
Ivy sits at Baikeys wedding and is talking with Jackson when she gets a call from the E.R.," This is Dr. Shepherd."

"Hi Dr. Shepherd, I know you're at Baileys wedding and was hoping you could tell Dr. Warren that Dr. Bailey was pulled into emergency surgery," One of the nurses tells Ivy.

"Yes, of course," Ivy says, standing up.

She quickly finds Ben who is getting off the phone, "Miranda was pulled into surgery."

Ivy nods, "I know. A nurse just called me. You making the announcement?"

Ben nods before escorting Ivy back to her seat and walking to the front of the chapel, "Could I have everyone's attention, please? Um, my beautiful wife-to-be has been pulled into an emergency surgery, so things are gonna be delayed for a little while. Those of you who are doctors will understand. And those who aren't, uh... well, they're setting up the buffet, the bars open in the back. Drink, eat, and just as soon as we're able, we'll have a little wedding."

Jackson holds his arm out to Ivy, "Well, Dr. Shepherd, to the buffet we go."

"To the buffet we go," Ivy says, following him to a table.


Jackson and Ivy sit with April, Alex and Shane as he tells a story, "According to the article, the doctors discovered that her hair follicles had actually been growing nails instead of hair. Like fingernails."

"Cool story, bro," Jackson tells him as he and Ivy play footsie under the table.

Ivy giggles as Shane looks around, "Can I get anybody a coffee?"

They all deny his offer as he gets up. April shakes her head, "Its like having dinner with Ripleys Believe It or Not. Why did you have to set me up with him?"

"Because you should have a date so you don't call your boy toy and beg for sex when you get drunk. Besides, you'll learn to love Ripleys Believe It or Not," Ivy tells her, taking a sip of her water.

"I love easy wedding sex, which I'm gonna miss out on now cause you somehow talked me into bringing a date. You made me bring sand to the beach and it's sand I can't sleep with," Alex complains.

Ivy and Jackson share a look, "Since when can you not sleep with interns?"

Alex talks with his mouth full, "I'm a homeowner now. I've grown up. Besides, they get all hung up and sad when you don't want to be their boyfriend. It's not worth the hassle."

April rolls her eyes, "You are one classy guy, Karev."

"I make an effort."

Their pagers then go off and they make their way to the interns, "Did you just get paged? Both of you?"

Ivy answers, "All of us. Apparently, there's a big trauma. You kids joining us?"

"Yes, indeed," Stephine gets up.

"Yeah, I'm coming, too," Jo starts to get up as Alex interrupts her.

"Nope. Uh, you don't get to practice medicine with booze in your system, Hobo Jo."

Stephanie looks at her, "You're Hobo Jo?"

"Like ride-" Shane starts.

Ivy cuts him off, "Shane, ride with April. Stephanie, you can ride with Jackson and I. And Alex, you stay here because no practicing medicine with booze in your system. March."

They all quickly rush to the hospital and change into scrubs. They find Owen when they're done, "Chief, where do you need us?"

"Just a second, Avery."

Shane looks around, "Guess Dr. Bailey beat us to the fun.

Owen looks at them, "Dr. Baileys here?"

A nurse looks between him and Ivy, "She and Dr. Grey are working on Adele Webber in O.R. one."

"Adele?" Ivy asks.

"Should we-" April starts to ask.

"You have a deploying injury in trauma one. Take care of your patient. Let Bailey and Grey take care of theirs," Hunt tells them as Ivy is already running into trauma one.

Jackson peels back the covering on the Stuart's arm. Stuart looks at him, "Hows gasoline a-and the hammer?"

Ross asks, "These are people?"

Ivy nods, "I'm guessing road names. Very popular among bikers."

Everyone stops and looks at Ivy as she fills out the chart. After a second of silence, she looks up, "What? I grew up in New York and I rode a bike. I know what road names are."

"You get to pick your road name and you went with Stuart?" Jackson asks, changing the subject.

"I'm not officially in the club. They let me hang around, ride along with them. It has been the greatest time of my entire life. And I ruined it. That crash was my fault. My sister was right. I had no business being on that bike," Stuart admits.

Ivy argues, "If I listened to everything my sisters said, I wouldn't be a surgeon. They aren't always right."

April looks at his arm, "Although, I think your arm would agree with her."

Stephanie and Ivy share a look, "I don't know. I think guys on motorcycles are hot."

Ivy nods in agreement, "True. I dated this guy in college who..." she trailed off when she looked at Jackson, "You know I'll save that story for another time.

Jackson side eyes her, "All right, Stuart, your injuries are extensive, but I do think it's possible we can salvage your hand. We're just gonna get you up to the O.R. and debride your arm. Edwards, you're with me. Shepherd, why don't you join us and tell us all about that college boyfriend."

She let's out a light laugh, "Okay. Sure. Ross, you're with Kepner."

"Yeah, S-Shanes my guy," she slaps his back as they leave.

"Dr. Avery, we don't need to share stories, right?" Ivy asks, nervously.

"No, no. Let's do it. I wanna hear about your past and all about this motorcycle you rode," Jackson teases her as they wheel Stuart up to the O.R.

Ivy smirks, "You mean the motorcycle parked in the garage and leather set in the closet?"

Jackson freezes, "You have leather clothing in our closet?"

She looks back behind her, "Yes, which you won't see if we don't get up to surgery."


Ivy stands behind Edwards as she and Jackson work. Ivy loves watching him work because he gets so focused and honestly, it's better than any guy on a motorcycle.


"Uh, sorry. It's just- your technique- it's kind of beautiful," Edwards tells him.

"Its Dr. Sloans technique, actually. But I am pretty good at it. Here. You try," he hands her the tools and guides her hands to the right position.

As the door opens, it startles Edwards. Ivy raises an eyebrow as Owen enters, "Hey, uh, just checking in. What's the story?"

Edwards starts with the personal story, "Uh, S-Stuarts afraid he's not gonna be able to ride anymore because he wiped out and hit Chicken Bill, and Chicken Bill hut Roach-Clip, who ended up taking out Gasoline-"

"He meant medically," Ivy interrupts the intern.

Jackson takes that cue, "Well, his limb is still viable. And we're almost done with the debridement. So, as soon as he heals up, I will get him back in here for a skin graft."

Owen nods, "Mm. That sounds good. Thank you."

Ivy giggles and suggests, "Dr. Avery, why don't you continue?"

He nods at her as Edwards stands up, Ivy taking her spot, "You know, watching you work is very therapeutic."

"Really? How?" Jackson looks at her.

"You just have a movement about you. Very calming and your so precise. Mark would be proud," Ivy tells him, smiling under her mask.

"How about you debride some? I know Sloan taught you," Jackson hands her the tools.

Ivy scoff, "Yeah, like, 10 years ago. I'm a meatballer now. You really trust me with this?"

Jackson tells her, "I trust you with everything. You can do this. Remember to be gentle and- there you go."

Ivy smiles as she focuses on her work. Jackson admires her. She's beautiful when she's dressed up for events or lounging around the apartment. But when she's working in a surgery or a trauma room. It's like nothing could even hold a candle to her beauty. It's otherworldly and he could spend hours just watching her operate.


Jackson and Ivy get into the car as he looks at his phone, "And we missed the ceremony."

He shows her a picture of the happy couple, "Dang it."

"Want to go home?" He asks her.

She smiles before leaning over and kissing him. He pulls her onto his lap as he pulls the lever for his seat to recline back.

"Jackson!" Ivy shrieks out in suprise.

He laughs as he pulls Ivy down for another kiss.


Ivy wraps Jacksons suit jacket around her as they run into their apartment. Laughing the entire way. Kissing before falling into the apartment.

"You know you still payed for a hotel room that isn't being used, right?"

"I'm an Avery, I have plenty of money to spare."


AN: sorry this took a whole to get out, I got super busy the last couple of days.

Good news, I figured out how I want the proposal storyline to go, so thank you for all your input.

QoC: how do you think Ivy will react to Catherine putting Jackson on the board/how the others treat Jackson then?

Thank you for all the votes and reads and comments!!