Chapter 22

"Are you two going to help me out or just sit there and eat potato chips." I ask Cristina and Meredith.

"This is the first chair I've seen since 7am and the first food I've had since yesterday. I choose potato chips." Cristina says making me turn to Meredith.

"Don't look at me. I've been in surgery all day too." Meredith says. The ER phone starts ringing and Cristina and Meredith continue eating making me roll my eyes before I answer the phone.

"You know you brought this on yourself. You volunteered to run the ER." Cristina says to me as Meredith nods her head in agreement.

"Got it." I say into the phone before hanging up. "We've got a suspected appy on a 10 year old, let's page Robbin's." I tell a nurse before turning back to Mer and Cristina.

"You know I saw a need and I filled it like any good chief resident candidate." I say.

"Sadomasochistic chief resident, maybe." Cristina says making Meredith laugh.

"What is up with you? You're all perky and cheerful." I say to Mer.

"You know, it's the fertility drugs. We've stepped it up, I'm pumped full of hormones. You know what's perky?" Meredith asks.


'My boobs they're huge. Am I supposed to like big boobs?" She asks.

"Nope." I reply.

"They'll make you fall over." Cristina says.

"So Callie mentioned a thing or it may not be a thing. At least I hope it doesn't become a thing." Cristina says, before Lexie walks up and changes the conversation.

"Hey, I got a patient with a headache. Better after sumatriptin. He's ready to be discharged you just need to sign off." Lexie says.

"Is he neurologically intact? You did a CT?" I ask.

"I did, it was negative. The most interesting thing about this guy is that he came into the ER with a glorified migraine, with a girlfriend from hell." Lexie says.

"Which one is she? Just point with your eyes." Cristina says. Lexie looks at this red headed women complaining on her phone.

"Mmm hmm." Cristina says instantly knowing who Lexie is talking about.

"Here." I say to Lexie handing her the chart after signing off on it.

"Thank you." Lexie says before walking away..

"So Callie had a thing, what kind of thing?" Meredith asks.

"Garcia, you paged?" Arizona interrupts.

"Yeah, we have a suspected appy on a ten year old two minutes out." I say.

"An unexpected thing." Cristina continues.

"Garcia call up, tell them to get an OR ready." Owen interrupts. I felt like someone was calling my name every five minutes and I was trying my best not to get overwhelmed.

"I already did. OR 5 is prepped and ready for you." I say walking off to tend to a patient.

"EKG results." The nurse says handing me the results as soon I enter the room.

"Thank you." I smile.

"The guys at work overreacted and insisted I come to the ER. Sweetie I had a big lunch it hardly qualifies as chest pains. No, what I need are some antacids. I'll be there I promise, just tell Max to put on his jersey I'll be out of here soon." The patient says before hanging up his phone.

"Hi I'm Dr. Garcia, I'll be your doctor today." I smile.

"Oliver Richter, sorry about the phone. I'm supposed to be picking up my son for the huskies game right now." He sighs.

"I'm sure he'll understand." I say.

"You don't know my son. Very few things are more important to him than basketball." He smirks.

"Big fan, huh." I chuckle. "I'm just gonna take a quick listen." I say as I listen to his heart.

"Biggest nine year old fan you've ever seen." He chuckles.

"Okay, so it says here that you've been experiencing some chest pains. When did that start?" I ask.

"An hour ago maybe two, but I'm already feeling much better." He replies.

"You wouldn't just be saying that to get discharged faster?" I ask.

"I got my son tickets to this game for his birthday. He's been marking off the days on his calender for weeks. I can't be the reason he misses it."

"OK well your EKG looks normal and your heart sounds good, but if there's one thing we don't take lightly around here it's chest pains." I say.

"Can we go back and just pretend I said heartburn? Will that get me out any faster?" He asks.

"No probably not, but Tyler is going to do a portable chest X-Ray and chest pain workup and and we will try to make it as quick as possible." I assure him.

"Thanks Dr. Garcia." He says before I walk out of his room.

When I return to the desk Cristina and Meredith are still talking about her giving Callie an answer about being her kid's godmother.

"While you're here I need a second opinion on this EKG, do you see anything?" I interrupt handing Cristina the EKG.

"No, looks normal." She says.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had the night off." I tell Alex seeing him walk into the ER.

"Yeah I do. I'm not here. What's the Medical Records extension again?" He asks.

"Looks like you're here to me which is good because we're swamped. Take your pic impacted bowel, suspicious rash, or really smelly guy." I say.

"Forget it. I only came in because medical records called and said I had to sign all my unsigned charts or they would suspend my privileges." He scoffs.

"You're getting suspended. Dibs on his solo splenectomy tomorrow." Cristina says.

"I better be able to finish this crap before the game tonight. I told a patient yesterday he didn't have cancer and he was so happy he gave me two floor seats." Alex says.

"You took gifts from a patient? Did you tell him you cured his cancer?" Cristina asks before her pager goes off. "Colectomy time, I'm out." Cristina says before walking away

"Excuse me. Hi, I'm sorry, we were told somebody would be by to set our sons leg awhile ago. Several hours actually." A man says walking up to me.

"No, I know you've been here for a while. I'm sorry. The problem is we just don't have enough OR's available for non-emergent cases." I explain.

"An OR. Why would you need an OR?"

"Your pediatrician hasn't been by to speak to you yet?" I ask and he nods his head no.

"Your son has a broken femur which is a severe break. It requires a full cast on the broken leg to keep everything still so the bones will heal properly."  I explain.