Advisory Committee


Ivy lays back on the exam bed as Jackson gets comfortable in the seat next to her.

Arizona claps her hands, "Alright, are we ready?"

"Yes, all I want to know is that baby is healthy and how many I'm having this time," Ivy says, grabbing Jacksons hand.

"I want to know that baby my wife are healthy," he points out, kissing the back of his wife's hand.

"Got it. Make sure everyone is healthy and how many. Okay, let's start," Arizona smiles.

After a few minutes, Arizona points at the screen, "Alright, from what I am able to see, both mom and baby are healthy. Growing right on track for 4 and a half months."

Ivy looks at her, "And just the one baby?"

She nods, "Just the one. Its still to early to see the sex, but at your next appointment we should be able to tell."

"But both the baby and Ivy are healthy?"

"Yes, Jackson. Your wife and baby are healthy," she chuckles.

Ivy sighs, "Okay. Anything else or can we get back to work? April said she needed to talk to me."

Jackson helps her wipe the gel off her stomach while chuckling, "Go. I'm sure April is waiting for you and my mother is waiting for ultrasound pictures."

"Thanks, love you," she kisses him before walking out of the room.

April is arguing with Luke when Ivy finds them, "I thought you were gonna take my baby, and so-"

When Ivy goes to step in, the code pink alarm starts going off, "Oh, did you set that off for me, too?" Luke asks.

Ivy checks her pager, "Don't be ridiculous, it's for a six year old boy. Let's go, Kepner. And hey, Luke, wait for her and let her explain fully."


Running into a hallway, Ivy starts, "I was paged. Oh, my God. What-what is going on? What happened? What did you do?" She sees DeLuca doing compressions on a patient with blood all over the floor and Bailey watching.

"Chief, I-I don't think she's gonna make it," DeLuca tells them.

"You do not stop what you're doing. Get us some free hands. She needs central access and multiple units of blood," Ivy looks to a nurse.

"Tubes in. Call upstairs and tell them Robbins us gonna need a clear O.R. now!" Bailey shouts, "You're getting tired. Let's switch."

DeLuca let's Bailey take over, "Okay. Gloves."

Bailey asks, "Who butchered this woman?"

"I need cricoid pressure!" Ivy yells.

"I know this patient. This is Gretchen McKay," Bailey realizes.


Ivy and some other surgeons meet the ambulance, "36 year old male, Omar Singh, unrestrained passenger, hemodynamically unstable, GCS at 11, obvious abdominal and chest contusions."

Meredith shines a light in his eyes, "Sir, can you follow my light?"

"I barely have a pulse," Edwards tells them.

"You said he was unrestrained?"

The paramedic nods, "Yeah, family of five in the car. Three kids in the back seat. Dad got T-boned on the side and took the brunt of it."

Webber gestures, "We need to get him inside right now."

Ivy nods, "All right, you guys go. I'm gonna wait for the kids. Karev! I need you!"

○○○○*End of Flashback*

As they push the gurney through the halls, Bailey shouts, "Okay, clear a path, people!"

DeLuca explains, "Dr. Warren thought  it was a delayed abruption from the car accident."

Bailey asks, "Is Robbins in the O.R.? Is she ready? She needs to be scrubbed when we get there."

"I know. I paged her. She hasn't stopped bleeding. I can't tell if it's uterine atony or-" Ivy starts.

"Keep shoving in more packing, DeLuca," Bailey interrupts.

He turns, "I am. It's just-its coming out faster than it's going in."

"How long she been hypotensive?"

"Uh, at first she was fine, then she just-" he thinks.

"How long?"

DeLuca tells them, "Maybe five or six minutes before you arrived. I'm not sure."

Ivy scolds, "You need to get sure, DeLuca. I'm gonna ask you. How long since her pressure bottomed out?"


She quickly runs into the scrub room and is greeted by Arizona, "Hey, do you know what happened? I just heard that Gretchen McKay needs a crash-c. You should tell the NICU that the baby's coming. If she's lost blood, then the baby's lost even more. Has she even been cross-matched?"

"Arizona. The crash-c already happened," Ivy tells her.



Quickly, they start the surgery, "Allright, I need some retractor here, Kocher clamps. I can't see a damn thing. Now!"

"Keep the laps coming," Ivy adds, "Come on, I need more laps now."

DeLuca asks, "Is she-is she gonna make it?"

Arizona shakes her, "Be quiet. Suction"

Ivy suctions, "I'm trying to get you visibility."

"You got this?" Bailey asks.

"Okay, retract there."

"On it."

Bailey tries again, "Robbins, do you have this?"

Arizona yells, "No, Bailey! No. I do not have this. Now, stop talking to me so I can concentrate on getting it. Who did this?"


"The uterine arteries are clamped, but there's still blood everywhere," Ivy shakes her head.