"Derek, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but your interior decor sucks. You've got to decorate that house." I chuckled as I facetime Derek
"Cut me some slack. I've only been in D.C. for 2 weeks. I haven't exactly had time to go shopping for house decorations." He laughed.
"It still needs to be worked on." I shrugged.
"I'll keep that in mind." He chuckles. "So Amelia's been telling me about this tumor she's supposed to remove. She says it's massive." He was obviously intrigued considering he was mostly doing research for the President which didn't give him much O.R. time.
"Yeah. It's Nicole Herman's tumor. Derek, the tumor is beautiful and smart. It's every neurosurgeons dream. It kind of reminds me of the one we removed from Isaac. When I saw it, just for a split second I considered pulling rank and stealing it." I sighed. Because of Derek I had a constant desire to operate on the most challenging tumors. It was how I was trained, but this was Amelia's case and I wouldn't steal it even though I really wanted it.
"You've got to send me the scans for this thing." He says.
"I will once I get to work, which I actually need to get ready to leave for right now." I say looking at the clock.
"Okay, I'll text you later." He says
"Okay, bye."
"Bye." He says before hanging up. Even though it's been hard getting used to not having Derek around all the time, I can tell he's a lot happier now that he's getting to live his dream in D.C., so I'm happy for him. I am such an amazing place in my life. I'm married to the most wonderful man and we're about to have our baby before we know it. I'm the happiest I've been and Derek deserved the same happiness.
I grabbed my things before I went to the kitchen where Jackson is at.
"You and Derek done with your morning facetime?" Jackson chuckled sipping his coffee as I walked into the kitchen. Every morning Derek and I have made it a tradition to FaceTime and check in on each other. Even though we were on two opposite sides of the country, we would never lose contact.
"Yep." I said as I grab a piece of toast.
"You ready for your ultrasound today?" He asks
"Yes. I'm so excited. I love hearing the baby's heartbeat." I smiled. Getting an ultrasound and hearing your baby's beating heart makes it real that you are carrying this living little human in your body. It always made me feel so connected to the baby.
"I know, before we know it the baby will be here." He smiles
"I can't wait." I say excitedly. Even though I was nervous at the thought of being a mother, the excitement overpowered that. I lost out on an opportunity at motherhood years ago and I was just thankful for another chance. I couldn't wait until the day that I got to hold my baby in my arms. A lot of nights, I just like to sit in the nursery when I get home from work. It makes the reality that the baby will be here before I know it that much realer.
I finished eating breakfast then Jackson and I grabbed our things and left for work. We both have a consult to do before my ultrasound, so we get changed into our scrubs before leaving to meet up with our patients. My consultation doesn't take that long so I head up to OB and text Jackson to let him know that I'm about to start my appointment since he hadn't arrived yet.
"Wilson, what are you doing here?" I frown as I sit in the examination room and Jo walks in.
"Hey, I'm interested in fetal surgery and Dr. Webber said that I could do some O.B. ultrasounds." She smiles
"So, you're doing my ultrasound?" I frown.
"Yes, if you don't mind. I mean I know I'm not exactly your favorite person, but..."She begins to say.
"Wilson, it's fine. You have to practice if you want to learn, it's not like you're doing surgery. It's an ultra sound." I say. I've always found Jo kind of irritating, but I've grown to tolerate her. I've pretty much had no choice, but to learn how to since she's almost always around whenever I hang out with Alex.
"Okay, I'm about to start the ultrasound. This is going to be a little cold." She says as she walks over the examination table.
"Wilson, I know the drill. You can start, you don't have to walk me through it. Just don't tell me the gender. We want to be surprised."
"Okay." She nods before starting the ultrasound. "All right, so there are the feet and the toes. He's breech, sitting cross-legged like a little Buddha" she says
"Yeah, he does that a lot." I smile before thinking about what she just said. "Oh, my God." I gasp.
"What?" She asks sensing by the sound of my voice that something was wrong.
"You said he." I sigh in irritation.
"No, I didn't." She says nervously.
"Yeah, you did. You said he." I say rolling my eyes.
"Oh. Oh, oh, God." She gasps realizing that she did.
"I just said I didn't want to know the sex." I sigh in frustration
"I'm sorry, it was a rookie mistake." She apologizes.
"How's it looking in here?" Jackson asks as he walks into the room. "Hey, Wilson. What are you doing here?"
"She's interested in fetal surgery, so she's practicing." I say side eyeing her.
"Alright, well just don't let her know the sex." He says knowing that we both wanted to be surprised.
"Oh no, she won't. She says the baby's sitting like a little Buddha, just like last time" I chuckle. Even though I know the sex of the baby now, I still want it to be a surprise for Jackson so I don't plan on telling him.
"Hey there, little thing you." Jackson smiles looking at the screen. "Alright, m well, I have surgeries most of the day, so I'm gonna miss our lunch today." Jackson says. We've been trying to go to our lunch break together everyday at work, just because we want to spend as much one on one time as we can together since its not going to be only the two of us for much longer.
"It's fine, I'll just call Derek during lunch and talk to him. He'll be your temporary replacement." I smirked.
"And I thought I was irreplaceable." He laughs. "I have to go meet Torres, but I will be checking on you later. Don't overwork yourself." He warns.
"I won't." I say as he kisses me before leaving.
"So I just lied to my husband. What a great way to start parenthood, by being a liar. Awesome, thanks Wilson." I say sarcastically as I stand up.
"I'm really sorry, but we're not done." She says
"Oh we're done. If I need anything else done, I'll wait for my OB." I say before leaving. I was beyond irritated that Wilson told me the gender of the baby when I specifically told her I didn't want to know. I didn't have time to sit around thinking about it, because I had to clip an aneurysm, which is my favorite surgery's, so hopefully it would put me in a better mood. I went to get my patient prepped before getting scrubbed in for surgery. The surgery is complex. All aneurysm surgeries are, but I manage to clip the aneurysm successfully then I take the patient to recovery. The surgery took a couple of hours so by the time I finished, it was already time for lunch. I go grab my food before going to an office so I can work on schedules and look at scans as I eat and facetime Derek. Even though there's a 3 hour time difference between Seattle and D.C., Derek has more control over his schedule since he's doing research instead of surgery, so I can almost always facetime or call him especially around this time of day.