Stop Blaming

Ivy looks at Meredith as she she begs, "Please, can you take over my class today? I have an important surgery to do right then. I'll do anything. I'll babysit the twins or-"

She stops her sister in law, "Yes, I'll take it. But you have to take the twins at least three times, no questions asked."


"Good," Ivy sighs, grabbing the folders from her before heading to the lab. There she walks into it looking like an old high school classroom, "Guys! This room is full of dead people. I know it's easy to forget but come on. Show some respect. Something happened to them- a mistake, a disease, a stupid twist of fate. Their bodies were left here for us to learn from, to be better. Let's show some respect."

One of the interns raise their hand, "Uh, where is Dr. Grey?"

Ivy flips through a folder, "She got pulled into surgery, so your stuck with me. If you have a problem with that, suck it up."


Sitting on the couch in the attendings lounge, Ivy laughs as her sister comes running in with only one shoe on, "Uh, Amy? You only have one boot."

"I know. I was late. And I couldn't find the other one," she starts to change.


Amelia nods, "Ah. You think I'm bootless cause I'm drunk. Its fine. I'm not drunk. I just got my 60 day chip. I am bootless because I had sex with Owen-"

"Way more info than I needed-"

"And his stupid trailer is very dark. And I was very late because of the sex, which was so great," Amelia tells her.

Ivy cringes, "Again, way more than I wanted to know."

Amelia continues, "So I just thought, screw it. I may not know where my boot it, but it's gonna be a great day."

She sighs, "I want sex. I want sex now, but sadly, Jackson is in a surgery that is scheduled to take six hours."

"When was the last time you got any?" Amelia asks.

"This morning."

"And you're not satisfied? I thought Avery would know what to do with his thang," Amelia makes body motions.

She shakes her head, "Oh, no, he definitely knows what he's doing. I'm just at the point in my pregnancy where I am craving sex. And seeing as I'm married, I only have one option."

Amelia shrugs, "You could cheat."

Ivy looks offended, "Why the hell would I do that? I love Jackson. More than anyone. Damn it. I'm gonna go stalk the O.R. board until I see he's out of surgery."


Finding Jackson talking with Ben and Alex while working on a patient, Ivy stands in the door, "Golfing doctors."

Alex asks, "What do you think Luke did with his ring?"

"A little lighter, a little lighter. Uh, he didn't know what to do with it, so I don't know. It might just be in a drawer," Jackson says.

"Right. It goes in a drawer. And if she didn't say yes or no-" Alex starts as Owen walks in, past Ivy.

"I mean, April- she seems fine. I was prepared to have to share Ivy for the next couple of weeks but she's like better than fine. You'd think that she was the one that was pushing for that damn divorce. Sloan did always want me to try golf," Jackson rants.

Ivy chuckles to herself as Owen comments, "I hate golf."

Ben disagrees, "Love golf."

The patient adds, "Just don't try hockey. Ow!"

"Jo doesn't know what she wants," Alex sighs.

"Neither does Amelia. One day she wants to stop things cold, the next, she never wants it to stop. If it keeps going like this-" Owen shakes his head.

"Its all a lot of upkeep. If she didn't want a ring on her finger, why does she care what I do with it?" Alex asks.

Ivy rolls her eyes, before stepping into the room, "Cause she does want it, just not yet. She wants to know if you'll still think about the idea of it, but she doesn't want it so close, quite yet. Its simple really."

Alex snorts, "Simple? Did you hesitate when Avery proposed?"

Jackson chuckles, "No. Yell at me? Yes. Tell me she was pregnant? Yes. Hesitate? Not for a second."

"You almost exploded on a bus, of course I yelled. And maybe I told you in weird way, but I didn't hide it " Ivy reminds him, kissing his cheek.

"True. Look, Alex, just put it in a safe or somewhere else. Tell her you still have it, but for now, it's safe and out of the house. You still want and love her, but it's at her pace. Just be honest until she tells you to where she wants it to be," Ivy suggests.

Alex thinks for a second before getting up to leave the room, "Thats a load of crap."

Ivy turns to Jackson and Ben, "You would think he'd take my advice."

"I know, I know. Everyone should listen to your advice because you're right all the time," Jackson sasses.

She crosses her arms, "You know what? I'm gonna enjoy having the bed all to myself tonight."

Jackson groans, "Come on, Ivy, I was being sarcastic. I love you."

Ivy laughs, "I love you too. Maybe you'll be able to work yourself back into bed tonight."

"I think I can think of a few ways to make that happen."

"I'm sure you can," she winks, walking out of the room.

"And you're the leaders of this hospital that we should look up to."

"Shut up and focus on the patient."


Ivy sits next to Riggs on the bench, "Nathan."

He looks up, "Oh, hi Ivy. Uh, listen, about before-"

"No, no worries. Simple mistake. Now, tell me, why did you come here? What happened with Owens sister?" Ivy gets straight to the point.

"You're a friend of Owen Hunts and his mentor. I figured he would have told you," Riggs looks around.

She shakes her head, "He has, but I'm the type of person who needs all sides to the story. So, tell me, what happened?"

Nathan sighs before starting, "All right, Meg and I were working in a field unit. We needed to transport a patient. There was only room on the chopper for one of us. It was gonna be an ugly ride, unprotected airspace. So I said I was gonna go. Meg said it was her patient. I told her no. And we fought, and finally...I mean, it was her patient," he stands up, "I would have done the same thing if it was mine. So I couldn't tell her no. And the helicopter... never got there. No one knows what happened. Just...disappeared. No trace."

"He thinks your should have been on that helicopter."

"I don't go asking about your dead brothers, do I?" He goes to walk away, but she stops him.

"You're right, you don't. But Owen will never forgive you until you forgive yourself. Stop torturing yourself. You said it, she wanted to be on that helicopter for her patient. There was nothing short of forcing her off of it that could have helped. I'll talk to Hunt, you stop blaming yourself," Ivy suggests, leaving him to think.


Ivy feels herself get dragged into a supply closet to see April starting to pace, "What do I do? What do I do?"

"Whoa, April, what's going on?" Ivy asks, stopping her pacing.

"I'm 9 weeks pregnant. It's Luke's and I haven't told him," she reveals.

She doesn't know what to say, "Uh, what? April. Why not?"

April huffs, "Cause I don't want to keep him in an unhappy marriage just because of a baby. But I should tell him, right?"

Ivy nods, "Uh, yeah."

"What would you do? In my situation. If you were pregnant with Jacksons kid-"

"-I am-"

"-and you just got divorced. What would you say? How would you tell him? I don't think there's a card for this," April ignores her.

She laughs, "I would...tell him. Before he figures it out or someone else tells him. That would be worse than trapping him in a marriage. Tell him the truth. He'll be happy."

April asks, "Are you sure?"

Ivy nods, "Yes. I saw the way he looked at you when you were pregnant with Samuel. It may be a different set if circumstances, but it's still your twos child. Tell him."


Standing in front of the classroom, Ivy reprimands them, "These people don't have that chance. They left it to you. They let you learn from them. So let's say thank you. And not screw it up."


AN: well, I know what episode this story ends: 17x15.

I loved this week's episode but it makes me so sad!

QoC: do you think Riggs and Ivy should become friends?

Thank you for the votes and reads and comments!