Brothers and Sisters


"I want a relationship," Ivy complains to April.

The girls are currently sitting on Ivys bed eating donuts.

April starts choking on her donut, "What? Why?"

"Look around. Derek and Meredith. Owen and Cristina. Even Mark and Lexie now. I'm just... lonely. And I want sex," Ivy complains, flopping to lay flat on the bed.

"Well... I honestly don't know what to tell you. I-I-I am completely-" April is interrupted by Jackson walking in.

"Hey, what's up, ready to leave?"

April jumps up before he finishes his question, "Okay, what did I miss?"

"Me wanting either sex or a relationship. At this point, I'm not picky," she sighs.

"Well, I could be of assistance. If you ever need it," He offers, smiling cheekly.

Ivy gets up, patting his chest, "Not that desperate. Yet at least."

"So there's a chance? Ivy? Oh, come on you can't just say that then walk away! Ivy!"


Ivy walks to the main entrance, coffee in hand to see everyone watching the news, "Whats everyone watching?"

April looks at her sadly, pointing to the TV, "

Ivy drops her coffee. It splashing on her shoes, but she doesn't recognize it. Instead, all she sees and hears is the past.

Ivy feels arms wrap around her, but can't tell who it is.

" the reporter informs.

Jackson holds Ivy as she stands there, staring blankly forward. He shares a look with Mark and Owen. She shouldn't work today. Owen looks to Webber who realizes the same thing.

"Shepherd, go home," Webber tells her.

She shakes her head, snapping out of her daze, "No, sir. I mean no disrespect, but I'm not going to just stand by this time. Helpless. I need to work."

Webber nods, turning to Jackson and whispers, "Keep an eye on her today. First sign of it being too much, pull her."

Jackson nods, already planning on it.


Ivy stands next to Jackson, focusing on Owen as he focuses everyone, "There are 15 ambulance on the way. Maybe more to come. First one is three minutes out."

"People... people... our own trauma is fresh, and we are going to have feelings today, and there is no shame in that. What I want to say is, what we went through six months ago, they are going through right now, which makes them our brothers and sisters... which makes them fellow travelers, which makes them our own. So to the very best of our ability, we are gonna do our work first and you're gonna have your feelings later," Webber says, helping Ivy focus on the patients.

Lexie sniffles as Owen looks back at her, "Grey."

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

"Go to the pit, make sure we're stocked. Call the blood bank-" Mark looks at his girlfriend.

She insists, "I'm fine."

"Call the blood bank. Tell them to give us all the O neg they have," Mark continues.

Derek looks to his little sister, "Ivy, do you need to go to?"

He's afraid. He's scared of the little emotion his usually happy and expressive sister is showing. Ivy shakes her head, "No, I'm in control and I'm good."

The first ambulance pulls up, "Ivy, Meredith, you're with me. What do you have?"

Ivy goes with him, Jackson keeping a close eye on her.

"Professor John Sturgeon, 48, fell out a fourth story window, has an open skull fracture and a blown pupil," the paramedic lays out.

"He fell?" Ivy questions.

"He helped a dozen kids out the window and up on to the roof, then he tried to go himself and slipped," she says, Derek checking his eyes.

Derek yells over the sirens, "Hes herniating. Get him to the front of the line. Get him to the O.R."

○○○○*Derek's POV*

Ivy shouldn't be doing this. She says she's fine but I don't believe that. The last gunman scenario she dealt with, she was shot and she watched as her best friend was shot and killed. She should not be here. At least I took her before anyone else so I can keep an eye on her. God, that week of her being in a coma was the scariest thing ever.

○○○○*Usual POV*

Ivy scrubs in next to Derek, her mind not there.


"Intracranial pressures getting higher.  Are we doing a craniectomy or a craniotomy?" Meredith asks, joining them in scrubbing in.