Pimping Out

"Okay, I love Callie and I love Meredith and I love the studying I'm getting done, but this waking up at four am every morning is getting tiring," Ivy complains to April as she drinks her coffee.

"Well, you could always sleep in and then study with Jackson and I. I think you'd both be a lot happier," she says.

Ivys eyebrows scrunch together, "What do you mean by that?"

April sighs, "W-well, it's just. You two are happier when you're around each other and-and I think that you-you li-like each other. That's all."

Ivy starts laughing, "Me-me and Jackson? Jackson Avery? You've lost you're mind studying for these boards. Thats-thats funny," she stops laughing and heads to her patients room.

"We'll see who's laughing when we're at your wedding and I can say, I told you so," April mumbles after she leaves.


Ivy sees Callie in the halls heading towards a trauma room, "Hey, you on trauma today?"

"Nope, today is my administrative day. Once a month all I focus on is chief resident duties," Ivy tells her. (AN: this is totally made up).

"Oh, paperwork. Have fun with that. Don't forget-" Callie calls behind her.

Ivy cuts her off, "Your office, four am, or no Sofia or ortho. Got it."

Ivy walks to her office and sits at her desk. She looks at the mountain of paperwork and sighs. This is going to be a long day. Maybe she could go to the daycare and see her favorite nieces later.


After an hour of paperwork, Ivy thought she needed a break, so she headed down to see what was happening in the trauma rooms. She sees Cristina in the door of trauma one and heads over to hear her say, "Get your own."

"Thanks," Ivy quickly snatches the coffee out of her hand.

"Hey!" She shouts.

Ivy looks at her, "I just spent an hour finding ways to give you as much O.R. time as possible. I deserve this."

Cristina nods, "Fine."

She looks to Mark, "Hey, I'm still on the daycares list to be able to see Sofia during the day, right?"

"Yeah. I'm heading down there during lunch if you want to wait," he tells her.

"Awesome. Hey, Jackson," Ivy smiles at him.

"Hello, Ivy. How was your four am study session?" He asks, applying the cream to the patients arm.

Ivy sighs, leaning against the door, "Good. Just waking up early plus a day of administrative crap has made me tired."

Jackson laughs at her, "One of the reasons I'm glad to not be named chief resident. So, sucks to be you."

Mark gets an idea, "Hey, Ivy. You broke up with Jonathan awhile ago, right?"

"Dr. Sloan."

Ivy nods, apprehensivly, "Right."

"Well, Avery here seems a little stressed lately, so we were wondering-" Jackson stops him.

"No, you were wondering. But that's besides the point. Ivy, run," without any more details, Ivy quickly leaves the room.

"You know you want to," Mark says to him.

Jackson sighs, "Thats besides the point. Besides, that's your little sister."

"Shouldn't stop you. Didn't stop you from going after my ex."

"I thought we were over that."


Ivy sits on the ground in front of a kids table where Derek and Mark are holding their daughters, "Good job, Miss. Zola."

"Did you see that?" Derek asks.

Mark is to busy paying attention to Sofia, "What?"

"The way that woman looked at me and Zola," he nods towards the windows.

"Derek, we're hot doctors with babies. Woman are gonna stare," Mark says.

"I don't see it," Ivy adds.

Derek mutters, "I think she's racist."

Mark hands Sofia to Ivy, "I get it. You're worried about bridging the cultural divide. I know all about it. Thats why I learned Spanish. ¿Es la verdad, si, mi senorita chica muchacha? Yo soy el papi de tu, Sofia-rita. Beso me mucho."

Ivy tickles Sofia, drawing giggles from her as Derek tells Mark, "You know she doesn't speak Spanish?"

"Oh, but she shall. ¿Verdad? ¿Hablas mucho? You shall. See? Bridging the divide," Mark says, making a hand motion.

"Hows it going with your better half?" Derek changes the subject.

"He's uptight. Worried about the boards, snapping at patients. I'm trying to get-" Mark starts.

Ivy quickly interrupts him, "He ment Julia. But I'm so telling Jackson you think of him as your better half."

He laughs, "Oh, yeah. Right. Uh, she's good, thanks. She's doing well."

"Good," Derek says.

"So. Ivy. When are you and Avery going to get together? It should be sooner or later so he can be less uptight," Mark says, causing Ivy to choke on her water.

"Why are you all so insistent on Jackson and I getting together? We're just friends, nothing more, nothing less," Ivy says, after she gets her breathing under control.

Mark looks intrigued, "Who else has said something? And tell me the sight of Avery holding a baby wouldn't make you swoon."

"April made a comment this morning. Well, I should get back to work. And Mark, the- the sight of Jackson with a baby... well. You see. I- I'm not answering that," Ivy finally says, storming off.

"We're gonna have Avery as a brother-in-law someday," Mark says.

"Indeed," Derek says.

○○○○*Marks POV*

"Hey, Kepner," I call out to the redhead.

"Yes, Dr. Sloan."

I lean on the desk, "I have a plan to get Avery and Ivy together. You in?"

She nods, "Yes, of course."

"Okay, here's the plan..."

○○○○*Original POV*

Ivy sits at a computer as Cristina comes in and sits at one behind her, "Did you have any pets growing up?"

"No, I wanted a dog but we never got one. Why?" She asks.