We're a Family

*One Week After Twins Birth*

Addison looks over Ivys incision, "Well, everything looks like it is healing nicely. You can go home and I already told Jackson that the twins are good to go home as well. I will be back in three weeks for your wedding, so no more hospital visits."

Ivy laughs, "Don't worry. Jackson and I are taking the next month off, from surgery at least. We'll probably have some board stuff to handle, but we're gonna spend some time with the twins."

Jackson carries the twin carriers in, within them are the twins, "Hey, are you cleared to go home?"

"Yes! Now we get to...take care of the twins...by ourselves. What if something happens? They're so little and-and fragile and-" Ivy slowly realizes the severity of the situation.

Jackson positions the carriers so they're facing the parents before he rushes over to his fiancé, "Hey, hey, hey. Don't do that, okay? We got this. We are going to be great parents and nothing is going to happen to Christopher or Alexus. Everything will be okay."

Ivy nods, "Okay. Okay, you're right, we can do this. We're surgeons who run a hospital, taking care of twins is nothing."

"Yeah, exactly. Now, are we about ready to go home?" Jackson asks.

"Mm-hmm. Just let me change real quick, and I'll be ready to go," Ivy stands and steps into the bathroom to change.

When she comes out, Jackson is signing the release forms and looks up, smiling at her, "All right. Here we go."

Ivy smiles back, "Here we go."

Jackson grabs both carriers as Ivy sits in the provided wheelchair. A nurse wheels her out to their car. Jackson triple checks that the twins are secure in the carseats before he finally gets into the drivers seat and drives the new family home.

Once they get home, Ivy waits for Jackson to grab the carriers before they make their way into the house. When they open the door, they hear a small exclamation, "Suprise!"

The family looks up to see all their close friends and family there to welcome them home. Ivy covers her mouth as tears well up in her eyes, "Oh, you guys! You-I-this is amazing! Thank you. Oh, I love you guys."

"Shes still a little hormonal," Jackson tells them, setting the carriers down and closing the door as Ivy hugs April.

"You give birth to twins, almost die, and then spend a week in the hospital and see how hormonal you are," she turns to him before hugging Meredith.

He holds his hands up in surrender before laughing and accepting April's hug.

"We wanted to be here when you and the twins got home from the hospital! Oh, and we brought cake!" April says, bouncing up and down in excitement.

That is when Christopher starts crying, "Thats my cue. I'm gonna go feed him. Jackson, when Alexus starts crying, bring her up to the nursery and I'll feed her," Ivy tells him, grabbing her son.

She walks up to the twins nursery and sits in the rocking chair, getting in a comfortable position to start feeding him. Once he's started, she traces a finger over his cheek, "Hi little one. I know we haven't gotten much one on one time yet but we're home now. It's gonna just be me and you and your daddy and your sister. You two are going to have to be patient with your daddy and I. We've never been parents before, but we're gonna do our best. We love you so much. Oh, Chris, mommy loves you so much."

Ivy looks up when she hears a knock on the door. Jackson pops his head in, "Hey, Alexus is hungry too. How's our boy?"

"All done, just needs to be burped," they trade babies.

Jackson immediately puts Christopher onto his shoulder and starts burping him as Ivy starts feeding Alexus, "Is everyone still downstairs?"

He shakes his head, "No, they left so we could settle in. How are you feeling? Any pain?"

Ivy looks down at their daughter, "No pain, just awe. I can't believe their actually here. I mean, a year ago, we were figuring out our relationship. Now, we're parents who are getting married in three weeks. We're a family."

"Yeah. We are. Is she ready to burp?" He smiles at her.

"I got it," Ivy starts burping Alexus as Jackson cradles Christopher, "They're ours. All ours. Are we ready for this? Are we crazy to try and run a hospital, parent twins and be surgeons? I mean, how are we gonna do this?"

"The same way as Derek and Meredith, and hundreds of other surgeons. By asking for help when we need it and focusing in the moment and communicating with each other. Ivy, you're an amazing surgeon and board member and I have no doubt that you'll be an even more amazing mother. You worry because you care. Come on, the twins are sleeping which means you should too," Jackson kisses her before putting Christopher into his crib.

Ivy follows his lead and puts Alexus in hers. They each kiss the twins foreheads before heading to their room. Ivy yawns and lays down on the bed, "I can't sleep. I just want to watch them sleep. Is that weird?"

Jackson shakes his head, laying next to her and wrapping his arms around her, "No, cause I want to too. When you three were staying at the hospital, I would take turns between watching you or watching the twins. Just...making sure your all okay. When you went into surgery...I felt- I don't even know how to describe it. Petrified. Then when you flatlined...God, I think my heart stopped as well. You gotta stop doing that kind of stuff to me. I don't know how much more my heart could take."

She rolls so her head rests on his chest, "I'm sorry. I didn't try. I thought I was in labor, how was I suppose to know that my placenta would tear and cause my heart to stop?"

"I don't know, but no more of that. I need you. The twins needs you. Not only do we need you, but we love you so much."

"The twins are only a week old."

"Yeah, and I'm 34. I don't know how to survive without you, so let's stick around a while, huh?"

They share a quick kiss before they are interrupted by a couple of cries.


AN: as I said on my profile, I am on a trip to Missouri with my family so posting this weekend will be sporadic at best. But next week I will double post at least every other day.

The next few parts are going to be short, family parts that show Javy+kids and then Javy wedding.

I don't know if Jacksons age is right or not, I just sort of guessed.

QoC: what are some family moments you want to see in the next few parts?

Thank you for all the reads and votes and comments!!