Chapter 60

"Come on. One more time, I'll make it quick." Jackson mumbles as he kisses me.

"No, we're not on our honeymoon anymore, Avery. We have work." I say giving him another kiss before getting out of bed to get dressed for work. Today is our first day back at the hospital after spending 2 weeks in Paris for our honeymoon and Jackson is definitely still mentally in Paris. After we both get up and finish getting ready for work, we leave to begin our day.

"Garcia, what are you doing?" Owen asks as I follow him through the hallway.

"I got your page, a tanker blew?" I ask.

"A tanker didn't blow and I meant what are you doing with Ross? Didn't you get the memo?" Owen asks looking over at Ross who's following behind me.

"We're supposed to read those?" I frown.

"Yeah, I need you and Shepherd to start using other interns. I can't have attendings playing favorites. These kids need a well-rounded education." Owen says.

"Ross, are you feeling poorly rounded?" I ask.

"No, ma'am, I'm very rounded." Ross smiles.

"Hey. I heard about the accident. A tanker blew?" Bailey asks as her and Richard join us on our way to the E.R.

"A tanker didn't blow." Owen sighs.

"Bailey, I haven't seen you outside your genome lab for a week and speaking of which, when can I have my genome mapped? I have an aunt who died of breast cancer." Richard says making us all glance at him..

"It can happen in males." Richard frowns.

"Uh, no. Yeah, it can. It's just, now I'm thinking about your breasts." Bailey say as we put on our trauma gowns.

"When did you say that tanker blew?" Richard asks.

"The tanker did not blow." Owen repeats, making us all look disappointed, because a tanker blowing would bring in lots of trauma.

"Don't look so disappointed." Owen smirks.

"Cam Miller, restrained passenger in a vehicle T-boned on its side. Vital signs stable. G.C.S. is 14. He's been disoriented." The paramedic says giving us a run down of one of the patients being brought in.

"Whoa." We all say as a strong scent fills the air when the ambulance doors are open.

"Yeah, the tanker's been leaking gas all over the road. We did a primary decontamination on scene, but we had to get him outta there." The paramedic says as they unload the patient from the ambulance.

"Okay, no open flames, no smokers, no use of cauteries. Be safe people." Owen says.

"Rachel Dawson, 42. Restrained passenger in a car with front-end damage. Closed head injury.B.P. 110 over 70. Pulse 95." The paramedic tells me as I check the lady's pupils.

"Where's my son? Who has Ethan? Does my husband have Ethan?" She asks obviously distressed.

"I told her they're right behind us." The paramedic tells me.

"Okay, let's get her evaluated." I say as we roll the patient inside and I begin examining her.

"What was that?" Shane asks as we hear an explosion and feel the building move a little.

"The tanker must've just exploded. This hospital's about to be packed with patients." I sigh

"Looks like you picked the right day to come back to work." Shane says.

"You got that right." I agree.

"So should I call you Dr. Avery now?"

"Nope, I'm still Dr. Garcia around here." I say. Even though I legally got my name hyphenated to Garcia-Avery, I decided that at work I would continue to go by Dr. Garcia since that's what all my colleagues know me as and also because if Jackson and I both went by Dr. Avery it could cause mix-ups on the O.R. board. "Okay Mrs. Dawson, we're about to take you up to C.T. and run some scans." I smile before I take her to C.T. .

"What's the word?" I ask Shane as he joins me in C.T. after checking on the patient's family.

"Good news is, the kid's fine. It's just a little cut that Murphy cleaned up. Bad news is, Yang has the husband in surgery. Possibly an aortic transection."Shane says as he sits down beside me.

"Speaking of bad news." I sigh.

"Right frontal lobe hemorrhage. That could be why she's perseverating." Shane says.

"Yeah, that's a possibility." I say.

"Oh cool is that an epidural hemorrhage? Sorry. I'm interrupting.You guys were having a moment or something." Brooks apologizes as she stands in the entrance of the room

"What do you want, Brooks?" I sigh.

"Well, Chief Hunt says I need to learn brainy things. So I'm with you guys today." She smiles.

"Great." I sigh as Ross and I look at each other. I've grown used to Shane since I work with him so much, but I still don't really like the other interns, especially Brook's she's very irritating at times. We tell the patient what's going on before we take her to the O.R. to begin surgery.

"Dr. Garcia, where did you get? "It's a beautiful day to save lives"? Is that from a movie?" Brooks asks me as I operate.

"No, it's not from a movie." I sigh.

"Are you sure? 'Cause sometimes I think I'm making something up, and then I'm watching a detergent commercial, and I realize, that's where I got that from." She rambles.

"I'm sure. I got it from Dr. Shepherd." I explain "Brooks, you know how sometimes people downplay the difficulty of a task by saying, it's not brain surgery?" I ask.

"Sure." She nods.

"Well this is brain surgery." I say.

"Right, sorry." She apologizes as I continue to operate.

"Okay, Ross, now I have exposed the dura, so why don't you come closer and get a better look." I say moving over so Shane can see a little better. The nurse hands Shane an instrument that slips out of his hand, but Brooks quickly catches it.

"You've got fast hands Brooks." I say a little bit impressed, as I continue to operate until we finish and take Rachel to recovery.

"Keep an eye on Rachel's I.C.P. update me with any changes." I say to Shane as I stand at the desk with him and Brooks.

"Do you need anything else?"

"Yes. Brooks, think fast." I say tossing a pen towards Brooks, which she catches.

"Anything else medically?" Shane asks me.

"A neuro exam every two hours. Contact me immediately if there's any sign of herniation or a new hemorrhage." I say constantly throwing objects from the front desk to Brooks as I talk. "You got it?" I ask turning in Brooks direction.

"Yes ma'am." She nods as I see all of the objects in her hand.

"Good." I say beginning to walk away.

"Dr. Garcia, I'm open." Shane smiles waiting for me to throw something to him, so I do and he fails to catch it. I smirk before I walk away and go to an on call room.

"Hey, my beautiful wife. " Jackson says walking into the on call room and kissing me on the cheek as he lays down beside me.

"Hey, my wonderful husband." I yawn.

"You tired?"

"Yes, I've been operating on a woman with a brain hemorrhage all day." I sigh.

"I guess, you're to tired for sex then." He says.

"Hey, let's not think crazy." I smile pulling him into a kiss before we begin having some fun. After we finish, I get paged by Shane and I meet him and Brooks in C.T. to run some test because my patient is having memory loss.

"She has a new hematoma in the temporal lobe. Now why would that cause her not to recognize her son?" I ask as we look at the scans.

"Uh, the hematoma could be putting pressure on the white matter tracts, causing her to experience symptoms of Capgras syndrome." Shane says.

"Good and what would your plan of action be?" I ask.

"Relieve the pressure with evacuation of the hematoma." He answers.

"What about watching her coags and correcting her I.C.P. with mannitol and aggressive I.C.P. drainage?" Brooks asks me.

"That's a good thought, Brooks, but in this case, I think Ross is right." I say. "Find an O.R that's available, okay." I say to Shane. "Oh, Brooks." I say throwing a pen to her which she catches.

"You never miss, do you?" I smile before walking out of the C.T. room. I end up spending the night at the hospital, since I have surgery early the next morning.

"Okay, Ross open up the bone flap." I say as we stand in the O.R. operating the next morning.

"Yes ma'am, you got it." He smiles, before he opens up the flap.

"Good." I say as he finishes.

"Thank you." He smiles.

"Brooks, why don't you step up and help me excise the dura." I say.

"Really?" She asks obviously shocked.

"Yeah, switch with Ross before I change my mind." I say and she does as told. "Okay, so when I cut I want you to coagulate the bleeders with the bipolar." I say as she begins. "Exactly. God you have fast hands." I say as she operates. After she finishes I take back over and complete the surgery, before scrubbing out and taking our patient to recovery. I have two more consults and once I complete those I go to the locker room to change out of my scrubs.

"Hey." Derek smiles when he sees me.

"Hey." I smile.

"How's post honeymoon life treating you?" He asks.

"Busy, I didn't even get to go home with husband last night." I sigh.

"The life of a surgeon." Derek laughs.

"Hey, have you had Heather Brooks on your service since you've been back?" I ask.

"No, I haven't. Why?" He asks.

"She's really talented. I never noticed it until today. I think she'd be good in neuro I was thinking maybe you'd like to put her on your service, so she can get some neuro experience." I suggest.

"If she's talented why don't you put her on your service?"

"She's annoying and she talks a lot and I can't deal with her on a daily, but you on the other hand are patient and I know you can guide her to become a lesser version of me." I smile making him laugh.

"I'll think about it." He smiles as we walk over to Jackson.

"You ready." I ask Jackson as I kiss him.

"Yeah." He smiles, before we leave to go home. I love being a surgeon, but I was more then ready to go home and lay in bed with my husband.