
Ivy stands with Mark looking over Sofia. She smiles at the baby and sees Mark taking a video of his daughter.

"I can't believe that you, Mark Sloan, are a father."

"I can't believe it either, but I'm so happy," He looks at the girl who is like his little sister.

He pulls her into a hug, causing her to laugh. They then race to Callies room to show off the videos and pictures they took.

Ivy smiles at her mentor, "Morning, we have a baby repot!"

Mark fist bumps Arizona, "Boom."

"I'm gonna go see her. Hey. You're awesome," Arizona says, heading out.

"Oh, gimme, gimme, gimme," Callie says, looking at his phone.

Mark narrates, "See? She's moving her arm like she's waving. She still doesn't open her eyes, but she only stopped breathing once last night."

Ivy adds, "And get this- her brain bleeds still grade one."

"Good girl. She looks bigger. Is she bigger?" Callies smile turns down at the question.

"All right. Some of us are still working," she gestures to Ivy to get back to work.

Ivys eyes widen and she quickly excuses herself. She makes it into the hall where she heads down to try and find Webber as she and Jackson are helping out on his trial.


As she's walking with Jackson and Webber, Ivy gets a page to Callies room, "Um, sir. I've got to go. They need me in Torres' room."

"Yeah, go, go. We've got it," he dismisses her, even though she's already ran off.

Webber turns to Jackson, "You can handle it today, right? And then teach Shepherd later?"

Jackson nods, "Of course, sir."

Ivy makes it to Callies room to see her sobbing while Cristina tries to comfort her, "Callie, Callie. Hey, what happened?"

"I'm going to miss Sofias whole life! Shs opened her eyes and I wasn't there because I'm here! Ivy, you've got to help me get to her. I need to see her, please," Callie begs Ivy.

"We'll figure something out. But you need to lay back down. Please, Callie, for Sofia, I need you to lay down," Ivy comfortably says.

As Callie does, Cristina and Ivy share a look. They need to do something and fast.


"I thought Dr. Bailey said Torres can't be moved yet," Stark says, walking with Ivy and Cristina.

"Yes, sir, but since she has had no contact with the baby, we were wondering how soon we might be able to-"

"Bring the baby to Torres?" Stark cuts Cristina off.

Ivy jumps in, "It will do both of them good. If we could at least tell Dr. Torres when-"

Stark cuts Ivy off, "When the baby is off the vent, when she has an immune system and can withstand the onslaught of deadly infections Dr. Torres would threaten her with, that's when. I mean, come on. I'm all for mother/baby bonding, but not when it'll kill the baby. Why do you two even ask me these things, huh? I thought you two were doctors."

Ivy is stunned for a second before she lurches forward to go after when she is held back by an arm around her waist, "Remember, he's still an attending and can get you fired."

"We need to find a way for Callie to see Sofia. If we don't, Callie could slip into postpartum depression," Ivy shakes Jacksons arm off her, turning to Cristina.

"What are we going to do? Torres can't leave her bed," Cristina asks.

That's sparks an idea in Ivy, she starts walking away before turning around and walking backwards, "You're right, Callie can't leave the bed. But, who says the bed can't leave the room?"

She giggles and turns back around. Jackson and Cristina look at each other, "Should we be worried?"

Jackson shakes his head, "No, but we should follow her."

They quickly following after Ivy. Who has gone to plan.


Ivy rounds the corner and calls to Lexie and Alex, "You guys ready? Let's do this."

They head to Callies room, Ivy leaning over her, "Wake up!"

"What?" Ivy gestures to everyone else to come into the room.

They start prepping to move her as Ivy reassures her, "Just lay still and relax. Let us handle everything. Trust me. Can you trust me?"

Callie nods. They quickly head out, Jackson keeping an eye out front. Suddenly, a monitor starts going off but Lexie is quick to shut it off. They then hear Baileys voice.

"Tell him that Chloe moved to 8:30 tomorrow."

Jackson whispers to them, "Back, back back."

He heads out to distract her as Ivy takes his place. They quickly go forward, April and Ivy splitting off to head into the NICU. They gown up and April opens the blinds. She then moves to help Ivy move the incubator holding little baby Sofia closer. Callie starts crying and puts her hand on the window.

April and Ivy back up as the other back away as well. April whispers to her, "Good planning, godmommy. You think they'll be okay?"

"Yeah. I think they will," Ivy smiles, nodding.


Ivy stands with Mark and Stark as they check over Sofia, "Shes in heart failure. Shes gotta go back on the vent."

"She needs surgery now?" Mark asks.

"Well, as soon as possible. Her ductus arteriosus hasn't closed," Stark says, taking off his stethoscope.

"Fletchers a no-go. I'm gonna try Terry Lennox at Seattle Pres," Arizona says, walking over.

Stark speaks up, "Look, I know I'm not high on your list, but, uh, your baby's out of time, you know it can't be you. I have performed the procedure before,'re stuck with me."

"I understand. I-" Arizona starts.

Stark interrupts her, "And, uh, although, you're not technically related to the baby-"