Residents Switch

Ivy sits in Baileys office, trying to work out her maternity leave later in the year. Webber storms in as Ivy winces in pain. Pressing on a sensitive part of her abdomen, she focuses on what he's saying.

"I want to meet with the residents immediately."

"Can I be there for whatever this is? You look like your about to torture some residents and I love it," she jokes, rubbing the pain away.


Ivy stands next to Webber as he asks, "When a bedridden patient stays in one place, what's the outcome?"


"Exactly. When a surgeon stays in one place, what's the outcome?"

Edwards jokes, "One of us has bedsores?"

Ivy shakes her head, "Stagnation. Complacency. Limited mind."

Webber nods, "You have a short time to learn here, people, and you've snuggled up to your specialties like a warm, comfy bed. Well, I am your alarm clock. I'm pulling you out of bed and broadening your education. This is a resident scarmble."

As they all groan, Ivy jumps in, "Or I can assign you all. Or you can pick out of the hat. I would go with the hat. Draw your new, random service."

"Bingo, Neuro Shepherd," Edwards draws.

"Put it back! Back," Webber tells her.


Meredith, Ivy and Maggie discuss a patient as Wilson joins them, "Did you see the scans?"

"Yeah, sorry I'm late. I was meeting with Bailey, then Webber and the residents and then I had a phone call with Bauer Medical. They say that Carsons recovering well and his incision sites and flaps are doing great," Ivy lists.

"That is great news," Meredith smiles.

"Yeah, Dr. Thorpe though so, too. He also thought you might have given him the wrong number," Ivy drops.

"Thorpe? Who is Thorpe?" Maggie asks.

Meredith ignores her, "He has the right number."

Ivy grabs booties, "Oh, okay, so you're just gonna what, ignore his calls?"

Maggie and her sit down, "Will someone please tell me what is going on and who he is?"

"Meredith exchanged numbers with a hot military surgeon over at Bauer. He says he called but radio silence," Ivy says.

"Its nothing."

"Why wouldn't you tell me this?" Maggie asks.

Meredith chuckles, "Because it's nothing."

Wilson sits next to Meredith, causing her to ask, "Wilson, are you following me?"

"I'm with you today. I'm on your service."

"Blake is with me."

Ivy shakes her head, "Nope. Webber switched all of the residents."

Meredith sighs, "You need to go talk to Blake, then, because I don't have the time to get you up to speed."

She stomps off to find Blake as Maggie asks, "So, how hot is hot?"

"We have surgery," Meredith leaves them.

Ivy turns to Maggie, "Hot."


Leaning against the wall, Ivy winces, Maggie noticing, "Hey, you okay?"

She nods, "Uh, yeah. I'm 14 weeks, so my bump is growing, which is tugging on my bullet wounds and it's just causing a little pain. Nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure? What does Jackson say?" Maggie asks.

Ivy looks up with an innocent look, causing Maggie to gasp, "He doesn't know you're in pain? Why haven't you told him?"

"Because Jackson is one of the most protective people over me and our children. Telling him I'm in pain? That will cause him to freak out. Besides, I'm fine," Ivy shakes off, heading into the O.R.

After working in silence, Maggie starts, "So...what kind of surgeon is he?"

Ivy answers, "Oncology."

Maggie gasps a little, "We can work with that."

"Guessing 40s. Kind of tall. And he's ranked in the military, so he has an authoritative side," Ivy describes.

"I can hear you."

"But you can't hear the phone ringing," Ivy reminds.

Maggie suggests, "Maybe her ringers off."

Meredith shakes her head, "Its not. Suctioning."

"Sometimes your ringer is off, and its been off for so long that you forget that it's off, and you need someone to help you figure out how to turn it back on. But once it's on..." Maggie tells.

Ivy laughs, "Oh, that's it. Your ringer needs to be turned on. You've been on vibrate for too long."

Meredith groans, "Shut up. If I answer, then he'll ask me out. And then I'll have to say no, and there will be a lot of back and forth, and I won't know when it's okay to hang up, so why answer?"

"Dr. Grey, I saw all your clinic patients. Can I scrub in?" Wilson asks.

"Did you drain Mr. Kurtzmans wound?"


Meredith focuses on the surgery, "Okay, Blake, go get that done."



Wilson leaves, "Forget it."

Ivy points out, "See? Now you're missing up your residents. You need to get that ringer turned on loud and fast."

"My ringer is fine."


Walking to find Meredith, Ivy overhears Wilson, "No, I'm not. Thats exactly what I'm talking about. I'm done. I'm done with all of it. You know, call your damn Army guy back and get your own boyfriend."

Meredith asks, "Are you finished?" Before walking away.

Ivy grabs Wilson's arm and drags her to a conference room, "Sit and don't speak."

Wilson does so, "What the hell is wrong with you? You want to be treated like a professional? Don't bring personal crap into the hospital! You think Greys treating you like crap because your not Blake? Go ahead and say something here. You think she's treating you like crap because you're Alex's girlfriend? Deal with it outside of the hospital. You can not yell at an attending like that in the halls. You pull another stunt like that and I'll have you on scut so long you'll be retiring, am I clear?"

"Yes, ma'am," Wilson says.

Ivy nods before shaking her head and leaving. Walking towards the scans room, she winces as another pain ripples through her abdomen, "Ugh."


Meredith's phone rings as she tells Ivy, "No significant post-op changes. That's good."


"He's called how many times now?" Maggie asks.

Ivy groans, "Oh, God. Just give me the phone. I'll send him a nice blow-off text."

Maggie shakes her head, "No, not a text. She is not a monster. But Ivy right, Mer. We need a plan."

"We don't need anything. God, between you and Wilson-"

"That was bad," Ivy agrees, "But...."


Ivy finishes, "You do treat like crap. Like worse than we usually do to residents. I mean, do you even like Wilson?"

Meredith nods, "I like Wilson."

"Do you?" Maggie and Ivy ask.

She sighs before leaving.


Ivy sits in a chair, holding her stomach as Maggie watches her, "Okay. You need to tell Jackson that you're in pain."

Shaking her head, "No. There is no reason to. I'm fine. He'll is overly worry for no reason. If it gets to bad, I'll find Robbins to do a check up. For now, it's between the two of us."

Maggie gets up, "Uh, okay. I- I am just gonna go check on some patients."


Ivy heads up to Jacksons lab. She opens the door as she is looking at her phone, "Hey, I was thinking about getting some takeout for-" She notices Maggie, "Oh, hi."

"Why is she telling me your in pain?" Jackson asks.


AN: a little smaller part but I should have another one out before I go to bed tonight.

I figured out what they could fight about...

QoC: do you think Jackson will make her pain a big deal?

Thanks for the votes and reads and comments!!!