Ivy, Meredith and Amelia watch Maggie sit at her mothers grave, "I still don't get it. Why did Diane want to be buried here? She's not from here. It's weird."

Meredith answers Amelia, "Maybe so she could be close, so Maggie could do this."

"Whats this? I mean, what does she get out of it?" Amelia asks.

"Don't ask me."

"You know, Mark is a couple hundred yards that way," Ivy looks to the left.

Amelia looks at her sister, "Really? Not New York?"

Ivy shakes her head, "The people he cared about were here. Me, Derek, Jackson, Callie, Sofia, Arizona. And Lexie was buried here. Man, I haven't visited in a long time."

"Well, I guess Maggie's way is better than the way I did grief," Amelia comments.

"Which time?" Meredith and Ivy asks at the same time.

"The time with the oxy binges," she says.

"I get committed to psych."

Meredith sighs, "I go a little dark and twisty, but then I come back."

Ivy snorts, "A little dark and twisty? You disappeared."

Amelia adds, "You had a secret baby."

"Please don't refer to your niece as my secret baby," Meredith smiles, "I mean, maybe this is what grief looks like when you've lived a whole, healthy life. You know, before anything terrible happens."

"Like watching your father get murdered when you're five?"

"Or like watching your mother bleed out on the kitchen floor."

"Or like being emotionally and mentally abused by your mother for over a decade."

Amelia looks between Meredith and Ivy, "We're all more alike than we realize."

They smile as Maggie comes back to them, "Come on. We don't want to be late."

Ivy asks, "Ready for your first day back at work?"

"So ready."

"Shes like me in that way at least," Ivy smiles.


Ivy works on picking glass from a man's leg when Edwards comes up to her, "Uh, hey, general consult?"

She nods, "Abdominal pain, bed three."

"Okay," she pulls back the curtain to reveal Cross, "Good morning. Cross, you can't sleep here."

"I'm not sleeping. I'm your patient," he groans.

"For real?" She turns to Ivy, "For real?"

Ivy smirks, "As Dr. Minnick would say, this one's all your, Edwards. Enjoy."


Jackson and Ivy join Meredith and Owen for lunch, "I mean, so Maggie's doing fetal surgery. So what? I mean, she's jumping back in. Whats the big deal?"

Owen suggests, "Well, maybe Maggie should wade back in with a, you know, a valve replacement or-"

Jackson interrupts, "Oh, Maggie's back?"

"Yeah, that's where I was this morning."

"Oh, yeah. How's she doing?"

"Shes fine," Meredith reassures.

"You sure about that?" Owen asks.

Ivy and Meredith nod, "Shes fine."

Amelia moves in front of Jackson, "What are you doing? You can't cut."

She asks, "For half a turkey sandwich?"

"You may cut," Jackson takes the sandwich, giving some to Ivy as all she's eating is an apple.

Jackson adds, "Seriously, though, you guys should not try to tell Pierce when and where she can operate. I made that mistake with Ivy and I'm still paying for it some days."

Owen sighs, "I know, and I hate it, but these are my friends and it's their first baby."

Ivy and Amelia ask, "Is this Jenna and Leo?"

He looks between them, "Yeah. The tumor is growing too fast. The baby needs surgery. Oh, they asked for you. You should-you should go see them."

Meredith says, "Anyway, Maggie can do it. I mean, she's buried her grief in one place. She goes and visits it, brings it flowers, and then she goes about her business."

"Its weird," Amelia comments.

"No, it's healthy."

Ivy turns to Jackson, "That reminds me, we need to visit Marks grave soon. I don't think anyone's been by recently to upkeep it."

He nods, "Okay. Uh, weren't both off Saturday."

"I mean, Owen, do you hear yourself?" Meredith asks.

"Yeah, I know, but it's risky for Maggie, too. I mean, what if something goes wrong with this high-risk fetal surgery? She just lost her mother. She doesn't need this, too," Owen sighs.

"It wouldn't hurt to check in."

"We work through stuff. I have operated through a miscarriage," Meredith tells them.

"Oo, I operated through the pain of second and third degree burns covering my body while in the woods," Ivy nods, agreeing with Meredith.

Jackson shakes his head, "Thats not normal."

Ivy comments, "Babe, if you expected or wanted normal, you shouldn't have married me."

He shrugs, "True. Now eat, you need more than just an apple to get through the day."


Ivy, Meredith and Amelia go to check in on Maggie, "Hey, we heard."

Meredith continues, "Open fetal surgery."

"Exciting, huh?"

"Yeah, I mean, that'll be the tiniest heart you've ever operated on," Ivy says.

"It'll be the tiniest heart I have ever operated on," Maggie agrees before seeing their faces, "You guys talked to Hunt, huh?"

Ivy makes up something, "He is co-chief of trauma with me. Not to mention my mentor. And we're just checking in, it's a big operation that I'd be checking in on anyone."