.

Owen crosses his arms, "The risks with the surgery are very high. The tumor has compromised the organs to the point where anything we do to try to remove it would-"