Chapter 46

"I really wish we didn't have to go to work today." I say to Jackson. We had been enjoying each others company all morning, but it was finally time to get ready for work and I was not ready for the fun to end.

"We could call in sick." He suggests.

"Baby we're fellows now. We can't just call in sick, so we can stay home and have sex all day." I laugh.

"You sure about that?" He smiles kissing me on my neck, making me giggle

"Yep, I'm sure." I smile giving him one last kiss before we go get ready for work before leaving.

"When's your first surgery?" Jackson asks as we stand in front of the OR board.

"In an hour."

"Well I have a little while until my next surgery too, so I was thinking we could..." He smiles before he's interrupted.

"There's my baby boy." We hear what sounds like his moms voice say.

"Please tell me that is not my mom." He sighs. I turn around and sure enough it's her.

"Sorry baby, it is." I smirk. He's been avoiding his mom and Webber since we found out that they slept together which still makes me shiver every time I even think about it.

"Hey ma" Jackson says as she hugs him.

"And Liliana, how are you dear?" She smiles.

"I'm fine, Mrs. Avery." I smile before my pager goes off "I have to go, surgery awaits." I say kissing Jackson on the cheek before walking away. My patient was having a seizure as a result of a brain bleed, so I had to rush him to surgery and get scrubbed in.

"Dr. Garcia, I just wanted to say that I'm so glad to be on your service. I've heard nothing, but wonderful things about you." Leah, my intern for the day says while we operate.

"Flattery gets you nowhere in this O.R. Dr. Murphy, focus on surgery." I say. I don't know what it is about these interns, but all of them just irritate me. The only one I can tolerate is Shane, because he is very talented from what I've seen, but he still gets on my nerves too, just a little less than the others. Even though the surgery is tricky we successfully stop the bleeding, before taking the patient to recovery.

"Liliana." Catherine calls from the CT room, when she sees me in the hallway.

"Dammit." I mumble. I really try to avoid Catherine when she's in town. I mean she's not a bad person, but she's just such a meddler. "Hey." I smile walking into the room.

"Come sit dear." She says patting the empty chair beside her, so I take a seat beside her. "Take a look at these scans." She says pulling up some CT scans on the computer.

"I'm not sure what it is, I'm looking at." I frown as I stare at the scans.

"Those are testicles, Dr. Garcia." She says making me gasp. "Don't worry, they're not supposed to look like that." She laughs.

"Believe me I know that. I know what testicles are sup..." I say before stopping myself before I talk to much.

"Sweetheart, you're a grown women of course you've saw them before, so you know what they're supposed to look like."

"This is not happening." I mumble under my breath. Testicles are not the most comfortable topic to speak with your boyfriends mother about.

"Liliana there's nothing to be shy about. We're doctors. Testicles are one of the many parts of the male anatomy, just like the penis, which is the best parts if you ask me. I mean look at me, I haven't been this happy in a long time, but do you know why that's changed?" She asks.

"I'm not sure that I want to know." I say.

"I'm having sex, the best sex I have had in years and it's just opened me up like a flower blossoming towards the sun." She smiles.

"That's a powerful image. Is there a medical reason that you called me in here?" I ask changing the subject.

"Yes actually there is, with the extensive swelling our patient has there is some nerve damage and the person I thought of to help repair it is you."

"Great." I say.

"So it's settled, you'll be joining Dr. Webber and I for the surgery tomorrow."

"Of course." I answer before my pager goes off " I would love to stay and talk, but my intern needs me." I say even though it's really Jackson paging me.

"No problem dear, don't be to long I have to introduce you to the patient." She says before I leave the room and walk to the on call room where Jackson is waiting. He kisses me pulling me onto the bed with him as he takes off my shirt.

"Baby I can't." I say as he kisses me.

"What's wrong?" He frowns.

"What is wrong, is that your mother just got through telling me how amazing her sex life is, she compared it to..." I say.

"Liliana." He yells interrupting me before I can say more.

"Sorry, sorry. You don't want to hear that." I say.

"Webber's still banging my mom."

"Yep, she said it's the best sex of her life."

"And we're done here." He says getting off top of me and laying next to me.

"Sorry." I apologize again. I get up after that because neither one of us wants to have sex now. I go consult with his mother on the patient before Jackson and I leave to head home.

—"Oh great, Karev's here, here to make us all laugh with funny jokes about my hands on a man's parts." April says as her, Jackson, Meredith, Alex,and I stand in the hallway looking at the patient I'll be helping Catherine operate on. April and Jackson are also on the case as well.

"This isn't funny, that poor guy." Alex says with a disturbed look on his face.

"I know, can you imagine becoming so swollen that a surgeon needs to use a scalpel to repair nerve damage and dig out all that excess tissue until the testicles and cords hit the open air. I mean who even knows what happened to his penis in all that mess." I say making Alex look like he's going to be sick.

"That's not okay." Alex frowns before walking away.

"Nice." Meredith and April laugh.

"Your mother won't stop asking me why I look so tired, I'm never letting you keep me up all night again when I have to work with her the next day." I say to Jackson making him laugh. Lately I've been finally able to sleep better, but I still haven't been getting much rest because Jackson and I were always having sex, I mean it's hard turning down sex when your boyfriend is as good looking as Jackson.

"Why were you up all night?" Meredith smirks making me squint my eyes at her before her and April walk away laughing.

"I don't know what you're laughing at either, because from what I'm seeing your mother and Richard look tired too." I smirk at Jackson.

"Go to hell." Jackson mumbles making me laugh as he walks away. I go watch Meredith's tumor operation since there's still a little bit of time until I have surgery.

"Hey" Derek says walking into the gallery and taking a seat beside me.

"Hey." I smile

"That's a big tumor." He says.

"Yeah, it is." I agree.

"She didn't even tell me about it, I found out through one of my interns. My wife is bubble wrapping me." Derek says.

"She's just trying to be sensitive to your feelings since you can't operate yet and you do kind of have a reputation for needing to be bubble wrapped." I say.

"Excuse me?" He frowns.

"Derek, you fight for your patients against the worst possible odds and you're there for everyone else when things are going wrong in their lives, but when things get messy in your own life, you're gone off to the woods to drink and grow a beard, so with everything that's happened and this lawsuit keeping it all alive maybe Meredith's just worried that the slightest little thing is gonna make you run off to that trailer and leave her alone." I say.

"Sounds like you had that advice all teed up and ready to go." Derek jokes.

"What can I say, if I can't solve all of my own problems, why not try to help my best friend through his?" I smile before my pager goes off. "I have to go. Jackson's mom is ready for me to help her operate on testicles." I say getting up.

"Okay, I didn't need to hear that." Derek frowns.

"Sorry." I laugh before I go to the OR to get scrubbed in. The energy in the room is kind of awkward since me, Jackson, Webber, and his mom are all operating together.

"We need to identify the testicles and the cords. Don't want to damage the nerves more than they already are." Catherine says as we operate.

"Yes ma'am, I'll keep my eyes peeled." I say. I look up and see Jackson and Richard looking back and forth at each other. Jackson's pretty much giving Richard the death stare. "Stop making faces." I say to Jackson.

"I'm not making a face." Jackson says.

"Jackson, don't lie to me I know when you're making a face, even under that surgical mask." I say.

"Lily, I am not making a face." He says as we focus back on the surgery "I think I just located the left testicle." Jackson says.

"Yes, you have, I will continue to excuse the surrounding tissue, if someone can just get a hand underneath." His mom says, before Jackson and Richard try to help at the same time, before bickering about who should help.

"It's just a little testicle, somebody do it." I say before Jackson let's Richard do it.

"Of all the organs in the body, of course it had to be this one." Jackson mumbles. We continue the rest of the surgery in silence, before taking our patient to recovery.

"Hey, I need a moment to talk to Dr. Webber, man to man." Jackson says to Richard and his mom when we see them in the hallway a little while later.

"Oh no, no you don't." Catherine shakes her head.

"Mom." Jackson says.

"It's all right, it's alright." Richard says.

"Well alright then." Catherine says before walking away. Jackson clears his throat, looking over at me.

"Oh, you meant for me to leave too." I say.

"Yeah." He nods.

"Okay, I'll be in the locker room waiting for you." I say before leaving and going to the locker room to get dressed. Jackson comes in and does the same a couple of minutes later, before we walk into the hallway. As we get ready to leave, we see Richard and Catherine dressed nicely as they walk through the hallway also.

"Mom." He says as she gives him a kiss on the cheek before her and Richard leave.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah." He sighs.

"Want to go home and have sex?" I ask.

"Yeah." He smiles, before we rush to the car so we can get home.