
Ivy stands with Arizona as Maggie and Riggs comes up to them, "Robbins, Ivy, have you met the new resident? She is great. No, amazing. She's better than some of my attendings."

Riggs catches that, "Whoa. Hold on a second."

Arizona shrugs, "I didn't even know we got a new resident."

"Yeah, Webber just hired her. She's- hold on. Dr. Robbins, Dr. Shepherd-Avery, this is-"

Ivy turns around and immediately starts laughing, "Murphy!"

"Murphy!" Arizona echos.

"You all know each other?" Riggs asks.

Ivy bends over laughing as Arizona tries to explain, before she takes over, "Dr. Murphy used to work here. Then there was the whole-"

She's cutoff by Arizonas hand covering her mouth, "We have patients."

Arizona guides her away where they find Webber and Catherine, "You hired Leah Murphy back? Why? Why? Why? W-why would you do that?c

"Well, with Blake gone, it seemed like perfect timing," Webber explains.

"I thought she was fired because you and Owen didn't think she was cut out to be a surgeon?" Ivy questions.

"Yeah, why would you bring her back?" Catherine backs them up.

Webber says, "Well, she did the work to prove me wrong, and Foster's Residency Director said she excelled there, and I think she deserved a second chance. What? Don't you believe in second chances?"

Arizona shakes her head, "No!"

Ivy turns to her mother-in-law, "After your meeting, the day care is expecting you to swing by and see the kids. Chris and Allie are really excited that you're here while Aurora is keeping Jackson and I up all night."

"I'll make sure to stop by and see my sweet grandbabies," Catherine tells her before heading to her meeting.

"Sweet. Their little devils when they want to be," Ivy mumbles to Webber before she gets paged.


Ivy alerts Owen and Amelia, "Incoming! Any second. MVC. Kid with possible head trauma, dad with multiple abdominal injuries. We could use neuro."

Amelia nods, "Right behind you."

They make their way out to the ambulance bay, Amelia running to the first rig, Ben and Ivy make their way to the second one, "Bob Reeves, 40s, the driver. Some abdominal bruising, tenuous BP, large wounds on the left leg."

"Robbie?! Where's my son? Somebody tell me if my son is here," Bob demands.

"Sir, he's here. They just took him inside, okay?" Ivy reassures him.

"Okay. Okay. Good. Thank you."

Ben does a quick neuro check, "You got pretty banged up out there, Mr. Reeves."

He chuckles, "You should see my car."


In the trauma room, Ivy hears Jackson, "You paged?"

"Yeah, come take a look," Ivy directs.

"All right, assist the head lac. Sir, I'm gonna need to take a look at your wound, okay?" Jackson speaks up, "Okay, thats really deep. We're gonna need to get this debrided and covered with a local muscle flap right away."

DeLuca looks over the head, "Looks like he took a beating."

Ivy nods, "Car hit the median. They're lucky everyone survived."

Bob grunts, "My kid was in the car with me. This guy was all over the road."

"Theres blood in his abdomen," Ben tells her.

"Book the CT," Ivy assigns.

"Three lanes he whipped across just to cut me off. I mean, what the hell? Who does that? Oh, God. Robbie. What's happening with my son? Is he okay?" Bob asks.


Ivy inputs some information in the computer as Robbie talks to Bob. Amelia nudges her sister, "Thanks for waiting."

She shakes her head, "Its no problem. Jackson can cool his heels for a few more minutes upstairs. I like to make him wait sometimes."

"Unlike that jerk that cut us off. I bet next time he will think twice. I bet we did teach him some manners," they hear Robnie say.

"All right, all right. Buddy, that's enough," Bob calms him.

"All right, dad."

Ivy turns to Amelia as they share a look.


Jackson nods, "All right, let's get some irrigation in here. I don't get road rage. Do you get road rage?"

Ben shakes his head, "Well, I don't chase people down. I'm not crazy."

"Yeah, but other people," Ivy says.

"Oh, other people are crazy," Ben agrees.

Jackson points at his wife, "Well, actually sometimes, Ivy, you get a little crazy."

Ivy looks up, "What? Warren, bodies this."

He smirks, "Well, somebody cuts you off in traffic, you unleash a stream of obscenities that'll tear the paint off the walls."

"Shepherd-Avery? Really?" Ben laughs.

"I grew up with Mark Sloan and Derek Shepherd as the people I looked up to. By the time I was 10, I knew how to defend myself and every swear word in the dictionary. It's just a release, anyway," Ivy glares at Warren as he laugh.

Jackson stops, "Oh, God. You don't do that with the kids in the car, do you?"

Ivy scoffs, "No, of course not. And besides, the most I ever do is swear a little. I'm just a talker, no violence."

"Except at our boards," Jackson chuckles.

"What? What happened at your boards?" Ben asks as Ivy glares at her husband.

Not seeing her glare, Jackson explains, "Some jerk was making sexual comments at her and April, so Ivy punched him. Really hard. Then after he punched me, she did it again. It was actually-" he stops seeing her glare finally, "Really, really hot."

Ivy sighs, "For bringing that up, your on baby duty for the next two nights. By yourself. And I remember how hot you thought that was."