Chapter 4: Planning


<[Location: West Jiyunmen City]>

[Time 12:05]

Zhuan was in a large tent with the others.

"What are you going to do now? Whatever threw such a large boulder must at least be level two"

Asha said with worry and fear.


[From what is scanned there is most likely a captain or what you call Level three Infected]

"Calm down There is a possibility that there is a level three leading that horde"

Zhuan said.

"How are we going to take it down as our current weapons are barely able to overpower and defend against a level two"

Wang said.

"We can try our luck by going around through the woods"

Rena said.

"That would be too risky as there is a 99.999% chance that a level three is there and if possible a level four"

Zhuan said.

"Zhuan how much longer till the barrier is breached?

Wong asked.

"It can sustain attacks up to level three for two days at most"

Zhuan said.

"We can try heading back"

Yue said.

"No there is a most likely guarantee that a level 4 is there along with level three"

Zhuan said.

"Can't you create anything why not make something to immobilize the horde"

Xing suggested.

"It could work but I don't know how long it would last and that is a risk that could be taken"

Zhuan said.

"For now we need to rest"

Wong said as he limped out of the tent.

Zhuan left the tent and sat on a chair next to a tree.

[Recommends that Host create a med pod from those sci-fi movies to heal injuries]


Zhuan said creating a med pod and then entering it.

*A couple of hours later*

Zhuan's eyes opened as the pod drained and then opened its door.

"Isn't this one of those pods used in Dragon Ball Z"

Qing said as he noticed that Zhuan was awake.

"What time is it?

Zhuan asked.

"It's currently 9:52 am"

Rena said as she was loading all the weapons.

"How are the children?

Zhuan asked.

"They all are fine except for the girl her condition is getting worse"

Yue said as she came over to the table and tried to avoid the fact that Zhuan was in underwear.

Zhuan creates air to dry himself off.

[Total Assilmation: Use everything nearby to create a mobile fortress]

Zhuan smiles as everything gets lifted into the air and begins to form a mobile fortress.

"Everyone goes inside the fortress"

Zhuan said to the others.

Everyone entered the huge fortress.

"Welcome to MF13 your new mobile command and home center"

Zhuan said as he then went to the driving room.

Arrived at the Operating room where all sorts of control features were.

"The AI of this Mobile fortress is called Berta and she drives the fortress"

Zhuan said.

"What weapons and defenses does it have?

Wang asked.


x5 Anti Gravity Pulse Ray

x2 Anti Gravity Impulses

x3 Gravity Controller

x10 Energy Cannons

x12 Energy Reflectors

x2 Energy absorbers

x1 Shock Absorption

x12 Anti-Air Missile Silos


"Are we going to war are something?

Qing asked a little jokingly.

"Alright Qing and Wong go man the Turrets"

"Wang and Rena will man the gunner turrets"

"While the others will bring the children to their rooms"

Zhuan said as he created a vibranium spear that seemed a little special.

Going to the roof of the mobile fortress Zhuan threw the spear which landed in the crowd of zombies 800 yards away.


An explosion erupted as the spear came back to Zhuan's hands.



Zhuan then takes out a pair of binoculars to look into the crowd.

"System scan the area within 2 miles"

[Scan Complete!]

[72 Level one zombie]

[8 Level two zombies]

[2 level three zombie]

[1 level four zombie]





Zhuan leaps into the air looks into the horde and sees a large zombie the size of a house with muscles the size of a basketball.

The vibranium spear is thrown and it crashes through a few zombies and hits the large zombie in the head.


An explosion rang out as it covered a large area. The ground is directly blasted apart as the sheer power and heat evaporates the lesser level one zombie and even blasts the level two back.

The level three zombies are blown back, but when the smoke dissipates the large zombie is seen holding the vibranium spear.


The large zombie's roar caused a shockwave that blew away cars and even blew away a few trees.

Zhuan recalled the spear as it turned into light particles and returned to Zhuan's hands.

The large zombie took up a house-sized rock and threw it.

Zhuan created another vibranium spear and threw it at the house-sized rock.


The rock is blasted apart as a few debris rain down on the fortress which wasn't even affected.

"1-meter thick Tungsten really is something"

Zhuan thought as he recalled then threw both spears at the large zombie, but the spear was intercepted by a level three infected Gorilla which was directly blasted away.


Zhuan said recalling the spears.

Cars were picked up by level three zombies and thrown but were blown apart by the defense systems.

The zombie horde was wiped out and all that remained was the level three and four zombies.

The level three infected Gorilla from earlier was rapidly approaching the fortress, but was bombarded with all sorts of weapons.

Zhuan created 8 more vibranium spears and threw all ten at the large zombie.

Boom! Bang! Boom!...

The large zombie is blasted and as the smoke dissipates level four is still standing even though its skin is blasted away and a dozen bones are broken and destroyed.

Zhuan recalled all spears and threw them at the legs of the large zombie, the zombie was left helpless as its legs were blown apart.

Zhuan then looked and noticed that the level three zombies were dead.

Zhuan went around collecting the Celrons and crushing them, then he dodged a fist from the crawling large zombie and impaled its head with all vibranium spears then backed far away as the large zombie's head was blown apart and what remained was the hand-sized Celron.

Zhuan crushed it as large amounts of power were accumulated.

[Powered up!]

[Rank: Sergeant(High)]

"Auto distribute stats"

Zhuan said as he created an incendiary bomb.

[Stats distributed]

After passing the dead horde he threw the bomb and the fire turned from orange to crimson to green then purple.
