
Ivy winces as she wakes up. She shoots up and grabs her leg. Jackson sits up beside her and puts a hand on her back, "You okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just... my leg. I must have agitated it. I'm fine, go back to sleep," Ivy waves him off.

Jackson doesn't respond, just simply puts his hand next to hers on her leg and rubs it gently. After a little bit, he pulls her to lay down with him as they fall back asleep.


Ivy soon joins the rest of the fellows and attendings as Owen starts a meeting, "Okay, folks. Lets just start. As many of you know, Seattle Grace Mercy West has suffered a financial setback. The administration is working hard to keep the impact of that setback as small as possible. To that end, we're gonna have to initiate some cost-cutting measures. The board has hired a physician advisor to help."

Meredith asks, "Whats a physician advisor?"

"Well, she consults on maximizing efficiency, streamlining processes, assessing where we can trim our budgets," Hunt explains.

"Who to fire and when to fire them?" Bailey adds.

"Shes here to advise and to help. I was hoping to introduce her in person, but she seems to be late," he looks at his watch.

Ivy snorts, "On her first day? Not efficient or professional."

Everyone laughs at that as Owen continues, "You can expect to see her in the halls, in your labs, in the O.R."

"So we're gonna have an accountant following us around in the O.R.s?" Derek raises his hand.

Owen shakes his head, "She's not an accountant. She is a trained surgeon. Frankly, she is here to try and help us. Thank you for your cooperation."

Ivy walks to her mentor, "Hey, Owen. What's her name?"

"Alana Cahill."

She nods before heading down to the E.R. Today, is gonna suck.


Ivy sees a woman sitting on a bed and sees a name tag. Alana Cahill. So that's how she's going to play it. Ivy spots Edwards heading towards the advisor before stopping her, "Edwards, bed five, he needs a checkup. I'll handle bed seven."

With that, she heads over to Cahill, "So, Dr. Cahill, it says that you were experiencing shortness of breath but you seem to be fine. So, I need to ask you to please vacate the bed so we can use it for patients who actually need it instead of advisors looking for reasons to get us in trouble. Chief Hunt is in his office if you need him. Goodbye."

As she goes to walk away, Ivy hears, "Whats your name? And how could you tell-"

"Tell you weren't actually experiencing shortness of breath? I've seen the actual symptoms many times. Plus, you're name tag gives you away. I'm Dr. Ivy Shepherd for your notes," Ivy smiles before gesturing for her to leave the bed.

"Thank you, Dr. Shepherd, see you around," Cahill walks off.

Ivy turns to Edwards, who had joined her, "If she gets in your way down here, you tell me right away. I will not let her effect how this E.R. is ran just cause she thinks she's the boss."

"Yes, Dr. Shepherd."

○○○○*Derek's POV*

Hunt comes up to me with a woman as Wilson leaves to switch with Ross, "Shepherd, this is Alana Cahill. She is our physician advisor."

"Derek Shepherd," I say, shaking her hand.

"Yes, the other Shepherd. I met Ivy Shepherd earlier," She nods.

I chuckle, "Yeah, how'd that go?"

Her head tilts to the side, "She kicked me out of the E.R. but you're neuro. I saw you're doing an acoustic neuroma. Very exciting."

"First thing tomorrow," I nod slightly.

"Patients here today. Are pre-op overnight stays typical in all departments?" She turns to Hunt.

I see my chance, "That is a question for Chief Hunt. If you'll excuse me, I have to prep."

As I'm leaving, she calls after me, "Well, I'll see you in the O.R. tomorrow."

"Typically, you need to be invited."

"If things were running typically, I wouldn't be here, now would I?"

○○○○*Original POV*

Ivy walks up to the O.R. board to see Webber leaving Cahill. Ivy nods to her as she checks out her surgeries for the day.

"A knee replacement at 1 and a hip replacement at 5. Aren't you a trauma surgeon?" Cahill asks her.

"I'm both. I double certified in trauma and ortho. Thought you would know that," Ivy couldn't help but sass.

Cahill just gives her a bad feeling.

"Well, I will be watching your knee replacement, so I will see you in the O.R." Cahill smiles at her.

Ivy shakes her head, "No. You will be in the observation deck. I don't allow anyone who isn't necessary in my O.R. I'm not going to change that now. If you'll excuse me."

Ivy rolls her eyes as she walks away to prep for the knee replacement. She didn't have time to deal with Cahill following her around. She has interns and residents to teach and patients to operate on. Cahill will just have to bother someone else.


Ivy feels arms wrap around her waist as she changes scrubs, "Jackson. I have surgery soon."

"I heard that you made Cahill sit in the observation deck during your surgery today," he says, kissing her neck.

"Well, she would just cause a disturbance. I mean, she took up a bed in the E.R. while it was packed for 10 minutes. Who sees a full E.R. and decides to take a bed while they are perfectly healthy?" Ivy rants.

Jackson chuckles, "I'm guessing you put her in her place."

Ivy nods, "Oh, right away. I can't wait for her to be gone. I'm so ready. Plus, April's in the E.R. today and is running Edwards ragged with a test I asked her to proctor."

"What kind of test?"

"Running the pit," Ivy smiles.