Talk with the Mother in Law

Ivy yawns as she wakes to her phone ringing. She reaches over and answers without looking at screen, "You've woken up a surgeon who is a mother of twins and four months pregnant, you better have a good reason."

Amelia chuckles, "Get over to Mer's house, she had a freak out when she woke up to a guy in her bed. She needs sisters."

"On my way," Ivy sighs, hanging up.

Turning to her husband, she chuckles as he groans, "You're leaving me to get the twins ready and to daycare?"

"I can't help it when my sisters need me," Ivy kisses him before getting dress.

"No, but you could help me get the twins ready first," he watches her from the bed.

"Jackson, first, stop staring while I change. It's creepy. Second, you can handle getting two three year olds ready for the day and safely to daycare," Ivy tells him without turning around.

He gets out of bed and wraps his arms around her, "I know I can, but Allie is already starting her I can choose my own outfit phase and you handle her so much better than I do."

She scoffs, "Jackson, you just can't give into the pout. You got it, just be strong," Ivy kisses him on last time before heading to Meredith's house.

"We'll see," Jacksons sighs.


Ivy serves Amelia a plate of eggs as she tells Ivy and Maggie, "She can't stay locked up there all day. She has to come down sometime."

"Do you think she wants food or just coffee, or not coffee? What if she wants tea? Tea is more soothing," Maggie questions.

"To get what she wants, we need to perform a seance," Ivy says, eating her eggs.

"What do we know about this guy?" Amelia asks.

Maggie shakes her head, "I mean, not very much. I mean, she's barely even dating him. Its-hi," Meredith walks in and starts looking through cabinets, "How are you? Um, uh, we made coffee, but we could make tea. Ivy made eggs and toast."

Amelia is next, "Are you okay?"

Meredith ignores them, "Where do we keep the stuff for the countertops? The blue stuff, you know, to clean the countertops that's safe for kids."

"When I lived here, it used to be behind the paper towels," Ivy points, scrolling through her phone.

"Uh, Meredith, what happened?" Maggie asks.

"How can we help you?" Amelia asks.

Ivy chuckles, "Hey, Mer, when you're done cleaning the counters and stovetops, the windows are gonna need cleaning. They haven't been cleaned since April and I lived here."

Meredith nods as Maggie and Amelia looks at them like their insane, "Meredith. You are wondering why I'm here. I crashed here last night. And the night before- on the couch. I though I'd be out before you woke up, but-"

"Then she called me. Woke me up before I could have morning sex with my husband," Ivy grumbles, cleaning her plate in the sink.

Meredith turns to her, "Can I use this on the stovetop?"

She nods as Meredith starts spraying, "Thing is probably covered in ten years of grease."

"Nope, I cleaned it the day before I moved out. So closer to four years," Ivy shakes her head.

Amelia tries to get back to the conversation, "I'm sorry I didn't ask before. I just needed a place to stay for a minute, but I'm gonna grab my stuff and I'm gonna go now."

Maggie stops her, "No, it's Owen. Something happened with Owen, and it really shook her up, so-"

"Maggie!" Amelia and Ivy say.

"You really can't keep anything to yourself, can you?" Ivy asks, still pissed about her telling Jackson.

"I said I was sorry. Looks, you told me, and-"

Amelia nods, "Yeah, and now I wish I hadn't."

Ivy agrees, "Could have told you that. I'm leaving."

Maggie stops her, "No, please stay! Something happened to Amelia, and now something has happened to Meredith, and I think that we should all just sit down and talk about it, all right?"

"I know them both a lot better than you, and Amy is gonna not talk about this with you since you can't keep your mouth shut and Mer is gonna avoid this until she can't anymore. That's the way we work."

"Can I use bleach in here?" Meredith asks, pointing to the oven.

Ivy shakes her head, "Nope. Use the bottle from under the sink. Here," she hands it to her.


"Zola and Bailey are dropped off. Is Ellis still down?" Maggie asks.

"Sound asleep," Ivy nods, laying on the couch as Amelia scrubs at the coffee table.

Maggie takes a look at Meredith dusting the bookshelf, "And we are cleaning in here now."

Amelia smiles, "We are done in the kitchen, so we have moved on. And Ivy gets to sit back and relax because she is growing a child."

"I can't help that my husband implanted a child in me," Ivy shrugs.

"Okay. Pass the disinfectant," Maggie joins Amelia as Ivys phone rings.

"Hello? Dr. Shepherd-Avery speaking."

Her mother in law greets her, "

Ivy sits up, "Catherine. Hi. Um, how are you?"

She chuckles, "

"Well, you see, I just ate so I don't think I'm gonna be very hungry anytime-"

"Catherine interrupts her.

"Of course. See you then," Ivy hangs up.

Maggie asks, "You know Owen better than any of us, any advice for Amelia?"